Author Index M, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
MADDEX, BRETT D. (See Tewksbury).
MAIER, SCOTT R., Numeracy in the Newsroom: A Case Study of Mathematical Competence and Confidence, 80:4, 921-936.
MAIER, SCOTT R. (See Curtin).
MAJOR, ANN M. and L. ERWIN ATWOOD, Changes in Media Credibility When a Predicted Disaster Doesn’t Happen, 74:4, 797-813.
MAJOR, ANN MARIE, Correlates of Accuracy and Inaccuracy in the Perception of the Climate of Opinion for Four Environmental Issues, 77:2, 223-242.
MALINKINA, OLGA V. and DOUGLAS M. MCLEOD, From Afghanistan to Chechnya: News Coverage by Izvestia and the New York Times, 77:1, 37-49.
MARTIN, BRENNON (See Stamm and Johnson).
MARTIN, HUGH (See Lacy).
MARTIN, HUGH J., Measuring Newspaper Profits: Developing a Standard of Comparison, 75:3, 500-517.
MARTINELLI, KATHLEEN A. and STEVEN H. CHAFFEE, Measuring New-Voter Learning Via Three Channels of Political Information, 72:1, 18-32.
MARTON, KRISZTINA and LOWNDES F. STEPHENS, The New York Times’ Conformity to AAPOR Standards of Disclosure for the Reporting of Public Opinion Polls, 78:3, 484-502.
MASON, LAURIE, Newspaper as Repeater: An Experiment on Defamation and Third-Person Effect, 72:3, 610-620.
MASSEY, BRIAN L., Civic Journalism and Nonelite Sourcing: Making Routine Newswork of Community Connectedness, 75:2, 394-407.
MASSEY, BRIAN L. and MARK R. LEVY, Interactivity, Online Journalism, and English-Language Web Newspapers in Asia, 76:1, 138-151.
MASSEY, BRIAN L. and TANNI HAAS, Does Making Journalism More Public Make a Difference? A Critical Review of Evaluative Research on Public Journalism, 79:3, 559-586.
MASTIN, TERESA, Media Use and Civic Participation in the African-American Population: Exploring Participation among Professionals and Nonprofessionals, 77:1, 115-127.
MASTIN, TERESA (See Andsager).
MASTRO, DANA E. (See Tamborini).
MATERA, FRANCES R. (See Salwen).
MATTHEWS, MARTHA N., How Public Ownership Affects Publisher Autonomy, 73:2, 342-353.
MAXWELL, KIMBERLY A., JOHN HUXFORD, CATHERINE BORUM, and ROBERT HORNIK, Covering Domestic Violence: How the O.J. Simpson Case Shaped Reporting of Domestic Violence in the News Media, 77:2, 258-272.
MAYER, VICKI, From Segmented to Fragmented: Latino Media in San Antonio, Texas, 78:2, 291-306.
MCALISTER, ALFRED, WAYNE JOHNSON, CAROLYN GUENTHER-GREY, MARTIN FISHBEIN, DONNA HIGGINS, KEVIN O’REILLY, and the AIDS COMMUNITY DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS, Behavioral Journalism for HIV Prevention: Community Newsletters Influence Risk-Related Attitudes and Behavior, 77:1, 143-159.
MCCABE, JOCELYN A. (See Carter).
MCCOMBS, MAXWELL, JUAN PABLO LLAMAS, ESTEBAN LOPEZ-ESCOBAR, and FEDERICO REY, Candidate Images in Spanish Elections: Second-Level Agenda-Setting Effects, 74:4, 703-717.
MCCOMBS, MAXWELL E. (See Poindexter).
MCDEVITT, MICHAEL, BOB M. GASSAWAY, and FRANK G. PÉREZ, The Making and Unmaking of Civic Journalists: Influences of Professional Socialization, 79:1, 87-100.
MCKEAN, MICHAEL L. (See Leshner).
MCKINNON, LORI MELTON, LYNDA LEE KAID, JANET MURPHY, and CYNTHIA K. ACREE, Policing Political Ads: An Analysis of Five Leading Newspapers’ Responses to 1992 Political Advertisements, 73:1, 66-76.
MCLEOD, DOUGLAS M., WILLIAM P. EVELAND, JR., and NANCY SIGNORIELLI, Conflict and Public Opinion: Rallying Effects of the Persian Gulf War, 71:1, 20-31.
MCLEOD, DOUGLAS M. and ELIZABETH M. PERSE, Direct and Indirect Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Public Affairs Knowledge, 71:2, 433-442.
MCLEOD, DOUGLAS M. and JILL A. MACKENZIE, Print Media and Public Reaction to the Controversy over NEA Funding for Robert Mapplethorpe’s “The Perfect Moment” Exhibit, 75:2, 278-291.
MCLEOD, DOUGLAS M. (See Malinkina).
MCLEOD, JACK M., ZHONGSHI GUO, KATIE DAILY, CATHERINE A. STEELE, HUIPING HUANG, EDWARD HOROWITZ, and HUAILIN CHEN, The Impact of Traditional and Nontraditional Media Forms in the 1992 Presidential Election, 73:2, 401-416.
MCLEOD, JACK M. (See Eveland).
MCMILLAN, SALLY J., The Microscope and the Moving Target: The Challenge of Applying Content Analysis to the World Wide Web, 77:1, 80-98.
MCSHANE, STEVEN L., Occupational, Gender, and Geographic Representation of Information Sources in U.S. and Canadian Business Magazines, 72:1, 190-204.
MERSKIN, DEBRA L. and MARA HUBERLIE, Companionship in the Classifieds: The Adoption of Personal Advertisements by Daily Newspapers, 73:1, 219-229.
METZGER, MIRIAM J., When No News Is Good News: Inferring Closure for News Issues, 77:4, 760-787.
METZGER, MIRIAM J. (See Flanagin).
MICHENER, ARTHUR (See Johnstone).
MIDDLESTADT, SUSAN E. and KEVIN G. BARNHURST, The Influence of Layout on the Perceived Tone of News Articles, 76:2, 264-276.
MILLER, M. MARK, JULIE L. ANDSAGER, and BONNIE P. RIECHERT, Framing the Candidates in Presidential Primaries: Issues and Images in Press Releases and News Coverage, 75:2, 312-324.
MILLER, PHYLLIS and RANDY MILLER, The Invisible Woman: Female Sports Journalists in the Workplace, 72:4, 883-889.
MILLER, RANDY E. and WAYNE WANTA, Race as a Variable in Agenda Setting, 73:4, 913-925.
MILLER, RANDY (See Miller, Phyllis).
MIN, YOUNG, Intertwining of Campaign News and Advertising: The Content and Electoral Effects of Newspaper Ad Watches, 79:4, 927-944.
MINDICH, DAVID T. Z., The Future of the Internet: A Historical Perspective, 75:1, 7-8.
MIZUNO, TAKEYA, The Creation of the “Free” Press in Japanese-American Camps: The War Relocation Authority’s Planning and Making of the Camp Newspaper Policy, 78:3, 503-518.
MIZUNO, TAKEYA, Government Suppression of the Japanese Language in World War II Assembly Camps, 80:4, 849-865.
MOLITOR, FRED (See Sapolsky).
MORGAN, SUSAN (See Reichert).
MORI, MOTOMI (See Corbett).
MORIARTY, SANDRA E. and SHU-LING EVERETT, Commercial Breaks: A Viewing Behavior Study, 71:2, 346-355.
MOY, PATRICIA and DIETRAM A. SCHEUFELE, Media Effects on Political and Social Trust, 77:4, 744-759.
MOY, PATRICIA, DAVID DOMKE, and KEITH STAMM, The Spiral of Silence and Public Opinion on Affirmative Action, 78:1, 7-25.
MOY, PATRICIA, KELLEY MCCOY, MEG SPRATT, and MICHAEL R. MCCLUSKEY, Media Effects on Public Opinion about a Newspaper Strike, 80:2, 391-409.
MUELLER, JAMES E. (See Reichert).
MULLEN, LAWRENCE J. (See Rothenbuhler).
MURPHY, JANET (See McKinnon).
MURPHY, KEVIN (See Slater).
MURRAY, MICHAEL D., Alistair Cooke: America’s Unconventional Press Critic, 72:1, 158-167.
Author Index L, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
LACY, STEPHEN and KARYN A. RAMSEY, The Advertising Content of African-American Newspapers, 71:3, 521-530.
LACY, STEPHEN and DANIEL RIFFE, The Impact of Competition and Group Ownership on Radio News, 71:3, 583-593.
LACY, STEPHEN, KAY ROBINSON, and DANIEL RIFFE, Sample Size in Content Analysis of Weekly Newspapers, 72:2, 336-345.
LACY, STEPHEN, MARY ALICE SHAVER, and CHARLES ST. CYR, The Effects of Public Ownership and Newspaper Competition on the Financial Performance of Newspaper Corporations: A Replication and Extension, 73:2, 332-341.
LACY, STEPHEN and DANIEL RIFFE, Sampling Error and Selecting Intercoder Reliability Samples for Nominal Content Categories, 73:4, 963-973.
LACY, STEPHEN and TODD F. SIMON, Intercounty Group Ownership of Daily Newspapers and the Decline of Competition for Readers, 74:4, 814-825.
LACY, STEPHEN, DANIEL RIFFE, and QUINT RANDLE, Sample Size in Multi-Year Content Analyses of Monthly Consumer Magazines, 75:2, 408-417.
LACY, STEPHEN, DAVID C. COULSON, and CHARLES ST. CYR, The Impact of Beat Competition on City Hall Coverage, 76:2, 325-340.
LACY, STEPHEN, DAVID C. COULSON, and HIROMI CHO, The Impact of Competition on Weekly Newspaper Advertising Rates, 78:3, 450-465.
LACY, STEPHEN, DANIEL RIFFE, STACI STODDARD, HUGH MARTIN, and KUANG-KUO CHANG, Sample Size for Newspaper Content Analysis in Multi-Year Studies, 78:4, 836-845.
LACY, STEPHEN and ALAN BLANCHARD, The Impact of Public Ownership, Profits, and Competition on Number of Newsroom Employees and Starting Salaries at Mid-Sized Daily Newspapers, 80:4, 949-968.
LACY, STEPHEN (See Coulson).
LACY, STEPHEN (See Riffe and Drager).
LACY, STEPHEN (See Riffe, Nagovan, and Burkum).
LACY, STEPHEN (See Shaver).
LAFKY, SUE, MARGARET DUFFY, MARY STEINMAUS, and DAN BERKOWITZ, Looking through Gendered Lenses: Female Stereotyping in Advertisements and Gender Role Expectations, 73:2, 379-388.
LAIRD, ELIZABETH A. (See Weaver, James B. III).
LAMB, CHRIS, L’affaire Jake Powell: The Minority Press Goes to Bat against Segregated Baseball, 76:1, 21-34.
LARSON, STEPHANIE GRECO and MARTHA BAILEY, ABC’s “Person of the Week”: American Values in Television News, 75:3, 487-499.
LASORSA, DOMINIC L., Question-Order Effects in Surveys: The Case of Political Interest, News Attention, and Knowledge, 80:3, 499-512.
LAUF, EDMUND (See Becker).
LAUF, EDMUND (See Peter).
LAUZEN, MARTHA M., Public Relations Practitioner Role Enactment in Issues Management, 71:2, 356-369.
LAW, CHERYL and MAGDALA PEIXOTO LABRE, Cultural Standards of Attractiveness: A Thirty-Year Look at Changes in Male Images in Magazines, 79:3, 697-711.
LAWSON, LINDA, When Publishers Invited Federal Regulation to Curb Circulation Abuses, 71:1, 110-120.
LEE, JONGSOO (See Griffin).
LEE, JUNG-SOOK and WILLIAM R. DAVIE, Audience Recall of AIDS PSAs among U.S. and International College Students, 74:1, 7-22.
LEE, JUNG-SOOK (See Davie).
LEE, JUNG-SOOK (See Taylor).
LEE, MOON J. and MARY ANN FERGUSON, Effects of Anti-Tobacco Advertisements Based on Risk-Taking Tendencies: Realistic Fear vs. Vulgar Humor, 79:4, 945-963.
LEICHTY, GREG and JEFF SPRINGSTON, Elaborating Public Relations Roles, 73:2, 467-477.
LEICHTY, GREG (See Springston).
LEICHTY, GREG B. (See Esrock).
LEN-RÍOS, MARÍA E., The Bush and Gore Presidential Campaign Web Sites: Identifying with Hispanic Voters during the 2000 Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary, 79:4, 887-904.
LESHNER, GLENN and MICHAEL L. MCKEAN, Using TV News for Political Information during an Off-Year Election: Effects on Political Knowledge and Cynicism, 74:1, 69-83.
LESLIE, MICHAEL, Slow Fade To?: Advertising in Ebony Magazine, 1957-1989, 72:2, 426-435.
LESTER, PAUL MARTIN, African-American Photo Coverage in Four U.S. Newspapers, 1937-1990, 71:2, 380-394.
LESTER-ROUSHANZAMIR, ELLI P. and USHA RAMAN, The Global Village in Atlanta: A Textual Analysis of Olympic News Coverage for Children in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 76:4, 699-712.
LEUNG, LOUIS and RAN WEI, More Than Just Talk on the Move: Uses and Gratifications of the Cellular Phone, 77:2, 308-320.
LEVY, MARK R. (See Massey).
LEWIS, CHARLES and JOHN NEVILLE, Images of Rosie: A Content Analysis of Women Workers in American Magazine Advertising, 1940-1946, 72:1, 216-227.
LI, HAIRONG and JANICE L. BUKOVAC, Cognitive Impact of Banner Ad Characteristics: An Experimental Study, 76:2, 341-353.
LI, XIGEN, Web Page Design and Graphic Use of Three U.S. Newspapers, 75:2, 353-365.
LIEBLER, CAROL M. and JACOB BENDIX, Old-Growth Forests on Network News: News Sources and the Framing of an Environmental Controversy, 73:1, 53-65.
LIMOR, YEHIEL (See Berkowitz).
LIN, CAROLYN A. and LEO W. JEFFRES, Factors Influencing the Adoption of Multimedia Cable Technology, 75:2, 341-352.
LIN, CAROLYN A. and LEO W. JEFFRES, Comparing Distinctions and Similarities across Websites of Newspapers, Radio Stations, and Television Stations, 78:3, 555-573.
LIN, CAROLYN (See Salwen).
LIN, WEI-KUO (See Pfau).
LIPARI, LISBETH, Journalistic Authority: Textual Strategies of Legitimation, 73:4, 821-834.
LO, VEN-HWEI, Media Use, Involvement, and Knowledge of the Gulf War, 71:1, 43-54.
LO, VEN-HWEI, ANNA PADDON, and HSIAOMEI WU, Front Pages of Taiwan Daily Newspapers 1952-1996: How Ending Martial Law Influenced Publication Design, 77:4, 880-897.
LO, VEN-HWEI (See Zhu).
LOWREY, WILSON and LEE B. BECKER, The Impact of Technological Skill on Job-Finding Success in the Mass Communication Labor Market, 78:4, 754-770.
LOWREY, WILSON, Explaining Variability in Newspaper Design: An Examination of the Role of Newsroom Subgroups, 80:2, 348-367.
LOWREY, WILSON (See Becker).
LOWRY, DENNIS T. and JON A. SHIDLER, The Sound Bites, the Biters, and the Bitten: An Analysis of Network TV News Bias in Campaign ’92, 72:1, 33-44.
LOWRY, DENNIS T. and JON A. SHIDLER, The Sound Bites, the Biters, and the Bitten: A Two-Campaign Test of the Anti-Incumbent Bias Hypothesis in Network TV News, 75:4, 719-729.
LOWRY, DENNIS T. (See Shidler).
LULE, JACK, I.F. Stone: The Practice of Reporting, 72:3, 499-510.
LULE, JACK, Myth and Terror on the Editorial Page: The New York Times Responds to September 11, 2001, 79:2, 275-293.
LUMSDEN, LINDA, Suffragist: The Making of a Militant, 72:3, 525-538.
LUMSDEN, LINDA, “You’re a Tough Guy, Mary – And a First-Rate Newspaperman”: Gender and Women Journalists in the 1920s and 1930s, 72:4, 913-921.
LUMSDEN, LINDA J., Beauty and the Beasts: Significance of Press Coverage of the 1913 National Suffrage Parade, 77:3, 593-611.
LUQUE, SARAH (See Sapolsky).
Author Index K, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
KAHN, EMILY (See Hertog).
KAID, LYNDA LEE (See McKinnon).
KAMHAWI, RASHA and DAVID WEAVER, Mass Communication Research Trends from 1980 to 1999, 80:1, 7-27.
KAPFER, JACK (See Voakes).
KARAN, DAVID (See Slater).
KATZ, CHERYL (See Baldassare).
KATZ, ELIHU (See Wyatt).
KAYE, BARBARA K. (See Johnson).
KEENAN, KEVIN L., Skin Tones and Physical Features of Blacks in Magazine Advertisements, 73:4, 905-912.
KEETER, SCOTT (See Carpini).
KELLY, KATHLEEN S., Utilizing Public Relations Theory to Conceptualize and Test Models of Fund Raising, 72:1, 106-127.
KENDRICK, ALICE (See Fullerton).
KENNAMER, J. DAVID and JULIE A. HONNOLD, Attitude toward Homosexuality and Attention to News about AIDS, 72:2, 322-335.
KENNAMER, J. DAVID (See Carpini).
KERR, PETER A. and PATRICIA MOY, Newspaper Coverage of Fundamentalist Christians, 1980-2000, 79:1, 54-72.
KERR, ROBERT L., Impartial Spectator in the Marketplace of Ideas: The Principles of Adam Smith as an Ethical Basis for Regulation of Corporate Speech, 79:2, 394-415.
KIERNAN, VINCENT, Embargoes and Science News, 80:4, 903-920.
KILMER, PAULETTE D., “Madstones,” Clever Toads, and Killer Tarantulas (Fairy-Tale Briefs in Wild West Newspapers), 78:4, 816-835.
KIM, BONG-HYUN (See Cameron).
KIM, EUNYI (See Shoemaker).
KIM, JOOHAN (See Wyatt).
KIM, SEI-HILL, DIETRAM A. SCHEUFELE, and JAMES SHANAHAN, Think about It This Way: Attribute Agenda-Setting Function of the Press and the Public’s Evaluation of a Local Issue, 79:1, 7-25.
KIM, SUNG TAE, Making a Difference: U.S. Press Coverage of the Kwangju and Tiananmen Pro-Democracy Movements, 77:1, 22-36.
KIM, SUNG TAE, DAVID WEAVER, and LARS WILLNAT, Media Reporting and Perceived Credibility of Online Polls, 77:4, 846-864.
KIM, YUNGWOOK, Measuring the Bottom-Line Impact of Corporate Public Relations, 77:2, 273-291.
KIM, YUNGWOOK, Searching for the Organization-Public Relationship: A Valid and Reliable Instrument, 78:4, 799-815.
KING, CYNTHIA M. (See Perry).
KING, ERIKA G., The Flawed Characters in the Campaign: Prestige Newspaper Assessments of the 1992 Presidential Candidates’ Integrity and Competence, 72:1, 84-97.
KING, ERIKA G. (See Wells).
KINNICK, KATHERINE N., DEAN M. KRUGMAN, and GLEN T. CAMERON, Compassion Fatigue: Communication and Burnout toward Social Problems, 73:3, 687-707.
KITCH, CAROLYN, Changing Theoretical Perspectives on Women’s Media Images: The Emergence of Patterns in a New Area of Historical Scholarship, 74:3, 477-489.
KITCH, CAROLYN, The American Woman Series: Gender and Class in The Ladies’ Home Journal, 1897, 75:2, 243-262.
KITCH, CAROLYN, “A Death in the American Family”: Myth, Memory, and National Values in the Media Mourning of John F. Kennedy Jr., 79:2, 294-309.
KLEIN, GARY, When the News Doesn’t Fit: The New York Times and Hitler’s First Two Months in Office, February/March 1933, 78:1, 127-149.
KNOBLOCH, SILVIA, FRANCESCA DILLMAN CARPENTIER, and DOLF ZILLMANN, Effects of Salience Dimensions of Informational Utility on Selective Exposure to Online News, 80:1, 91-108.
KNUDSON, JERRY W., Licensing Journalists in Latin America: An Appraisal, 73:4, 878-889.
KODRICH, KRIS, Finding a New Way: Nicaraguan Newspapers in a Globalized World, 79:1, 101-120.
KOEHLER, ELIZABETH M., The Variable Nature of Defamation: Social Mores and Accusations of Homosexuality, 76:2, 217-228.
KOPENHAVER, LILLIAN LODGE and J. WILLIAM CLICK, High School Newspapers Still Censored Thirty Years after Tinker, 78:2, 321-339.
KOSICKI, GERALD M., LEE B. BECKER, and ERIC S. FREDIN, Buses and Ballots: The Role of Media Images in a Local Election, 71:1, 76-89.
KOSICKI, GERALD M. (See Fredin).
KRAIDY, MARWAN M., State Control of Television News in 1990s Lebanon, 76:3, 485-498.
KRAUS, SIDNEY (See Zhang).
KRUGMAN, DEAN M. (See Kinnick).
KU, GYOTAE, LYNDA LEE KAID, and MICHAEL PFAU, The Impact of Web Site Campaigning on Traditional News Media and Public Information Processing, 80:3, 528-547.
KUNZ, WILLIAM M. (See Wanta).
KURPIUS, DAVID D., Public Journalism and Commercial Local Television News: In Search of a Model, 77:2, 340-354.
KURPIUS, DAVID D. and ANDREW MENDELSON, A Case Study of Deliberative Democracy on Television: Civic Dialogue on C-SPAN Call-in Shows, 79:3, 587-601.
KURPIUS, DAVID D., Sources and Civic Journalism: Changing Patterns of Reporting?, 79:4, 853-866.
KURPIUS, DAVID (See Voakes).
Author Index I-J, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
IOSIFIDES, PETROS, Diversity versus Concentration in the Deregulated Mass Media Domain, 76:1, 152-162.
ISOM, PAUL, EDWARD JOHNSON, JAMES MCCOLLUM, and DOLF ZILLMANN, Perception of Interviewees with Less-Than-Perfect English: Implications for Newspaper Citations, 72:4, 874-882.
JACKSON, SALLY, DANIEL J. O’KEEFE, and DALE E. BRASHERS, The Messages Replication Factor: Methods Tailored to Messages as Objects of Study, 71:4, 984-996.
JEFFRES, LEO W. (See Lin).
JENSEN, ROBERT, Journalists and the Overtime Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 73:2, 417-426.
JOHNSON, MELISSA A., Predicting News Flow from Mexico, 74:2, 315-330.
JOHNSON, MICHELLE (See Stamm and Martin).
JOHNSON, SUSAN (See Serini).
JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and WAYNE WANTA, with TIMOTHY BOUDREAU, JANET BLANK-LIBRA, KILLIAN SCHAFFER, and SALLY TURNER, Influence Dealers: A Path Analysis Model of Agenda Building during Richard Nixon’s War on Drugs, 73:1, 181-194.
JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and TIMOTHY BOUDREAU, with CHRIS GLOWAKI, Turning the Spotlight Inward: How Five Leading News Organizations Covered the Media in the 1992 Presidential Election, 73:3, 657-671.
JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and BARBARA K. KAYE, Cruising Is Believing?: Comparing Internet and Traditional Sources on Media Credibility Measures, 75:2, 325-340.
JOHNSON, THOMAS J., MAHMOUD A. M. BRAIMA, and JAYANTHI SOTHIRAJAH, Doing the Traditional Media Sidestep: Comparing the Effects of the Internet and Other Nontraditional Media with Traditional Media in the 1996 Presidential Campaign, 76:1, 99-123.
JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and BARBARA K. KAYE, Using Is Believing: The Influence of Reliance on the Credibility of Online Political Information among Politically Interested Internet Users, 77:4, 865-879.
JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and BARBARA K. KAYE, Webelievability: A Path Model Examining How Convenience and Reliance Predict Online Credibility, 79:3, 619-642.
JOHNSON, WAYNE (See McAlister).
JOHNSTON, ANNE and ANNE BARTON WHITE, Communication Styles and Female Candidates: A Study of the Political Advertising during the 1986 Senate Elections, 71:2, 321-329.
JOHNSTONE, JOHN W. C., DARNELL F. HAWKINS, and ARTHUR MICHENER, Homicide Reporting in Chicago Dailies, 71:4, 860-872.
JOLLIFFE, LEE and TERRI CATLETT, Women Editors at the “Seven Sisters” Magazines, 1965-1985: Did They Make a Difference?, 71:4, 800-808.
JONES, JENNIFER (See Tewksbury).
JONES, STEVE, Unlicensed Broadcasting: Content and Conformity, 71:2, 395-402.
JU-PAK, KUEN-HEE (See Cameron).
JUNG, JAEMIN, How Magazines Covered Media Companies’ Mergers: The Case of the Evolution of Time Inc., 79:3, 681-696.
Author Index H, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
HAAS, TANNI (See Massey).
HALSTUK, MARTIN E. and BILL F. CHAMBERLIN, Open Government in the Digital Age: The Legislative History of How Congress Established a Right of Public Access to Electronic Information Held by Federal Agencies, 78:1, 45-64.
HANSEN, ANNE (See Coulson).
HANSEN, KATHLEEN A., JEAN WARD, JOAN L. CONNERS, and MARK NEUZIL, Local Breaking News: Sources, Technology, and News Routines, 71:3, 561-572.
HANSEN, KATHLEEN A., MARK NEUZIL, and JEAN WARD, Newsroom Topic Teams: Journalists’ Assessments of Effects on News Routines and Newspaper Quality, 75:4, 803-821.
HARRY, JOSEPH C., Covering Conflict: A Structural-Pluralist Analysis of How a Small-Town and a Big-City Newspaper Reported an Environmental Controversy, 78:3, 419-436.
HAUGLAND, ANN, Books as Culture/Books as Commerce, 71:4, 787-799.
HAWKINS, DARNELL F. (See Johnstone).
HAWKINS, ELIZA TANNER with KIRK A. HAWKINS, Bridging Latin America’s Digital Divide: Government Policies and Internet Access, 80:3, 646-665.
HAWKINS, KIRK A. (See Hawkins, Eliza Tanner).
HE, ZHOU (See Willnat).
HENNINGHAM, JOHN, Australian Journalists’ Professional and Ethical Values, 73:1, 206-218.
HENNINGHAM, JOHN, The Journalist’s Personality: An Exploratory Study, 74:3, 615-624.
HENRY, PAGET (See Rhodes).
HERTOG, JAMES K., JOHN R. FINNEGAN, JR., and EMILY KAHN, Media Coverage of AIDS, Cancer, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Test of the Public Arenas Model, 71:2, 291-304.
HERTOG, JAMES K., Elite Press Coverage of the 1986 U.S.-Libya Conflict: A Case Study of Tactical and Strategic Critique, 77:3, 612-627.
HERTOG, JAMES K. (See Gutierrez-Villalobos).
HERZOG, KRISTIN (See Walsh-Childers).
HESSE, MICHAEL B. (See Stamm and Emig).
HESTER, JOE BOB and RHONDA GIBSON, The Economy and Second-Level Agenda Setting: A Time-Series Analysis of Economic News and Public Opinion about the Economy, 80:1, 73-90.
HESTER, JOE BOB (See Perry).
HIGGINS, DONNA (See McAlister).
HINDMAN, DOUGLAS BLANKS, Community Newspapers, Community Structural Pluralism, and Local Conflict with Nonlocal Groups, 73:3, 708-721.
HINDMAN, DOUGLAS BLANKS, ROBERT LITTLEFIELD, ANN PRESTON, and DENNIS NEUMANN, Structural Pluralism, Ethnic Pluralism, and Community Newspapers, 76:2, 250-263.
HINDMAN, DOUGLAS BLANKS, The Rural-Urban Digital Divide, 77:3, 549-560.
HINDMAN, ELIZABETH BLANKS, “Spectacles of the Poor”: Conventions of Alternative News, 75:1, 177-193.
HINDMAN, ELIZABETH BLANKS, “Lynch-Mob Journalism” vs. “Compelling Human Drama”: Editorial Responses to Coverage of the Pretrial Phase of the O.J. Simpson Case, 76:3, 499-515.
HINDMAN, ELIZABETH BLANKS, The Princess and the Paparazzi: Blame, Responsibility, and the Media’s Role in the Death of Diana, 80:3, 666-688.
HINES, RANDALL W. and JERRY HILLIARD, A Study of Tennessee Newspapers’ Use of Traditional Headline “Rules,” 72:3, 698-705.
HITCHON, JACQUELINE C., The Locus of Metaphorical Persuasion: An Empirical Test, 74:1, 55-68.
HOERRNER, KEISHA L., Symbolic Politics: Congressional Interest in Television Violence from 1950 to 1996, 76:4, 684-698.
HOLLANDER, BARRY A., The New News and the 1992 Presidential Campaign: Perceived vs. Actual Political Knowledge, 72:4, 786-798.
HOLLANDER, BARRY A., Talk Radio: Predictors of Use and Effects on Attitudes about Government, 73:1, 102-113.
HOLLIFIELD, C. ANN, The Specialized Business Press and Industry-Related Political Communication: A Comparative Study, 74:4, 757-772.
HOLLIFIELD, C. ANN (See Daniels).
HONG, YAH-HUEI (See Gunther).
HONNOLD, JULIE A. (See Kennamer).
HOPKINS, W. WAT, The Supreme Court Defines the Marketplace of Ideas, 73:1, 40-52.
HORNIK, ROBERT (See Maxwell).
HOROWITZ, EDWARD M. (See Eveland).
HOWARD, HERBERT H., TV Station Group and Cross-Media Ownership: A 1995 Update, 72:2, 390-401.
HU, YU-WEI (See Wanta).
HUANG, LI-NING (See Price).
HUANG, REN HE (See Tamborini).
HUBERLIE, MARA (See Merskin).
HUCKINS, KYLE, Interest-Group Influence on the Media Agenda: A Case Study, 76:1, 76-86.
HUGHES, WILLIAM J., The “Not-So-Genial” Conspiracy: The New York Times and Six Presidential “Honeymoons,” 1953-1993, 72:4, 841-850.
HUME, JANICE, The “Forgotten” 1918 Influenza Epidemic and Press Portrayal of Public Anxiety, 77:4, 898-915.
HUME, JANICE, “Portraits of Grief,” Reflectors of Values: The New York Times Remembers Victims of September 11, 80:1, 166-182.
HUSSELBEE, L. PAUL and GUIDO H. STEMPEL III, Contrast in U.S. Media Coverage of Two Major Canadian Elections, 74:3, 591-601.
HUSSELBEE, L. PAUL and LARRY ELLIOTT, Looking beyond Hate: How National and Regional Newspapers Framed Hate Crimes in Jasper, Texas, and Laramie Wyoming, 79:4, 833-852.
HUXFORD, JOHN (See Maxwell).
HYNDS, ERNEST C., Editors at Most U.S. Dailies See Vital Roles for Editorial Page, 71:3, 573-582.
Author Index G, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
GADE, PETER J. and EARNEST L. PERRY, Changing the Newsroom Culture: A Four-Year Case Study of Organizational Development at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 80:2, 327-347.
GANT, CAMILLA and JOHN DIMMICK, Making Local News: A Holistic Analysis of Sources, Selection Criteria, and Topics, 77:3, 628-638.
GAO, DANDAN (See Wanta).
GARRISON, BRUCE, Journalists’ Perceptions of Online Information-Gathering Problems, 77:3, 500-514.
GASSAWAY, BOB M. (See McDevitt).
GAZIANO, CECILIE, Forecast 2000: Widening Knowledge Gaps, 74:2, 237-264.
GEIGER, SETH (See O’Sullivan).
GIBSON, RHONDA and DOLF ZILLMANN, Effects of Citation in Exemplifying Testimony on Issue Perception, 75:1, 167-176.
GIBSON, RHONDA and DOLF ZILLMANN, Reading between the Photographs: The Influence of Incidental Pictorial Information on Issue Perception, 77:2, 355-366.
GIBSON, RHONDA (See Hester).
GIBSON, RHONDA (See Zillmann).
GIFFARD, C. ANTHONY and NANCY K. RIVENBURGH, News Agencies, National Images, and Global Media Events, 77:1, 8-21.
GILBERT, SARAH ANN, A Response to “Old-Growth Forests on Network News: News Sources and the Framing of an Environmental Controversy,” 74:4, 883-886.
GLADNEY, GEORGE ALBERT, How Editors and Readers Rank and Rate the Importance of Eighteen Traditional Standards of Newspaper Excellence, 73:2, 319-331.
GLEASON, TIMOTHY W. (See Stavitsky).
GLOWAKI, CHRIS (See Johnson).
GOLAN, GUY and WAYNE WANTA, Second-Level Agenda Setting in the New Hampshire Primary: A Comparison of Coverage in Three Newspapers and Public Perceptions of Candidates, 78:2, 247-259.
GOMERY, DOUGLAS, Rethinking TV History, 74:3, 501-514.
GOODMAN, J. ROBYN, LISA L. DUKE, and JOHN SUTHERLAND, Olympic Athletes and Heroism in Advertising: Gendered Concepts of Valor?, 79:2, 374-393.
GOODMAN, J. ROBYN, Flabless Is Fabulous: How Latina and Anglo Women Read and Incorporate the Excessively Thin Body Ideal into Everyday Experience, 79:3, 712-727.
GOODSON, SABRINA R. and MARY ALICE SHAVER, Hispanic Marketing: National Advertiser Spending Patterns and Media Choices, 71:1, 191-198.
GOWER, KARLA K. (See Packer).
GRABE, MARIA ELIZABETH, Tabloid and Traditional Television News Magazine Crime Stories: Crime Lessons and Reaffirmation of Social Class Distinctions, 73:4, 926-946.
GRABE, MARIA ELIZABETH, SHUHUA ZHOU, and BROOKE BARNETT, Sourcing and Reporting in News Magazine Programs: 60 Minutes versus Hard Copy, 76:2, 293-311.
GRAF, JOSEPH D. (See Becker).
GRIFFIN, JEFFREY L., The Effectiveness of Locator Maps in Increasing Reader Understanding of the Geography of Foreign News, 71:4, 937-946.
GRIFFIN, MICHAEL and JONGSOO LEE, Picturing the Gulf War: Constructing an Image of War in Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report, 72:4, 813-825.
GRIFFIN, ROBERT J. and SHARON DUNWOODY, Impacts of Information Subsidies and Community Structure on Local Press Coverage of Environmental Contamination, 72:2, 271-284.
GRIFFIN, ROBERT J. and SHAIKAT SEN, Causal Communication: Movie Portrayals and Audience Attributions for Vietnam Veterans’ Problems, 72:3, 511-524.
GRIMES, TOM and ROBERT DRECHSEL, Word-Picture Juxtaposition, Schemata, and Defamation in Television News, 73:1, 169-180.
GUNTHER, ALBERT C., YAH-HUEI HONG, and LULU RODRIGUEZ, Balancing Trust in Media and Trust in Government during Political Change in Taiwan, 71:3, 628-636.
GUNTHER, ALBERT C. and CINDY T. CHRISTEN, Effects of News Slant and Base Rate Information on Perceived Public Opinion, 76:2, 277-292.
GUNTHER, ALBERT C. and STELLA CHIH-YUN CHIA, Predicting Pluralistic Ignorance: The Hostile Media Perception and Its Consequences, 78:4, 688-701.
GUTIERREZ-VILLALOBOS, SONIA, JAMES K. HERTOG, and RAMONA R. RUSH, Press Support for the U.S. Administration during the Panama Invasion: Analyses of Strategic and Tactical Critique in the Domestic Press, 71:3, 618-627.
Author Index F, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
FAN, DAVID P. (See Domke).
FARNALL, OLAN and KIM A. SMITH, Reactions to People with Disabilities: Personal Contact versus Viewing of Specific Media Portrayals, 76:4, 659-672.
FELDMAN, OFER, Political Reality and Editorial Cartoons in Japan: How the National Dailies Illustrate the Japanese Prime Minister, 72:3, 571-580.
FENGLER, SUSANNE, Holding the News Media Accountable: A Study of Media Reporters and Media Critics in the United States, 80:4, 818-832.
FERRI, ANTHONY J. (See Engstrom).
FICO, FRED and STAN SOFFIN, Fairness and Balance of Selected Newspaper Coverage of Controversial National, State, and Local Issues, 72:3, 621-633.
FICO, FREDERICK and WILLIAM COTE, Fairness and Balance in the Structural Characteristics of Newspaper Stories on the 1996 Presidential Election, 76:1, 124-137.
FICO, FREDERICK and ERIC FREEDMAN, Setting the News Story Agenda: Candidates and Commentators in News Coverage of a Governor’s Race, 78:3, 437-449.
FINK, EDWARD J. and WALTER GANTZ, A Content Analysis of Three Mass Communication Research Traditions: Social Science, Interpretive Studies, and Critical Analysis, 73:1, 114-134.
FINNEGAN, JOHN R. (See Hertog).
FISHMAN, GIDEON (See Weimann).
FLAMIANO, DOLORES, The Birth of a Notion: Media Coverage of Contraception, 1915-1917, 75:3, 560-571.
FLANAGIN, ANDREW J. and MIRIAM J. METZGER, Perceptions of Internet Information Credibility, 77:3, 515-540.
FLATOW, GAIL M. (See Brown).
FOLKERTS, JEAN, Celebrating the 75th Anniversary, Introduction, 75:4, 687-688.
FOLKERTS, JEAN, Celebrating the 75th Anniversary, Epilogue, 75:4, 696-698.
FRADGLEY, KIMBERLEY E. and WALTER E. NIEBAUER JR., London’s “Quality” Newspapers: Newspaper Ownership and Reporting Patterns, 72:4, 902-912.
FREDIN, ERIC S., TERESA HAUGEN MONNETT, and GERALD M. KOSICKI, Knowledge Gaps, Social Locators, and Media Schemata: Gaps, Reverse Gaps, and Gaps of Disaffection, 71:1, 176-190.
FREDIN, ERIC S. and PRABU DAVID, Browsing and the Hypermedia Interaction Cycle: A Model of Self-Efficacy and Goal Dynamics, 75:1, 35-54.
FREDIN, ERIC S. (See Kosicki).
FREITAG, ALAN (See Riffe).
FRITH, KATHERINE T. (See Burkhart).
FUJIOKA, YUKI, Television Portrayals and African-American Stereotypes: Examination of Television Effects when Direct Contact Is Lacking, 76:1, 52-75.
FULLERTON, JAMI A. and ALICE KENDRICK, Portrayal of Men and Women in U.S. Spanish-Language Television Commercials, 77:1, 128-142.
FÜRSICH, ELFRIEDE, Nation, Capitalism, Myth: Covering News of Economic Globalization, 79:2, 353-373.
Author Index E, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
EATON, B. CAROL, Prime-Time Stereotyping on the New Television Networks, 74:4, 859-872.
EGAN, KATHRYN S., A Constructivist’s Approach to Broadcast Communications Academe: A Feminist Success Story, 71:4, 960-972.
EHRLICH, MATTHEW C., Myth in Charles Kuralt’s “On the Road,” 79:2, 327-338.
EICHHOLZ, MARTIN (See Shoemaker).
EKSTRAND, VICTORIA SMITH, Online News: User Agreements and Implications for Readers, 79:3, 602-618.
ELLIOTT, LARRY (See Husselbee).
ELLIS, BARBARA G. and STEVEN J. DICK, “Who Was ‘Shadow’?” The Computer Knows: Applying Grammar-Program Statistics in Content Analyses to Solve Mysteries about Authorship, 73:4, 947-962.
EMIG, ARTHUR G., Community Ties and Dependence on Media for Public Affairs, 72:2, 402-411.
EMIG, ARTHUR G. (See Stamm and Hesse).
ENDRES, KATHLEEN L. and ANN B. SCHIERHORN, New Technology and the Writer/Editor Relationship: Shifting Electronic Realities, 72:2, 448-457.
ENGSTROM, ERIKA and ANTHONY J. FERRI, From Barriers to Challenges: Career Perceptions of Women TV News Anchors, 75:4, 789-802.
ENTMAN, ROBERT M., Representation and Reality in the Portrayal of Blacks on Network Television News, 71:3, 509-520.
ESROCK, STUART L. and GREG B. LEICHTY, Corporate World Wide Web Pages: Serving the News Media and Other Publics, 76:3, 456-467.
ETTEMA, JAMES S. and LIMOR PEER, Good News from a Bad Neighborhood: Toward an Alternative to the Discourse of Urban Pathology, 73:4, 835-856.
EVANS, WILLIAM, The Mundane and the Arcane: Prestige Media Coverage of Social and Natural Science, 72:1, 168-177.
EVANS, WILLIAM, Divining the Social Order: Class, Gender, and Magazine Astrology Columns, 73:2, 389-400.
EVELAND, WILLIAM P., JR., Interactions and Nonlinearity in Mass Communication: Connecting Theory and Methodology, 74:2, 400-416.
EVELAND, WILLIAM P., JR., JACK M. MCLEOD, and EDWARD M. HOROWITZ, Communication and Age in Childhood Political Socialization: An Interactive Model of Political Development, 75:4, 699-718.
EVELAND, WILLIAM P., JR., News Information Processing as Mediator of the Relationship between Motivations and Political Knowledge, 79:1, 26-40.
EVERETT, SHU-LING (See Moriarty).
Author Index D, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
DAILY, KATIE (See McLeod).
D’ALESSIO, DAVE, An Experimental Examination of Readers’ Perceptions of Media Bias, 80:2, 282-294.
DANIEL, DOUGLASS K., They Liked Ike: Pro-Eisenhower Publishers and His Decision to Run for President, 77:2, 393-404.
DANIELS, GEORGE L. and C. ANN HOLLIFIELD, Times of Turmoil: Short- and Long-Term Effects of Organizational Change on Newsroom Employees, 79:3, 661-680.
DANIELSON, WAYNE, Talking with a Dinosaur, 75:4, 689-691.
DASCHMANN, GREGOR and HANS-BERND BROSIUS, Can a Single Incident Create an Issue? Exemplars in German Television Magazine Shows, 76:1, 35-51.
DAVID, PRABU, Role of Imagery in Recall of Deviant News, 73:4, 804-820.
DAVID, PRABU and MICHAEL M. PIERSON, Public Affairs Decision Making in the U.S. Air Force: An Application of Multiattribute Utility Theory, 75:3, 606-626.
DAVID, PRABU (See Fredin).
DAVIE, WILLIAM R. and JUNG-SOOK LEE, Sex, Violence, and Consonance/Differentiation: An Analysis of Local TV News Values, 72:1, 128-138.
DAVIE, WILLIAM R. (See Taylor).
DAVIS, CHARLES N. (See Bunker).
DAVIS, JOEL J., Environmental Advertising: Norms and Levels of Advertiser Trust, 71:2, 330-345.
DAVIS, JOEL J., The Effects of Message Framing on Response to Environmental Communications, 72:2, 285-299.
DELAURELL, RICHARD (See Rothenbuhler).
DEMERS, DAVID, Corporate Newspaper Structure, Editorial Page Vigor, and Social Change, 73:4, 857-877.
DEMERS, DAVID K., Structural Pluralism, Corporate Newspaper Structure, and News Source Perceptions: Another Test of the Editorial Vigor Hypothesis, 75:3, 572-592.
DEMERS, DAVID PEARCE, Effect of Organizational Size on Job Satisfaction of Top Editors at U.S. Dailies, 71:4, 914-925.
DEMERS, DAVID PEARCE, Does Personal Experience in a Community Increase or Decrease Newspaper Reading?. 73:2, 304-318.
DENHAM, BRYAN E., Anonymous Attribution during Two Periods of Military Conflict: Using Logistic Regression to Study Veiled Sources in American Newspapers, 74:3, 565-578.
DESHPANDE, SAMEER and JACQUELINE C. HITCHON, Cause-Related Marketing Ads in the Light of Negative News, 79:4, 905-926.
DEUZE, MARK, National News Cultures: A Comparison of Dutch, German, British, Australian, and U.S. Journalists, 79:1, 134-149.
DEVITT, JAMES, Framing Gender on the Campaign Trail: Female Gubernatorial Candidates and the Press, 79:2, 445-463.
DEVITT, JAMES (See Waldman).
DICK, STEVEN J. (See Ellis).
DICKEN-GARCIA, HAZEL, The Internet and Continuing Historical Discourse, 75:1, 19-27.
DICKSON, SANDRA H., Understanding Media Bias: The Press and the U.S. Invasion of Panama, 71:4, 809-819.
DILLON, JOHN F. (See White).
DOMINICK, JOSEPH R., Who Do You Think You Are? Personal Home Pages and Self-Presentation on the World Wide Web, 76:4, 646-658.
DOMKE, DAVID and DHAVAN V. SHAH, Interpretation of Issues and Voter Decision-Making Strategies: A New Perspective on “Issue-Oriented” Election Coverage, 72:1, 45-71.
DOMKE, DAVID, DAVID P. FAN, MICHAEL FIBISON, DHAVAN V. SHAH, STEVEN S. SMITH, and MARK D. WATTS, News Media, Candidates and Issues, and Public Opinion in the 1996 Presidential Campaign, 74:4, 718-737.
DOMKE, DAVID (See Shah).
DONG, QINGWEN (See Weintraub).
DOOLEY, PATRICIA L., Minnesota Publishers and Editors As Elected Officials, 1923-1938: A Comparison of Journalistic Rhetoric and Conduct, 71:1, 64-75.
DRESS, ABBY, Running Out of Time: An Analysis of Shutting Down New York Newsday by Times Mirror, 76:4, 745-755.
DREW, DAN (See Weaver, David).
DREW, DAN and DAVID WEAVER, Voter Learning in the 1996 Presidential Election: Did the Media Matter?, 75:2, 292-301.
DRISCOLL, PAUL D. and MICHAEL B. SALWEN, Self-Perceived Knowledge of the O.J. Simpson Trial: Third-Person Perception and Perceptions of Guilt, 74:3, 541-556.
DUKE, LISA, Black in a Blonde World: Race and Girls’ Interpretations of the Feminine Ideal in Teen Magazines, 77:2, 367-392.
DUKE, LISA L. (See Goodman).
DUPAGNE, MICHEL, Regulation of Sexually Explicit Videotex Services in France, 71:1, 121-134.
DURHAM, MEENAKSHI GIGI, Girls, Media, and the Negotiation of Sexuality: A Study of Race, Class, and Gender in Adolescent Peer Groups, 76:2, 193-216.
DYER, CAROLYN STEWART and DOUGLAS B. ADAMS, The Financial Affairs of Wisconsin and Iowa Weekly Newspapers in 1860: An Analysis of Products of Industry Census Data, 71:2, 370-379.
Author Index C, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
CAMERON, GLEN T. and PATRICIA A. CURTIN, Tracing Sources of Information Pollution: A Survey and Experimental Test of Print Media’s Labeling Policy for Feature Advertising, 72:1, 178-189.
CAMERON, GLEN T., KUEN-HEE JU-PAK, and BONG-HYUN KIM, Advertorials in Magazines: Current Use and Compliance with Industry Guidelines, 73:3, 722-733.
CAMERON, GLEN T. and DAVID BLOUNT, VNRs and Air Checks: A Content Analysis of the Use of Video News Releases in Television Newscasts, 73:4, 890-904.
CAMERON, GLEN T. (See Kinnick).
CAMERON, GLEN T. (See Porter).
CAMERON, GLEN T. (See Reber).
CAMERON, GLEN T. (See Shin).
CAMPBELL, W. JOSEPH, Not Likely Sent: The Remington-Hearst “Telegrams,” 77:2, 405-422.
CAREY, JAMES W., The Internet and the End of the National Communication System: Uncertain Predictions of an Uncertain Future, 75:1, 28-34.
CARPINI, MICHAEL X. DELLI, SCOTT KEETER, and J. DAVID KENNAMER, Effects of the News Media Environment on Citizen Knowledge of State Politics and Government, 71:2, 443-456.
CARROLL, RAYMOND L. and C.A. TUGGLE, The World Outside: Local TV News Treatment of Imported News, 74:1, 123-133.
CARTER, SUE, FREDERICK FICO, and JOCELYN A. MCCABE, Partisan and Structural Balance in Local Television Election Coverage, 79:1, 41-53.
CASSARA, CATHERINE, U.S. Newspaper Coverage of Human Rights in Latin America, 1975-1982: Exploring President Carter’s Agenda-Building Influence, 75:3, 478-486.
CATLETT, TERRI (See Joliffe).
CHAFFEE, STEVEN H. (See Martinelli).
CHAMBERLIN, BILL F. (See Halstuk).
CHAMBERLIN, BILL F. (See Splichal).
CHAN-OLMSTED, SYLVIA M. and JUNG SUK PARK, From On-Air to Online World: Examining the Content and Structures of Broadcast TV Stations’ Web Sites, 77:2, 321-339.
CHANCE, JEAN (See Walsh-Childers).
CHANG, HOSOON, The News Media’s Right of Access to Pretrial Discovery Materials in Civil Lawsuits, 71:1, 145-158.
CHANG, KUANG-KUO, Auto Trade Policy and the Press: Auto Elite as a Source of the Media Agenda, 76:2, 312-324.
CHENG, HONG, Toward an Understanding of Cultural Values Manifest in Advertising: A Content Analysis of Chinese Television Commercials in 1990 and 1995, 74:4, 773-796.
CHEW, FIONA, The Relationship of Information Needs to Issue Relevance and Media Use, 71:3, 676-688.
CHO, CHANG-HOAN, The Effectiveness of Banner Advertisements: Involvement and Click-through, 80:3, 623-645.
CHO, HIROMI and STEPHEN LACY, International Conflict Coverage in Japanese Local Daily Newspapers, 77:4, 830-845.
CHO, HIROMI (See Lacy).
CHORY-ASSAD, REBECCA M. (See Tamborini).
CHRISTEN, CINDY T. (See Gunther).
CLICK, J. WILLIAM (See Kopenhaver).
COLEMAN, RENITA, Race and Ethical Reasoning: The Importance of Race to Journalistic Decision Making, 80:2, 295-310.
COLLINS, ROSS F., A Battle for Humor: Satire and Censorship in Le Bavard, 73:3, 645-656.
CONNERS, JOAN L. (See Hansen).
CORBETT, JULIA B. and MOTOMI MORI, Medicine, Media, and Celebrities: News Coverage of Breast Cancer, 1960-1995, 76:2, 229-249.
COTTER, PATRICK R., DAVID K. PERRY, and JAMES G. STOVALL, Active and Passive Indicators of Public Opinion: Assessing the Call-in Poll, 71:1, 169-175.
COULSON, DAVID C., Impact of Ownership on Newspaper Quality, 71:2, 403-410.
COULSON, DAVID C. and ANNE HANSEN, The Louisville Courier-Journal’s News Content after Purchase by Gannett, 72:1, 205-215.
COULSON, DAVID C. and STEPHEN LACY, Journalists’ Perceptions of How Newspaper and Broadcast News Competition Affects Newspaper Content, 73:2, 354-363.
COULSON, DAVID C. and STEPHEN LACY, Newspaper Economic Coverage of Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards, 75:1, 154-166.
COULSON, DAVID C., DANIEL RIFFE, STEPHEN LACY, and CHARLES R. ST. CYR, Erosion of Television Coverage of City Hall? Perceptions of TV Reporters on the Beat, 78:1, 81-92.
COWARD, JOHN M., Explaining the Little Bighorn: Race and Progress in the Native Press, 71:3, 540-549.
CRAIG, DAVID A., Ethical Language and Themes in News Coverage of Genetic Testing, 77:1, 160-174.
CRAIG, DAVID A., The Promise and Peril of Anecdotes in News Coverage: An Ethical Analysis, 80:4, 802-817.
CRONIN, MARY M. and JAMES B. MCPHERSON, Pronouncements and Denunciations: An Analysis of State Press Association Ethics Codes from the 1920s, 72:4, 890-901.
CURTIN, PATRICIA A. and SCOTT R. MAIER, Numbers in the Newsroom: A Qualitative Examination of a Quantitative Challenge, 78:4, 720-738.
CURTIN, PATRICIA A. (See Cameron).