Author Index B, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003

BAILEY, MARTHA (See Larson).

BALAZS, ANNE L. (See Zinkhan).

BALDASSARE, MARK and CHERYL KATZ, Measures of Attitude Strength as Predictors of Willingness to Speak to the Media, 73:1, 147-158.


BALLARD, MICHELLE (See Rivera-Sanchez).


BANG, HAE-KYONG (See Taylor).

BARKER-PLUMMER, BERNADETTE, Producing Public Voice: Resource Mobilization and Media Access in the National Organization for Women, 79:1, 188-205.


BARNETT, BROOKE (See Reynolds).

BARNHURST, KEVIN G. (See Middlestadt).

BASIL, MICHAEL D. and WILLIAM J. BROWN, Interpersonal Communication in News Diffusion: A Study of “Magic” Johnson’s Announcement, 71:2, 305-320.

BEAM, RANDAL A., How Perceived Environmental Uncertainty Influences the Marketing Orientation of U.S. Daily Newspapers, 73:2, 285-303.

BEAM, RANDAL A., Does It Pay To Be A Market-Oriented Daily Newspaper?, 78:3, 466-483.

BEAM, RANDAL A., Content Differences between Daily Newspapers with Strong and Weak Market Orientations, 80:2, 368-390.



BECKER, JONATHAN A., A Disappearing Enemy: The Image of the United States in Soviet Political Cartoons, 73:3, 609-619.

BECKER, LEE B., VERNON A. STONE, and JOSEPH D. GRAF, Journalism Labor Force Supply and Demand: Is Oversupply an Explanation for Low Wages? 73:3, 519-533.

BECKER, LEE B., EDMUND LAUF, and WILSON LOWREY, Differential Employment Rates in the Journalism and Mass Communication Labor Force Based on Gender, Race, and Ethnicity: Exploring the Impact of Affirmative Action, 76:4, 631-645.

BECKER, LEE B. (See Kosicki).

BECKER, LEE B. (See Lowrey).

BECKMANN, MATTHEW N. (See Valentino).

BEKKEN, JON, The Chicago Newspaper Scene: An Ecological Perspective, 74:3, 490-500.

BENDIX, JACOB (See Liebler).

BERKOWITZ, DAN and YEHIEL LIMOR, Professional Confidence and Situational Ethics: Assessing the Social-Professional Dialectic in Journalistic Ethics Decisions, 80:4, 783-801.


BERNT, JOSEPH P. (See Stempel).

BISWAS, RAHUL, DANIEL RIFFE, and DOLF ZILLMANN, Mood Influence on the Appeal of Bad News, 71:3, 689-696.

BJORK, JONAS, Latest from the Canadian Revolution: Early War Correspondence in the New York Herald, 71:4, 851-858.

BLAKELY, DEBRA E., Social Construction of Three Influenza Pandemics in the New York Times, 80:4, 884-902.



BLANKENBURG, WILLIAM B., Hard Times and the News Hole, 72:3, 634-641.

BLESKE, GLEN L. (See Straughan).

BLESKE, GLEN L. (See Zhao).

BLOUNT, DAVID (See Cameron).

BODLE, JOHN V., Measuring the Tie between Funding and News Control at Student Newspapers, 71:4, 905-913.

BODLE, JOHN V., Assessing News Quality: A Comparison between Community and Student Daily Newspapers, 73:3, 672-686.

BOEYINK, DAVID E., How Effective Are Codes of Ethics? A Look at Three Newsrooms, 71:4, 893-904.


BORDEN, DIANE L., Reputational Assault: A Critical and Historical Analysis of Gender and the Law of Defamation, 75:1, 98-111.


BOUDREAU, TIMOTHY (See Akhavan-Majid).

BOUDREAU, TIMOTHY (See Johnson and Glowaki).

BOUDREAU, TIMOTHY (See Johnson and Wanta).

BOWEN, LAWRENCE, Time of Voting Decision and Use of Political Advertising: The Slade Gorton-Brock Adams Senatorial Campaign, 71:3, 665-675.

BOWEN, LAWRENCE and JILL SCHMID, Minority Presence and Portrayal in Mainstream Magazine Advertising: An Update, 74:1, 134-146.

BOYD, DOUGLAS A. (See Al-Makaty).

BOYLE, THOMAS P., Intermedia Agenda Setting in the 1996 Presidential Election, 78:1, 26-44.


BRADLEY, PATRICIA, The Boston Gazette and Slavery as Revolutionary Propaganda, 72:3, 581-596.

BRAIMA, MAHMOUD A. M. (See Johnson).

BRAMLETT-SOLOMON, SHARON and GANGA SUBRAMANIAN, Nowhere Near Picture Perfect: Images of the Elderly in Life and Ebony Magazine Ads, 1990-1997, 76:3, 565-572.

BRASHERS, DALE E. (See Jackson).

BREEN, MICHAEL J., A Cook, A Cardinal, His Priests, and the Press: Deviance as a Trigger for Intermedia Agenda Setting, 74:2, 348-356.

BREWER, MARCUS and MAXWELL MCCOMBS, Setting the Community Agenda, 73:1, 7-16.

BRIDGES, JANET A. and LAMAR W. BRIDGES, Changes in News Use on the Front Pages of the American Daily Newspaper, 1986-1993, 74:4, 826-838.

BRIDGES, LAMAR W. (See Bridges, Janet A.).

BROSIUS, HANS-BERND (See Daschmann).

BROWN, CINDY M. and GAIL M. FLATOW, Targets, Effects, and Perpetrators of Sexual Harassment in Newsrooms, 74:1, 160-183.

BROWN, WILLIAM J. (See Basil).

BUCY, ERIK P., Media Credibility Reconsidered: Synergy Effects between On-Air and Online News, 80:2, 247-264.

BUHR, THOMAS A. (See Valentino).


BUNKER, MATTHEW D., The Corporate Plaintiff as Public Figure, 72:3, 597-609.

BUNKER, MATTHEW D., Have It Your Way? Public Records Law and Computerized Government Information, 73:1, 90-101.

BUNKER, MATTHEW D. and CHARLES D. TOBIN, Pervasive Public Figure Status and Local or Topical Fame in Light of Evolving Media Audiences, 75:1, 112-126.

BUNKER, MATTHEW D. and CHARLES N. DAVIS, Privatized Government Functions and Freedom of Information: Public Accountability in an Age of Private Governance, 75:3, 464-477.

BUNKER, MATTHEW D., Trespassing Speakers and Commodified Speech: First Amendment Freedoms Meet Private Property Claims, 77:4, 713-726.

BUNKER, MATTHEW D., Intellectuals’ Property: Universities, Professors, and the Problem of Copyright in the Internet Age, 78:4, 675-687.

BUNKER, MATTHEW D. and BETHANY BOLGER, Protecting a Delicate Balance: Facts, Ideas, and Expression in Compilation Copyright Cases, 80:1, 183-197.

BURKHART, FORD N., CAROL SIGELMAN, and KATHERINE T. FRITH, The Case of “Alvarez” vs. “Albertson”: Effects of Author’s Ethnicity on Evaluation of News Stories, 74:2, 304-314.

BURKUM, LARRY (See Riffe).

BURROWES, CARL PATRICK, Press Freedom in Liberia, 1830-1847: The Impact of Heterogeneity and Modernity, 74:2, 331-347.

BURT, ELIZABETH V., The Wisconsin Press and Woman Suffrage, 1911-1919: An Analysis of Factors Affecting Coverage by Ten Diverse Newspapers, 73:3, 620-634.

BURT, ELIZABETH V., The Ideology, Rhetoric, and Organizational Structure of a Countermovement Publication: The Remonstrance, 1890-1920, 75:1, 69-83.

BUSH, ELLEN M., Access to Governors’ Records: State Statutes and the Use of Executive Privilege, 71:1, 135-144.

<< Back

Author Index A, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003

ABELMAN, ROBERT, News on “The 700 Club”: The Cycle of Religious Activism, 71:4, 887-892.

ABERNATHY-LEAR, GLORIA, African Americans’ Criticisms Concerning African American Representations on Daytime Serials, 71:4, 830-839.

ABRAHAMSON, DAVID, The Visible Hand: Money, Markets, and Media Evolution, 75:1, 14-18.

ACREE, CYNTHIA K. (See McKinnon).


ADAMS, EDWARD E., Chain Growth and Merger Waves: A Macroeconomic Historical Perspective on Press Consolidation, 72:2, 376-389.

ADAMS, EDWARD E., Secret Combinations and Collusive Agreements: The Scripps Newspaper Empire and the Early Roots of Joint Operating Agreements, 73:1, 195-205.

ADAMS, EDWARD E. and GERALD J. BALDASTY, Syndicated Service Dependence and a Lack of Commitment to Localism: Scripps Newspapers and Market Subordination, 78:3, 519-532.

ADAMS, EDWARD E., Collusion and Price Fixing in the American Newspaper Industry: Market Preservation Trends, 1890-1910, 79:2, 416-426.

ADAMS, WILLIAM J., Scheduling Practices Based on Audience Flow: What Are the Effects on New Program Success?, 74:4, 839-858.

ADER, CHRISTINE R., A Longitudinal Study of Agenda Setting for the Issue of Environmental Pollution, 72:2, 300-311.


AKHAVAN-MAJID, ROYA and TIMOTHY BOUDREAU, Chain Ownership, Organizational Size, and Editorial Role Perceptions, 72:4, 863-873.

AL-MAKATY, SAFRAN S., DOUGLAS A. BOYD, and G. NORMAN VAN TUBERGEN, Source Credibility during the Gulf War: A Q-Study of Rural and Urban Saudi Arabian Citizens, 71:1, 55-63.

ALBÆK, ERIK, PETER MUNK CHRISTIANSEN, and LISE TOGEBY, Experts in the Mass Media: Researchers as Sources in Danish Daily Newspapers, 1961-2001, 80:4, 937-948.

ALTHAUS, SCOTT L. (See Tewksbury).

ANDERSON, WILLIAM B., Does the Cheerleading Ever Stop? Major League Baseball and Sports Journalism, 78:2, 355-382.

ANDSAGER, JULIE L. and ANGELA POWERS, Social or Economic Concerns: How News and Women‘s Magazines Framed Breast Cancer in the 1990s, 76:3, 531-550.

ANDSAGER, JULIE L., How Interest Groups Attempt to Shape Public Opinion with Competing News Frames, 77:3, 577-592.

ANDSAGER, JULIE L. and TERESA MASTIN, Racial and Regional Differences in Readers’ Evaluations of the Credibility of Political Columnists by Race and Sex, 80:1, 57-72.

ANDSAGER, JULIE L. (See Miller).

ANDSAGER, JULIE L. (See Powers).


ARPAN, LAURA M. and ARTHUR A. RANEY, An Experimental Investigation of News Source and the Hostile Media Effect, 80:2, 265-281.

ASHLEY, LAURA and BETH OLSON, Constructing Reality: Print Media’s Framing of the Women’s Movement, 1966 to 1986, 75:2, 263-277.

ATWOOD, L. ERWIN, Illusions of Media Power: The Third-Person Effect, 71:2, 269-281.

ATWOOD, L. ERWIN (See Major).

AUFDERHEIDE, PATRICIA, Controversy and the Newspaper’s Public: The Case of Tongues Untied, 71:3, 499-508.

AUST, CHARLES F. and DOLF ZILLMANN, Effects of Victim Exemplification in Television News on Viewer Perception of Social Issues, 73:4, 787-803.

AUSTIN, ERICA WEINTRAUB and QINGWEN DONG, Source v. Content Effects on Judgments of News Believability, 71:4, 973-983.

AVERY, ROBERT K. (See Stavitsky).


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J&MC Quarterly Author Index-Volumes 71 to 80

The following is an index of articles by author that appeared in Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly from 1994 to 2003. (In 1995 Journalism Quarterly changed its name to Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.)

Indexed by author’s last name.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I, J | K | L

M | N, O, P | Q, R | S | T | U, V | W | X, Y, Z


<< J&MC Quarterly Cumulative Index

Journalism Quarterly Index-Women and Media

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Women and Media

Beyond the Locker Room: Women in Sports on Major Daily Newspapers (Wallace B. Eberhard and Margaret Lee Meyers), 65:595-99.

Civil Rights Vanguard in the Deep South: Newspaper Portrayal of Fannie Lou Hamer, 1964-1977 (Sharon Bramlett-Solomon), 68:515-21.

Clio’s Consciousness Raised? Portrayal of Women in Rock Videos, Re-Examined (Richard C. Vincent), 66:155-60.

Comparing Gender Differentiation in the New York Times. 1885 and 1985 (Lee B. Jolliffe), 66:683-91.

A Comparison of Coverage of Male and Female Officials in Michigan (Diane Silver), 63:144-49.

Effects of Gender on Professional Encroachment in Public Relations (Martha Lauzen), 69:173-80.

Females and Minorities in TV Ads in 1987 Saturday Children’s Programs (Daniel Riffe, Helen Goldson, Kelly Saxton and Yang-Chou Yu), 66:129-36.

Gender Differences in Attitude Strength, Role of News Media and Cognitions (J. David Kennamer), 63:782-88.

Newspaper Column Readers’ Gender Bias: Perceived Interest and Credibility (H. Allen White and Julie Andsager), 68:709-718.

No Taste for Fluff: Ethel L. Payne, African-American Journalist (Rodger L. Streitmatter), 68:528-40.

Peceived Career Barriers for Female Television News Anchors (Anthony J. Ferri and Jo E. Keller), 63:463-67.

Sex-Role Stereotyping in Writing the News (Judy Vanslyke Turk), 64:613-17.

Trends in the Status of Minorities and Women in Broadcast News (Vernon A. Stone), 59:288-93.

WomenÕs Magazines’ Coverage of Smoking Related Health Hazards (Lauren Kessler), 66:316-22.

Women Through Time: Who Gets Covered? (Sammye Johnson and William G. Christ), 65:889-97.

<< JQ 61-70 Subject Index

Journalism Quarterly Index-Typography and Design

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Typography and Design

Attention to Magazine Ads as Function of Layout Design (Leonard N. Reid, Herbert Rotfeld and James H. Barnes), 61:439-41.

The Effects of Display Format and Data Density on Time Spent Reading Statistics in Text, Tables and Graphs (James D. Kelly), 70:140-49.

Front Pages of U.S. Daily Newspapers (Sandra H. Utt and Steve Pasternak), 61:879-84.

Maker and Viewer Disagreement in Aesthetics of Visual Composition (Douglas C. Covert), 64:133-36.

Novelty vs. Practicality in Advertising Typography (Sandra Ernst Moriarty), 61:188-90.

Reader Response to Color Halftones and Spot Color in Newspaper Design (Robert H. Bohle and Mario R. Garcia), 64:731-39.

A Search for the Optimum Line Length (Sandra Ernst Moriarty), 63:337-40.

<< JQ 61-70 Subject Index

Journalism Quarterly Index-Television

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Television

Adolescent TV Viewing in Saudi Arabia (Douglas A. Boyd and Ali M. Najai), 61:295-301, 351.

Adolescents’ Perceptions of the Primary Values of Television Prograrnming (W. James Potter), 67:843-51.

America in a Visual Century (Robert Kahan), 69:262-65.

American TV and Social Stereotypes of Americans in Taiwan and Mexico (Alexis S. Tan, Sarrina Li and Charles Simpson), 63:809-14.

Assessing Quality in Local TV News (Churchill L. Roberts and Sandra H. Dickson), 61:392-98.

Attitudes of Parents Concerning Televised Warning Statements (Dan Slater and Teresa L. Thompson), 61:853-59.

Audience Recall of News Stories Presented by Newspaper, Computer, Television and Radio (Melvin L. DeFleur, Lucinda Davenport, Mary Cronin and Margaret DeFleur), 69:1010-22.

Audience Selectivity of Local Television Newscasts (Carolyn A. Lin), 69:373-82.

Baiting Viewers: Violence and Sex in Television Program Advertisements (Lawrence C. Soley and Leonard N. Reid), 62:105-10, 131.

Blacks in the News: Television, Modern Racism and Cultural Change (Robert M. Entman), 69:341-61.

Broadcast Condom Advertising: A Case Study (Herb Kaplan and Rick Houlberg), 67:171-76.

Broadcasting Departmental Impact on Employee Perceptions and Conflict (Myria Watkins Allen, Joy Hart Siebert, John W. Haas and Stephanie Zimmerman), 65:668-71.

Buying From A Friend: A Content Analysis of Two Teleshopping Programs (Philip J. Auter and Roy L. Moore), 70:425-36.

Campaign Coverage by Local TV News in Columbus, Ohio, 1978-1986 (David H. Ostroff and Karin L. Sandell), 66:114-20.

Changes in the News: Trends in Network News Production (Raymond L. Carroll), 65:940-45.

Children’s Learning from a Television Newscast (Dan G. Drew and Stephen D. Reese), 61:83-88.

Children’s Television Programming and the “Free Market Solution” (Dennis D. Kerkman, Dale Kunkel, Aletha C. Huston and Marites F. Pinon), 67:147-56.

A Clash Over Race: Tennessee Governor Ellington versus CBS, 1960 (David E. Sumner), 68:541-47.

Comparison of Journalistic Values of Television Reporters and Producers (Conrad Smith and Lee B. Becker), 66:793-800.

Content Values in TV News Programs in Small and Large Markets (Raymond L. Carroll), 62:877-82.

Contextual Coverage of Government by Local Television News (James M. Bernstein and Stephen Lacy), 69:329-40.

Corrections Policies in Local Television News: A Survey (Michael E. Cremedas), 69:166-72.

Defining Ethics in Electronic Journalism: Perceptions of News Directors (K. Tim Wulfemeyer), 67:984-91.

Degree of Conformity in Lead Stories in Early Evening Network TV Newscasts (Joe S. Foote and Michael E. Steele), 63:19-23.

Deregulation and Competition: Explaining the Absence of Local Broadcast News Operations (Michael L. McKean and Vernon A. Stone), 69:713-23.

Determinants of Network News Coverage of the Oil Industry During the Late 1970s (Stephen Erfle and Henry McMillan), 66:121-28.

Economic News on Network Television (Stephen D. Reese, John A. Daly and Andrew P. Hary), 64:137-44.

An Editorial Comment (Donald L. Shaw), 69:258-59.

Effect of Cable Television on Advertiser and Consumer Spending on Mass Media, 1978-1990 (Jack Glascock), 70:509-17.

The Effect of Leadership Behavior on Job Satisfaction and Goal Agreement and Attainment in Local TV News (Angela Powers), 68:772-80.

Effects of Cable Television on News Use (Joey Reagan), 61:317-24.

The Effects of Editorials on Audience Reaction to Television Newscasters (Elizabeth Krueger and James D. Fox), 68:402-411.

The Emotional Use of Popular Music by Adolescents (Alan Wells and Ernest A. Hakanen), 68:445-54.

Encoding TV News Messages Into Memory (Tom Grimes), 67:757-66.

Format Effects on Comprehension of Television News (Hans-Bernd Brosius), 68:396-401.

A 40-Year Portrait of the Portrayal of Industry on Prime-Time Television (Nick Trujillo and Leah R. Ekdom), 64:368-375.

The Frequency and Context of Prosocial Acts on Prime-Time TV (W. James Potter and William Ware), 66:359-66.

Game Time, Soap Time and Prime Time TV Ads: Treatment of Women in Sunday Football and Rest-of-Week Advertising (Daniel Riffe, Patricia C. Place, and Charles M. Mayo), 70:437-46.

Geographic Coverage by Local Television News (James M. Bernstein, Stephen Lacy, Catherine Cassara and Tuen-Yu Laue), 67:663-71.

Gratifications of Grazing: An Exploratory Study of Remote Control Use (James R. Walker and Robert V. Bellamy Jr.), 68:422-31.

Group and Cross-Media Ownership of TV Stations: A 1989 Update (Herbert H. Howard), 66:785-91.

Hard News/Soft News Content of the National Television Networks, 1972-1987 (David K. Scott and Robert H. Gobetz), 69:406-12.

Heavy Television Viewing and Perceived Quality of Life (Michael Morgan), 61:499-504, 740.

How Anchors, Reporters and Newsmakers Affect Recall and Evaluation of Stories (Larry L. Burriss), 64:514-19.

How Do Adolescents’ Perceptions of Television Reality Change Over Time? (W. James Potter), 69:392-405.

How Local Television Learns What Is News (John McManus), 67:672-83.

How Network Television Coverage of the President and Congress Compare (Lynda Lee Kaid and Joe Foote), 62:59-65.

How Political Is Religious Television? (Robert Abelman and Garry Pettey), 65:313-19.

How the Presence of Cable Affects Parental Mediation of TV Viewing (David Atkin, Carrier Heeter and Thomas Baldwin), 66:557-63.

How Three Chicago Newspapers Covered the Washington-Epton Campaign (Timothy F. Grainey, Dennis R. Pollack and Lori A. Kusmierek), 61:352-55, 363.

Impact of Arousing Commercials on Perceptions of TV News (Seth Finn and Terry M. Hickson), 63:369-71.

Impact of Budget Cuts on CBS News (Joseph R. Dominick), 59:469-73.

The Impact of Negative Network News (Marc G. Weinberger, Chris T. Allen, and William R. Dillon), 61:287-94.

The Impact of the Newer Television Technologies on Television Satisfaction (Elizabeth M. Perse and Douglas A. Ferguson), 70:843-53.

Influence of Cable on Television News Audiences (Thomas F. Baldwin, Marianne Barrett and Benjamin Bates), 69:651-58.

Influence of News Coverage of the “Scandal” on PTL Viewers (Robert Abelman), 68:101-110.

The Influence of Religiosity on Television News (Neal F. Hamilton and Alan M. Rubin), 69:667-78.

Information Subsidy and Agenda-Building in Local Television News (Dan Berkowitz and Douglas B. Adams), 67:723-31.

Informational Content of American and Japanese Television Commercials (Jyotika Ramaprasad and Kazumi Hasegawa), 69:612-22.

Is the Medium the Message?: An Experimental Test with Morbid News (Ellen M. Bennett, Jill Dianne Swenson and Jeff S. Wilkinson), 69:921-28.

It’s All in the Family: Siblings and Program Choice Conflict (Susan Brown Zahn and Stanley J. Baran), 61:847-52.

Killing “Gnats with a Sledgehammer”? Case Study: Fairness Doctrine and a Broadcast License Denial (Timothy W. Gleason), 68:805-813.

Latin America on Network TV (Waltraud Queiser Morales), 61:157-60. Learned Helplessness in Local TV News (Grace Ferrari Levin), 63:12-18, 23.

Live ABC, CBS and NBC Interviews During Three Democratic Conventions (David L. Womack), 62:838-44.

Local Station Coverage of Campaigns: A Tale of Two Cities in Ohio (David H. Ostroff and Karin Sandell), 61:346-51.

Locally Produced Programming on Independent Television Stations (Garry A. Hale and Richard C. Vincent), 63:562-67, 599.

Network Evening News Coverage of the TWA Hostage Crisis (Tony Atwater), 64:520-25.

Network News Coverage of Invasion of Lebanon by Israeli in 1982 (Manny Paraschos and Bill Rutherford), 62:457-64.

Network Rerun Viewing in the Age of New Programming Services (Barry R. Litman and Linda S. Kohl), 69:383-91.

Network Television Evening News Coverage of Infectious Disease Events (Michael Greenberg and Daniel Wartenberg), 67:142-46.

News Conferences on TV: Ike-Age Politics Revisited (Craig Allen), 70:13-25.

News Critics, Newsworkers and Local Television News (Conrad Smith), 65:341-46.

News on the “700 Club” After Pat Robertson’s Political Fall (Robert Abelman), 67:157-62.

Newspaper Coverage of Proposals for Rate Increase by Electric Utility (David O. Wolverton and Donald Vance), 64:581-85.

Numbers versus Pictures: Did Network Television Sensationalize Chernobyl Coverage? (Carole Gorney), 69:455-65.

Perceived Career Barriers of Men and Women Television News Anchors (Anthony J. Ferri), 65:661-67.

Perceptions of Good News and Bad News on Television (Mary Lou Galician), 63:611-16.

Perceptions of Viewer Interests by Local TV Journalists (K. Tim Wulfemeyer), 61:432-35.

The Portrayal of Corporate Crime in Network Television Newscasts (Donna M. Randall), 64:150-53.

Portrayal of Families on Prime-Time TV: Structure, Type and Frequency (Thomas Skill, James D. Robinson and Samuel P. Wallace), 64:360-67.

Portrayal of Journalists on Prime Time Television (Gerald Stone and John Lee), 67:697-707.

Portrayals of Mental Illness in Daytime Television Serials (Laurel Fruth and Allan Padderud), 62:384-87, 449.

Primary News Source Changes: Question Wording, Availability, and Cohort Effects (Michael D. Basil), 67:708-722.

Prime-Time TV Portrayals of Sex, Contraception and Venereal Diseases (Dennis T. Lowry and David E. Towles), 66:347-52.

Prime Time TV Portrayals of Sex, “Safe Sex” and AIDS: A Longitudinal Analysis (Dennis T. Lowry and Jon A. Shidler), 70:628-37.

Product Differentiation in Local TV News (Tony Atwater), 61:757-62.

Product-Related Programming and ChildrenÕs TV: A Content Analysis (B. Carol Eaton and Joseph R. Dominick), 68:67-75.

Representation, Roles, and Occupational Status of Black Models in Television Advertisements (Jane W. Licata and Abhijit Biswas), 70:868-82.

Risk, Drama and Geography in Coverage of Environmental Risk by Network TV (Michael R. Greenberg, David B. Sachsman, Peter N. Sandman and Kandice L. Salamone), 66:267-76.

The Sandwich Programming Strategy: A Case of Audience Flow (James T. Tiedge and Kenneth J. Ksobiech), 65:376-83.

Satellite News Gathering and News Department Operations (Gladys L. Clelland and David H. Ostroff), 65:946-51.

Segmenting Broadcast News Audiences in the New Media Environment (Robert H. Wicks), 66:383-90.

Sex Discrimination in Earnings and Story Assignments Among TV Reporters (Conrad Smith, Eric Fredin and Carroll Ann Ferguson), 65:3-11.

Sibling Interactions in 1950s versus 1980s Sitcoms: A Comparison (Mary Strom Larson), 68:381-87.

Status of News Sources Interviewed During Presidential Conventions (David L. Womack), 63:331-36.

Telecommunications Research Productivity of U.S. Communication Programs: 1984-1989 (Richard C. Vincent), 68:840-51.

Television ‘Addiction’? An Evaluation of Four Competing Media-Use Models (Seth Finn), 69:422-35.

Television and Adults’ Verbal Intelligence (Michael Morgan), 63:537-41.

Television as Babysitter (Walter Gantz and Jonathan Masland), 63:530-36.

Television News Coverage of Six Federal Regulatory Agencies (Larry W. Thomas and Laslo V. Boyd), 61:160-64.

Television News Viewing by Older Adults (R. Irwin Goodman), 67:137-41.

Television Use and Mental Health (Alexis S. Tan and Gerdean K. Tan), 63:106-13.

Television’s Professional Women: Working with Men in the 1980s (Diana C. Reep and Faye H. Dambrot), 64:376-81.

Traits of Perpetrators and Receivers of Antisocial and Prosocial Acts on TV (W. James Potter and William Ware), 64:382-391.

TV News Directors’ Perception of Station Management Style (R. C. Adams and Marjorie J. Fish), 64:154-62.

TV News in Saudi Arabia (Jerry C. Hudson and Steve Swindel), 65:1003-06.

TV’s “Instant Analysis” and “Querulous Criticism”: Effects of the 1988 First Bush-Dukakis Debate (Dennis T. Lowry, Janet A. Bridges and Paul A. Barefield), 67:814-25.

TV-Related Mother-Child Interaction and Children’s Perceptions of TV Characters (Paul Messaris and Dennis Kerr), 61:662-66.

Two Comparisons of Rural Public Television Viewers and Non-Viewers in Northern Mississippi (Will Norton, Jr., John W. Windhauser and Susan Langdon Norton), 69:690-702.

Understanding and Recall of TV News (Thomas J. Housel), 61:505-08, 741.

Unshackled by Unwilling: Public Broadcasting and Editorializing (Howard M. Kleiman), 64:707-13.

The Use of Blacks in Magazine and Television Advertising 1946 to 1986 (George M. Zinkhan, William J. Qualls and Abhijit Biswas), 67:547-53.

The Use of Nostalgia in Television Advertising: A Content Analysis (Lynette S. Unger, Diane M. McConocha and John A. Faier), 68:345-53.

Use of Satellite Technology in Local Television News (Stephen Lacy, Tony Atwater and Angela Powers), 65:925-29.

Useful News, Sensational News: Quality, Sensationalism and Local TV News (C. Richard Hofstetter and David M. Dozier), 63:815-20, 853.

The Uses and Gratifications of Rerun Viewing (Diane Furno-Lamude and James Anderson), 69:362-72.

Video Movies at Home: Are They Viewed like Film or like Television? (Dean M. Krugman, Scott A. Shamp and Keith F. Johnson), 68:120-30.

Viewer Reactions to Content and Presentational Format of Television News (Ralph R. Behnke and Phyllis Miller), 69:659-66.

Viewer Reactions to Music in Television Commercials (Patricia A. Stout, John D. Leckenby and Sidney Hecker), 67:887-98.

Voter Learning in the 1988 Presidential Election: Did the Debates and the Media Matter? (Dan Drew and David Weaver), 68:27-37.

Voter Partisan Orientations and Use of Political Television (Kim A. Smith and Douglas A. Ferguson), 67:864-74.

When Characters Speak Directly to Viewers: Breaking the Fourth Wall in Television (Philip J. Auter and Donald M. Davis), 68:165-71.

<< JQ 61-70 Subject Index

Journalism Quarterly Index-Technology

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Technology

Audience Recall of News Stories Presented by Newspaper, Computer, Television and Radio (Melvin L. DeFleur, Lucinda Davenport, Mary Cronin and Margaret DeFleur), 69:1010-22.

Audiotext and the Re-invention of the Telephone as a Mass Medium (Robert LaRose and David Atkin), 69:413-21.

The Blurring of Headline Sizes Under New Editing Technology (Stephen B. Everett and George A. Everett), 65:627-33.

The Effect of “Electronic” News Sources on Selection and Editing of News (Kurt Neuwirth, Carol M. Liebler, Sharon Dunwoody and Jennifer Riddle), 65:85-94.

Exploring the Role of VCR Use in the Emerging Home Entertainment Culture (Carolyn A. Lin), 70:833-42.

From Hot Type to Video Screens: Editors Evaluate New Technology (William R. Lindley), 65:485-89.

The Impact of the Newer Television Technologies on Television Satisfaction (Elizabeth M. Perse and Douglas A. Ferguson), 70:843-53.

The Impact of Training on User Evaluations of Videotext (Lee B. Becker and Bernadette M. Hemels), 69:1001-09.

Network Rerun Viewing in the Age of New Programming Services (Barry R. Litman and Linda S. Kohl), 69:383-91.

Perceptions of Colorization (Barry L. Sherman and Joseph R. Dominick), 65:976-80.

Practitioner Roles and Uses of New Technologies (Ronald Anderson and Joey Reagan), 69:156-65.

Role of the Newspaper Library in the Production of News (Kathleen A. Hansen, Jean Ward and Douglas M. McLeod), 64:714-20.

A Survey of VU/TEXT Use in the Newsroom (Cynthia De Riemer), 69:960-70.

Use of an Electronic Database to Evaluate Newspaper Editorial Quality (Philip Meyer and Morgan David Arant), 69:447-54.

Why Going Online for Content Analysis Can Reduce Research Reliability (Philip A. Kaufman, Carol Reese Dykers, and Carole Caldwell), 70:824-32.

<< JQ 61-70 Subject Index

Journalism Quarterly Index-Research Productivity

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Research Productivity

Broadcast Research Productivity of U.S. Communications Programs, 1976-83 (Richard C. Vincent), 61:841-46.

Citation Networks as Indicators of Journalism Research Activity (James W. Tankard, Jr., Tsan-Kuo Chang and Kuo-Jen Tsang), 61:89-96, 124.

Student Research Productivity: Analysis of Journalism Abstracts (Frances Goins Wilhoit), 61:655-61.

<< JQ 61-70 Subject Index

Journalism Quarterly Index-Readership

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Readership

An Assessment of the Cloze Procedure as an Advertising Copy Test (George Zinkhan and Edward Blair), 61:404-08.

Comprehension of Styles of Science Writing (Lloyd R. Bostian and Tomas E. Byrne), 61:676-78.

Headline Length as a Factor in Magazine Ad Readership (David A. Wesson), 66:466-68.

Newspaper Subscribing: A Dynamic Analysis (Jian-Hua Zhu and David Weaver), 66:285-94.

A Typology of Newspaper Readers (A. Carlos Ruotolo), 65:126-30.

Unpredictability as Correlate of Reader Enjoyment of News Articles (Seth Finn), 62:334-39, 345.


<< JQ 61-70 Subject Index

Journalism Quarterly Index-Public Relations

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Public Relations

Applying Situational Communication Theory to an International Political Problem: Two Studies (L. Elwin Atwood and Ann Marie Major), 68:200-210.

A Class Action Suit as Public Relations (S. E. Rada), 62:150-54.

Communication by Agricultural Publics: Internal and External Orientations (James E. Grunig, Clifford L. Nelson, Susie J. Richburg and Terry J. White), 65:26-38.

Coorientation of PR Practioners and News Personnel in Education News (Sandra Kruger Stegall and Keith P. Sanders), 63:341-47, 393.

Effect of Public Relations Efforts on Media Visibility of Organizations (S. Holly Stocking), 62:358-66, 450.

Effects of Gender on Professional Encroachment in Public Relations (Martha Lauzen), 69:173-80.

A Factor Analysis of Broom and Smith’s Public Relations Roles Scales (Joey Reagan, Ronald Anderson, Janine Sumner and Scott Hill), 67:177-83.

How Public Relations Practitioners and Editors in Florida View Each Other (Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver, David L. Martinson and Michael Ryan), 6l:860-65.

Impact of SEC Rule 10b-5 on Corporate Public Relations (Douglas P. Killian), 63:735-739.

Individual Differences in Ethical Values of Public Relations Practitioners (Jacob Shamir, Barbara Strauss Reed and Steven Connell), 67:956-63.

Job Satisfaction and Its Correlates Among Public Relations Workers (Terry Lynn Rentner and James H. Bissland), 67:950-55.

Journalists and Public Relations Practitioners: Why the Antagonism? (Michael Ryan and David L. Martinson), 65:131-40.

Organizational Constraints on Corporate Public Relations Practitioners (Michael Ryan), 64:473-82.

Participative vs. Authoritative Public Relations Environments (Michael Ryan), 64:853-57.

Practitioner Roles and Uses of New Technologies (Ronald Anderson and Joey Reagan), 69:156-65.

Predictors of Systematic Public Relations Research in Higher Education (Glen T. Cameron, RuthAnn Weaver Lariscy and Duane D. Sweep), 69:466-70.

Proximity: Localization vs. Distance in PR News Releases (Linda P. Morton and John Warren), 69:1023-28.

Public Relations Environments (Lalit Acharya), 62:577-84.

Public Relations for Appalachia: Berea Mountain Life and Work (Catherine C. Mitchell and C. Joan Schnyder), 66:974-78.

Public Relations in State Government: A Typology of Management Styles (Judy VanSlyke Turk), 62:304-15.

Public Relations Practitioners, Public Interest and Management (Michael Ryan and David L. Martinson), 62:111-15.

Public Relations Practioners’ Views of Corporate Social Responsibility (Michael Ryan), 63:740-47.

The Role of Public Relations in Four Organizational Types (Larissa A. Schneider), 62:567-76, 594.

Sequence Faculty Divided on PR Value, Status and News Orientation (Peter Haberman, Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver and David L. Martinson), 65:490-96.

Social Science Research, Professionalism and Public Relations Practioners (Michael Ryan and David L. Martinson), 67:377-90.

Trying to Harness Atomic Energy, 1946-1951: Albert EinsteinÕs Publicity Campaign for World Government (Susan Caudill), 68:253-62.

Using Grunig’s Indices to Differentiate Organizational Public Relations Functions (Joey Reagan, Janine Sumner and Scott Hill), 69:181-87.

Using Positive vs. Negative Photographs — Or No Photographs — in Third-World Fund Raising (Evelyne J. Dyck and Gary Coldevin), 69:572-79.

RADIO Attribution in Network Radio News: A Cross-Network Analysis (Larry L. Burriss), 65:690-94.

Audience Recall of News Stories Presented by Newspaper, Computer, Television and Radio (Melvin L. DeFleur, Lucinda Davenport, Mary Cronin and Margaret DeFleur), 69:1010-22.

Birth of a Network’s “Conscience”: The NBC Advisory Council, 1927 (Louise Benjamin), 66:587-90.

Comparing Positive and Negative Political Advertising on Radio (Michael A. Shapiro and Robert H. Rieger), 69:135-45.

Defining Ethics in Electronic Journalism: Perceptions of News Directors (K. Tim Wulfemeyer), 67:984-91.

The Emotional Use of Popular Music by Adolescents (Alan Wells and Ernest A. Hakanen), 68:445-54.

FCC Standard-Setting with Regard to FM Stereo and AM Stereo (W.A. Kelly Huff), 68:483-90.

Ownership, Operating, Staffing and Content Characteristics of “News Radio” Stations (Daniel Riffe and Eugene F. Shaw), 67:684-91.

The Precedent that Almost Was: A 1926 Court Effort to Regulate Radio (Louise M. Benjamin), 67:578-85.

President Reagan’s Return to Radio (Howard H. Martin), 61:817-21.

Primary News Source Changes: Question Wording, Availability, and Cohort Effects (Michael D. Basil), 67:708-722.

A Profile of Canadian Radio Newsworkers (George Pollard), 66:80-86.

Radio News Directors’ Perception of Involvement in Advertising and Sales (Thomas A. Griffiths and R. Irwin Goodman), 66:600-606.

The Rogue Elephant of Radio Legislation: Senator William E. Borah (Donald G. Godfrey and Val E. Limburg), 67:214-24.

Unlicensed Broadcasting and the Federal Radio Commission: The 1930 George W. Fellowes Challenge (Steven P. Phipps), 68:823-28.

Use of Audio Inserts in Network Radio Newscasts (Larry L. Burriss), 65:474-78.

<< JQ 61-70 Subject Index