J&MC Quarterly Index- Age, Disability, Gender, Race, and Ethnicity

Volumes 71 to 80
1994 to 2003
Subject Index: Age, Disability, Gender, Race, and Ethnicity

Beauty and the Beasts: Significance of Press Coverage of the 1913 National Suffrage Parade (Linda J. Lumsden) 77:3, 593-611.

Black in a Blonde World: Race and Girls’ Interpretations of the Feminine Ideal in Teen Magazines (Lisa Duke) 77:2, 367-392.

The Bush and Gore Presidential Campaign Web Sites: Identifying with Hispanic Voters during the 2000 Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary (María E. Len-Ríos) 79:4, 887-904.

The Color of Crime and the Court: A Content Analysis of Minority Representation on Television (Ron Tamborini, Dana E. Mastro, Rebecca M. Chory-Assad, and Ren He Huang) 77:3, 639-653.

Covering Domestic Violence: How the O.J. Simpson Case Shaped Reporting of Domestic Violence in the News Media (Kimberly A. Maxwell, John Huxford, Catherine Borum, and Robert Hornik) 77:2, 258-272.

Cultural Standards of Attractiveness: A Thirty-Year Look at Changes in Male Images in Magazines (Cheryl Law and Magdala Peixoto Labre) 79:3, 697-711.

Differential Employment Rates in the Journalism and Mass Communication Labor Force Based on Gender, Race, and Ethnicity: Exploring the Impact of Affirmative Action (Lee B. Becker, Edmund Lauf, and Wilson Lowrey) 76:4, 631-645.

Flabless Is Fabulous: How Latina and Anglo Women Read and Incorporate the Excessively Thin Body Ideal into Everyday Experience (J. Robyn Goodman) 79:3, 712-727.

Framing Gender on the Campaign Trail: Female Gubernatorial Candidates and the Press (James Devitt) 79:2, 445-463.

From Segmented to Fragmented: Latino Media in San Antonio, Texas (Vicki Mayer) 78:2, 291-306.

Gender Politics: News Coverage of the Candidates’ Wives in Campaign 2000 (Betty Houchin Winfield and Barbara Friedman) 80:3, 548-566.

Girls, Media, and the Negotiation of Sexuality: A Study of Race, Class, and Gender in Adolescent Peer Groups (Meenakshi Gigi Durham) 76:2, 193-216.

Health and Beauty Magazine Reading and Body Shape Concerns among a Group of College Women (Steven R. Thomsen) 79:4, 988-1007.

Media Use and Civic Participation in the African-American Population: Exploring Participation among Professionals and Nonprofessionals (Teresa Mastin) 77:1, 115-127.

The Nativist Press: Demonizing the American Immigrant (Rodger Streitmatter) 76:4, 673-83.

Nowhere Near Picture Perfect: Images of the Elderly in Life and Ebony Magazine Ads, 1990-1997 (Sharon Bramlett-Solomon and Ganga Subramanian) 76:3, 565-72.

Olympic Athletes and Heroism in Advertising: Gendered Concepts of Valor? (J. Robyn Goodman, Lisa L. Duke, and John Sutherland) 79:2, 374-393.

Portrayal of Men and Women in U.S. Spanish-Language Television Commercials (Jami A. Fullerton and Alice Kendrick) 77:1, 128-142.

Producing Public Voice: Resource Mobilization and Media Access in the National Organization for Women (Bernadette Barker-Plummer) 79:1, 188-205.

Race and Ethical Reasoning: The Importance of Race to Journalistic Decision Making (Renita Coleman) 80:2, 295-310.

Racial and Regional Differences in Readers’ Evaluations of the Credibility of Political Columnists by Race and Sex (Julie L. Andsager and Teresa Mastin) 80:1, 57-72.

Reactions to People with Disabilities: Personal Contact versus Viewing of Specific Media Portrayals (Olan Farnall and Kim A. Smith) 76:4, 659-72.

Television Portrayals and African-American Stereotypes: Examination of Television Effects when Direct Contact Is Lacking (Yuki Fujioka) 76:1, 52-75.

Women Who Succeed in Broadcast Communications Academe: A Feminist Success Story (Kathryn S. Egan) 71:4, 960-972.

<< JMCQ 71-80 Subject Index

J&MC Quarterly Index-Advertising

Volumes 71 to 80
1994 to 2003
Subject Index: Advertising

Adolescent Responses to TV Beer Ads and Sports Content/Context: Gender and Ethnic Differences (Michael D. Slater, Donna Rouner, Melanie Domenech-Rodriguez, Frederick Beauvais, Kevin Murphy, and James K. Van Leuven) 74:1, 108-122.

The Advertising Content of African-American Newspapers (Stephen Lacy and Karyn A. Ramsey) 71:3, 521-530.

Advertising Managers’ Perceptions of Sales Effects and Creative Properties of National Newspaper Advertising: The Medium Revisited (Leonard N. Reid and Karen Whitehill King) 80:2, 410-430.

Advertorials in Magazines: Current Use and Compliance with Industry Guidelines (Glen T. Cameron, Kuen-Hee Ju-Pak, and Bong-Hyun Kim) 73:3, 722-733.

Appropriating Reality: Consumers’ Perceptions of Schema-Inconsistent Advertising (Hazel G. Warlaumont) 74:1, 39-54.

Black and White Models and Their Activities in Modern Cigarette and Alcohol Ads (Leonard N. Reid, Karen Whitehill King, and Peggy J. Kreshel) 71:4, 873-886.

Cause-Related Marketing Ads in the Light of Negative News (Sameer Deshpande and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 79:4, 905-926.

Cheesecake and Beefcake: No Matter How You Slice It, Sexual Explicitness in Advertising Continues to Increase (Tom Reichert, Jacqueline Lambiase, Susan Morgan, Meta Carstarphen, and Susan Zavoina) 76:1, 7-20.

Cognitive Impact of Banner Ad Characteristics: An Experimental Study (Hairong Li and Janice L. Bukovac) 76:2, 341-53.

Commercial Breaks: A Viewing Behavior Study (Sandra E. Moriarty and Shu-Ling Everett) 71:2, 346-355.

Communication Styles and Female Candidates: A Study of the Political Advertising during the 1986 Senate Elections (Anne Johnston and Anne Barton White) 71:2, 321-329.

Companionship in the Classifieds: The Adoption of Personal Advertisements by Daily Newspapers (Debra L. Merskin and Mara Huberlie) 73:1, 219-229.

The Cow, the Cook, and the Quaker: Fifty Years of Spokes-Character Advertising (Barbara J. Phillips and Barbara Gyoerick) 76:4, 713-28.

A Demand-Side View of Media Substitutability in National Advertising: A Study of Advertiser Opinions about Traditional Media Options (Leonard N. Reid and Karen Whitehill King) 77:2, 292-307.

Does the Watchdog Bite? Newspaper Ad Watch Articles and Political Attack Ads (Patrick B. O’Sullivan and Seth Geiger) 72:4, 771-785.

The Effectiveness of Banner Advertisements: Involvement and Click-through (Chang-Hoan Cho) 80:3, 623-645.

Effects of Anti-Tobacco Advertisements Based on Risk-Taking Tendencies: Realistic Fear vs. Vulgar Humor (Moon J. Lee and Mary Ann Ferguson) 79:4, 945-963.

Environmental Advertising: Norms and Levels of Advertiser Trust (Joel J. Davis) 71:2, 330-345.

Hispanic Marketing: National Advertiser Spending Patterns and Media Choices (Sabrina R. Goodson and Mary Alice Shaver) 71:1, 191-198.

Images of Rosie: A Content Analysis of Women Workers in American Magazine Advertising, 1940-1946 (Charles Lewis and John Neville) 72:1, 216-227.

The Impact of Competition on Weekly Newspaper Advertising Rates (Stephen Lacy, David C. Coulson, and Hiromi Cho) 78:3, 450-465.

The Impact of Intermedia and Newspaper Competition on Advertising Linage in Daily Newspapers (Mary Alice Shaver and Stephen Lacy) 76:4, 729-44.

Impartial Spectator in the Marketplace of Ideas: The Principles of Adam Smith as an Ethical Basis for Regulation of Corporate Speech (Robert L. Kerr) 79:2, 394-415.

The Institution of Advertising: Predictors of Cross-National Differences in Consumer Confidence (George M. Zinkhan and Anne L. Balazs) 75:3, 535-547.

Intertwining of Campaign News and Advertising: The Content and Electoral Effects of Newspaper Ad Watches (Young Min) 79:4, 927-944.

Looking through Gendered Lenses: Female Stereotyping in Advertisements and Gender Role Expectations (Sue Lafky, Margaret Duffy, Mary Steinmaus, and Dan Berkowitz) 73:2, 379-388.

Loud Tastes, Colored Fragrances, and Scented Sounds: How and When to Mix the Senses in Persuasive Communications (Michelle R. Nelson and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 76:2, 354-372.

Measurement Effects in Comparing Voter Learning from Television News and Campaign Advertisements (Xinshu Zhao and Glen L. Bleske) 72:1, 72-83.

Minority Presence and Portrayal in Mainstream Magazine Advertising: An Update (Lawrence Bowen and Jill Schmid) 74:1, 134-146.

Modeling Format and Source Effects of an Advocacy Message (Dulcie Straughan, Glen L. Bleske, and Xinshu Zhao) 73:1, 135-146.

Olympic Athletes and Heroism in Advertising: Gendered Concepts of Valor? (J. Robyn Goodman, Lisa L. Duke, and John Sutherland) 79:2, 374-393.

Placing Alcohol Warnings before, during, and after TV Beer Ads: Effects on Knowledge and Responses to the Ads and the Warnings (Michael D. Slater, Donna Rouner, David Karan, Kevin Murphy, and Frederick Beauvais) 76:3, 468-484.

Policing Political Ads: An Analysis of Five Leading Newspapers’ Responses to 1992 Political Advertisements (Lori Melton McKinnon, Lynda Lee Kaid, Janet Murphy, and Cynthia K. Acree) 73:1, 66-76.

Portrayal of Men and Women in U.S. Spanish-Language Television Commercials (Jami A. Fullerton and Alice Kendrick) 77:1, 128-142.

Portrayals of Latinos in Magazine Advertising (Charles R. Taylor and Hae-Kyong Bang) 74:2, 285-303.

Skin Tones and Physical Features of Blacks in Magazine Advertisements (Kevin L. Keenan) 73:4, 905-912.

Slow Fade To?: Advertising in Ebony Magazine, 1957-1989 (Michael Leslie) 72:2, 426-435.

Theory of Synesthesia Applied to Persuasion in Print Advertising Headlines (Michelle R. Nelson and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 72:2, 346-360.

Time: The “Silent” Cultural Value in American Television Advertising (Joyce M. Wolburg) 76:3, 419-432.

Time of Voting Decision and Use of Political Advertising: The Slade Gorton-Brock Adams Senatorial Campaign (Lawrence Bowen) 71:3, 665-675.

Toward an Understanding of Cultural Values Manifest in Advertising: A Content Analysis of Chinese Television Commercials in 1990 and 1995 (Hong Cheng) 74:4, 773-796.

Tracing Sources of Information Pollution: A Survey and Experimental Test of Print Media’s Labeling Policy for Feature Advertising (Glen T. Cameron and Patricia A. Curtin) 72:1, 178-189.

What’s Bad in an Ad: Thirty Years of Opinion from Ad Age’s “Ads-We-Can-Do-Without” Letters (Bruce G. Vanden Bergh, Nora J. Rifon, and Molly Catherine Ziske) 72:4, 948-959.

When Advertising and Public Relations Converge: An Application of Schema Theory to the Persuasive Impact of Alignment Ads (Toni L. Schmidt and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 76:3, 433-55.

<< JMCQ 71-80 Subject Index

J&MC Quarterly Subject Index-Volumes 71 to 80

The following is an index by subject of articles that appeared in Journalism Quarterly from 1994 to 2003. (In 1995 Journalism Quarterly changed its name to Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.)


Age, Disablity, Gender, Race and Ethnicity

Audience Studies

Business Coverage

Communication Effects

Communication Theory

Content Analysis


Editorial Page


Health and Medicine



Internet and New Technologies

Law, Policy, Criticism and Ethics


Media Organization, Management and Ownership


News, Newsgathering, and Newswriting

Political Communication

Press Performance

Professional Issues

Public Relations

Scholastic Journalism

Social and Cultural Influences

Television News and Entertainment


Visual Communication

<< J&MC Quarterly Cumulative Index

Author Index X-Y-Z, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003


XIAOMING, HAO (See Willnat).


YANG, MEI-LING, Women’s Pages or People’s Pages: The Production of News for Women in the Washington Post in the 1950s, 73:2, 364-378.

YI, HUIUK (See Perry).

YIOUTAS, JULIE and IVANA SEGVIC, Revisiting the Clinton/Lewinsky Scandal: The Convergence of Agenda Setting and Framing, 80:3, 567-582.


ZAVOINA, SUSAN (See Reichert).

ZHANG, GUO-QIANG and SIDNEY KRAUS, Constructing Public Opinion and Manipulating Symbols: China’s Press Coverage of the Student Movement in 1989, 72:2, 412-425.

ZHANG, WEIWU (See Pfau).

ZHAO, XINSHU and GLEN L. BLESKE, Measurement Effects in Comparing Voter Learning from Television News and Campaign Advertisements, 72:1, 72-83.

ZHAO, XINSHU (See Straughan).

ZHOU, SHUHUA (See Grabe).

ZHU, JIAN-HUA, DAVID WEAVER, VEN-HWEI LO, CHONGSHAN CHEN, and WEI WU, Individual, Organizational, and Societal Influences on Media Role Perceptions: A Comparative Study of Journalists in China, Taiwan, and the United States, 74:1, 84-96.

ZILLMANN, DOLF, RHONDA GIBSON, S. SHYAM SUNDAR, and JOSEPH W. PERKINS JR., Effects of Exemplification in News Reports on the Perception of Social Issues, 73:2, 427-444.


ZILLMANN, DOLF (See Biswas).

ZILLMANN, DOLF (See Gibson).


ZILLMANN, DOLF (See Knobloch).

ZINKHAN, GEORGE M. and ANNE L. BALAZS, The Institution of Advertising: Predictors of Cross-National Differences in Consumer Confidence, 75:3, 535-547.


ZOCH, LYNN M. and JUDY VANSLYKE TURK, Women Making News: Gender as a Variable in Source Selection and Use, 75:4, 762-775.

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Author Index W, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003


WAHL-JORGENSEN, KARIN, The Normative-Economic Justification for Public Discourse: Letters to the Editor as a “Wide Open” Forum, 79:1, 121-133.

WALDMAN, PAUL and JAMES DEVITT, Newspaper Photographs and the 1996 Presidential Election: The Question of Bias, 75:2, 302-311.

WALSH-CHILDERS, KIM, “A Death in the Family” – A Case Study of Newspaper Influence on Health Policy Development, 71:4, 820-829.

WALSH-CHILDERS, KIM, JEAN CHANCE, and KRISTIN HERZOG, Sexual Harassment of Women Journalists, 73:3, 559-581.

WALTER, GERRY, The Ideology of Success in Major American Farm Magazines, 1934-1991, 73:3, 594-608.

WANTA, WAYNE and YU-WEI HU, The Effects of Credibility, Reliance, and Exposure on Media Agenda-Setting: A Path Analysis Model, 71:1, 90-98.

WANTA, WAYNE and DANDAN GAO, Young Readers and the Newspaper: Factors Affecting Information Recall and Perceived Enjoyment, Readability, and Attractiveness, 71:4, 926-936.

WANTA, WAYNE and WILLIAM R. ELLIOTT, Did the “Magic” Work? Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the Knowledge Gap Hypothesis, 72:2, 312-321.

WANTA, WAYNE and WILLIAM M. KUNZ, The Impact of the Baseball Strike on Newspapers, 74:1, 184-194.

WANTA, WAYNE (See Golan).

WANTA, WAYNE (See Johnson).

WANTA, WAYNE (See Miller).

WANTA, WAYNE (See Russial).

WARD, JEAN (See Hansen).

WARE, WILLIAM and MICHEL DUPAGNE, Effects of U.S. Television Programs on Foreign Audiences: A Meta Analysis, 71:4, 947-959.

WARLAUMONT, HAZEL G., Appropriating Reality: Consumers’ Perceptions of Schema-Inconsistent Advertising, 74:1, 39-54.

WARREN, RON, Preaching to the Choir? Parents’ Use of TV Ratings to Mediate Children’s Viewing, 79:4, 867-886.

WATERS, KEN, Vibrant, But Invisible: A Study of Contemporary Religious Periodicals, 78:2, 307-320.
WATTS, MARK D. (See Domke).

WEAVER, ANDREW J. (See Tewksbury).

WEAVER, DAVID and DAN DREW, Voter Learning in the 1992 Presidential Election: Did the “Nontraditional” Media and Debates Matter?, 72:1, 7-17.

WEAVER, DAVID and DAN DREW, Voter Learning and Interest in the 2000 Presidential Election: Did the Media Matter?, 78:4, 787-798.


WEAVER, DAVID (See Kamhawi).




WEAVER, DAVID H. (See Willnat).

WEAVER, JAMES B., III and ELIZABETH A. LAIRD, Mood Management during the Menstrual Cycle through Selective Exposure to Television, 72:1, 139-146.

WEI, RAN, From Luxury to Utility: A Longitudinal Analysis of Cell Phone Laggards, 78:4, 702-719.
WEI, RAN (See Leung).

WEIMANN, GABRIEL and GIDEON FISHMAN, Reconstructing Suicide: Reporting Suicide in the Israeli Press, 72:3, 551-558.

WEISPFENNING, JOHN, Television Self-Regulation: Organizational Processes and the Network Censors, 71:3, 609-617.

WELLS, ROBERT A. and ERIKA G. KING, Prestige Newspaper Coverage of Foreign Affairs in the 1990 Congressional Campaigns, 71:3, 652-664.

WEST, MARK DOUGLAS, Validating a Scale for the Measurement of Credibility: A Covariance Structure Modeling Approach, 71:1, 159-168.

WHITE, ANNE BARTON (See Johnston).

WHITE, H. ALLEN, The Salience and Pertinence of Ethics: When Journalists Do and Don’t Think for Themselves, 73:1, 17-28.

WHITE, H. ALLEN, Considering Interacting Factors in the Third-Person Effect: Argument Strength and Social Distance, 74:3, 557-564.

WHITE, H. ALLEN and JOHN F. DILLON, Knowledge about Others’ Reaction to a Public Service Announcement: The Impact of Self Persuasion and Third-Person Perception, 77:4, 788-803.

WICKS, ROBERT H., Remembering the News: Effects of Medium and Message Discrepancy on News Recall over Time, 72:3, 666-681.

WICKS, ROBERT H. and BOUBACAR SOULEY, Going Negative: Candidate Usage of Internet Web Sites during the 2000 Presidential Campaign, 80:1, 128-144.

WILKE, JÜRGEN and BERNHARD ROSENBERGER, Importing Foreign News: A Case Study of the German Service of the Associated Press, 71:2, 421-432.

WILLNAT, LARS, ZHOU HE, and HAO XIAOMING, Foreign Media Exposure and Perceptions of Americans in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Singapore, 74:4, 738-756.

WILLNAT, LARS and DAVID H. WEAVER, Public Opinion on Investigative Reporting in the 1990s: Has Anything Changed since the 1980s?, 75:3, 449-463.


WINFIELD, BETTY HOUCHIN and BARBARA FRIEDMAN, Gender Politics: News Coverage of the Candidates’ Wives in Campaign 2000, 80:3, 548-566.

WINFIELD, BETTY HOUCHIN, The Press Response to the Corps of Discovery: The Making of Heroes in an Egalitarian Age, 80:4, 866-883.

WITHERSPOON, ELIZABETH M., Courage of Convictions: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the New York Times, and Reform of the Pure Food and Drug Act, 1933-1937, 75:4, 776-788.

WOLBURG, JOYCE M., Time: The “Silent” Cultural Value in American Television Advertising, 76:3, 419-432.

WOO, HYUNG-JIN and JOSEPH R. DOMINICK, Acculturation, Cultivation, and Daytime TV Talk Shows, 80:1, 109-127.

WRIGLEY, BRENDA (See Shoemaker).

WU, H. DENIS and ARATI BECHTEL, Web Site Use and News Topic and Type, 79:1, 73-86.


WU, WEI, DAVID WEAVER, and OWEN V. JOHNSON, Professional Roles of Russian and U.S. Journalists: A Comparative Study, 73:3, 534-548.

WU, WEI and SOH HOON KOO, Perceived Effects of Sexually Explicit Internet Content: The Third-Person Effect in Singapore, 78:2, 260-274.

WU, WEI (See Zhu).

WYATT, ROBERT O., JOOHAN KIM, and ELIHU KATZ, How Feeling Free to Talk Affects Ordinary Political Conversation, Purposeful Argumentation, and Civic Participation, 77:1, 99-114.

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Author Index U-V, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003


UNDERWOOD, DOUG and KEITH STAMM, Are Journalists Really Irreligious? A Multidimensional Analysis, 78:4, 771-786.


UPPAL, CHARU (See Sundar).


VALENTINO, NICHOLAS A., THOMAS A. BUHR, and MATTHEW N. BECKMANN, When the Frame Is the Game: Revisiting the Impact of “Strategic” Campaign Coverage on Citizens’ Information Retention, 78:1, 93-112.

VAN BELLE, DOUGLAS A., New York Times and Network TV News Coverage of Foreign Disasters: The Significance of the Insignificant Variables, 77:1, 50-70.

VAN LEUVEN, JAMES K. (See Slater).


VANDEN BERGH, BRUCE G., NORA J. RIFON, and MOLLY CATHERINE ZISKE, What’s Bad in an Ad: Thirty Years of Opinion from Ad Age’s “Ads-We-Can-Do-Without” Letters, 72:4, 948-959.

VANHALA, HELENA (See Stavitsky).

VERMEER, JAN P., Multiple Newspapers and Electoral Competition: A County-Level Analysis, 72:1, 98-105.

VIG, WILLIAM (See Tewksbury).

VOAKES, PAUL S., JACK KAPFER, DAVID KURPIUS, and DAVID SHANO-YEON CHERN, Diversity in the News: A Conceptual and Methodological Framework, 73:3, 582-593.

VOAKES, PAUL S., Public Perceptions of Journalists’ Ethical Motivations, 74:1, 23-38.

VOAKES, PAUL S., What Were You Thinking? A Survey of Journalists Who Were Sued for Invasion of Privacy, 75:2, 378-393.

VOAKES, PAUL S., Civic Duties: Newspaper Journalists’ Views on Public Journalism, 76:4, 756-774.

<< Back

Author Index T, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003

TAMBORINI, RON, DANA E. MASTRO, REBECCA M. CHORY-ASSAD, and REN HE HUANG, The Color of Crime and the Court: A Content Analysis of Minority Representation on Television, 77:3, 639-653.

TAN, ALEXIS, YUKI FUJIOKA, and NANCY LUCHT, Native American Stereotypes, TV Portrayals, and Personal Contact, 74:2, 265-284.

TAYLOR, CHARLES R. and HAE-KYONG BANG, Portrayals of Latinos in Magazine Advertising, 74:2, 285-303.

TAYLOR, CLAIRE E., JUNG-SOOK LEE, and WILLIAM R. DAVIE, Local Press Coverage of Environmental Conflict, 77:1, 175-192.

TEWKSBURY, DAVID and SCOTT L. ALTHAUS, Differences in Knowledge Acquisition among Readers of the Paper and Online Versions of a National Newspaper, 77:3, 457-479.

TEWKSBURY, DAVID, JENNIFER JONES, MATTHEW W. PESKE, ASHLEA RAYMOND, and WILLIAM VIG, The Interaction of News and Advocate Frames: Manipulating Audience Perceptions of a Local Public Policy Issue, 77:4, 804-829.

TEWKSBURY, DAVID, ANDREW J. WEAVER, and BRETT D. MADDEX, Accidentally Informed: Incidental News Exposure on the World Wide Web, 78:3, 533-554.


THOMPSON, MARGARET E., The Impact of Need for Cognition on Thinking about Free Speech Issues, 72:4, 934-947.

THOMSEN, STEVEN R., Health and Beauty Magazine Reading and Body Shape Concerns among a Group of College Women, 79:4, 988-1007.

TOBIN, CHARLES D. (See Bunker).

TOGEBY, LISE (See Albæk).

TOMASELLO, TAMI K., The Status of Internet-Based Research in Five Leading Communication Journals, 1994-1999, 78:4, 659-674.

TUGGLE, C.A. (See Carroll).


TURNER, SALLY (See Johnson).

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Author Index S, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003

ST. CYR, CHARLES (See Lacy).

ST. CYR, CHARLES R. (See Coulson).

SALLOT, LYNNE M., THOMAS M. STEINFATT, and MICHAEL B. SALWEN, Journalists’ and Public Relations Practitioners’ News Values: Perceptions and Cross-Perceptions, 75:2, 366-377.

SALLOT, LYNNE M., What the Public Thinks about Public Relations: An Impression Management Experiment, 79:1, 150-171.

SALLOT, LYNNE M. (See Porter).

SALWEN, MICHAEL B., CAROLYN LIN, and FRANCES R. MATERA, Willingness to Discuss “Official English”: A Test of Three Communities, 71:2, 282-290.

SALWEN, MICHAEL B., News of Hurricane Andrew: The Agenda of Sources and the Sources’ Agendas, 72:4, 826-840.

SALWEN, MICHAEL B., Evelyn Waugh’s Scoop: The Facts behind the Fiction, 78:1, 150-171.
SALWEN, MICHAEL B. (See Driscoll).

SALWEN, MICHAEL B. (See Sallot).

SAPOLSKY, BARRY S., FRED MOLITOR, and SARAH LUQUE, Sex and Violence in Slasher Films: Re-examining the Assumptions, 80:1, 28-38.

SCHAEFER, TODD M., The “Rhetorical Presidency” Meets the Press: The New York Times and the State of the Union Message, 76:3, 516-530.


SCHEUFELE, DIETRAM A., Talk or Conversation? Dimensions of Interpersonal Discussion and Their Implications for Participatory Democracy, 77:4, 727-743.

SCHEUFELE, DIETRAM A., JAMES SHANAHAN, and SEI-HILL KIM, Who Cares about Local Politics? Media Influences on Local Political Involvement, Issue Awareness, and Attitude Strength, 79:2, 427-444.



SCHIERHORN, ANN B. (See Endres).

SCHMID, JILL (See Bowen).

SCHMIDT, TONI L. and JACQUELINE C. HITCHON, When Advertising and Public Relations Converge: An Application of Schema Theory to the Persuasive Impact of Alignment Ads, 76:3, 433-455.


SCHUDSON, MICHAEL, Toward a Troubleshooting Manual for Journalism History, 74:3, 463-476.
SEGVIC, IVANA (See Yioutas).

SEI-HILL, KIM (See Scheufele).

SEN, SHAIKAT (See Griffin).

SERINI, SHIRLEY A., ANGELA A. POWERS, and SUSAN JOHNSON, Of Horse Race and Policy Issues: A Study of Gender in Coverage of a Gubernatorial Election by Two Major Metropolitan Newspapers, 75:1, 194-204.

SHAH, DHAVAN, MICHAEL SCHMIERBACH, JOSHUA HAWKINS, RODOLFO ESPINO, and JANET DONAVAN, Nonrecursive Models of Internet Use and Community Engagement: Questioning Whether Time Spent Online Erodes Social Capital, 79:4, 964-987.

SHAH, DHAVAN V., DAVID DOMKE, and DANIEL B. WACKMAN, Values and the Vote: Linking Issue Interpretations to the Process of Candidate Choice, 74:2, 357-387.

SHAH, DHAVAN V. (See Domke).

SHAH, HEMANT and GATI GAYATRI, Development News in Elite and Non-Elite Newspapers in Indonesia, 71:2, 411-420.

SHAMIR, JACOB, Speaking Up and Silencing Out in Face of a Changing Climate of Opinion, 74:3, 602-614.

SHAMP, SCOTT (See Porter).

SHANAHAN, JAMES and KATHERINE MCCOMAS, Television’s Portrayal of the Environment: 1991-1995, 74:1, 147-159.


SHANAHAN, JAMES (See Scheufele).

SHAVER, MARY ALICE and STEPHEN LACY, The Impact of Intermedia and Newspaper Competition on Advertising Linage in Daily Newspapers, 76:4, 729-44.



SHAW, DONALD, Transition and Change, 75:4, 694-696.

SHEN, JINGUO, The Rise and Fall of the World Economic Herald, 1980-1989, 72:3, 642-653.

SHIDLER, JON A. and DENNIS T. LOWRY, Network TV Sex as a Counterprogramming Strategy during a Sweeps Period: An Analysis of Content and Ratings, 72:1, 147-157.

SHIDLER, JON A. (See Lowry).

SHIN, JAE-HWA and GLEN T. CAMERON, The Potential of Online Media: A Coorientational Analysis of Conflict between PR Professionals and Journalists in South Korea, 80:3, 583-602.

SHOEMAKER, PAMELA J., MARTIN EICHHOLZ, EUNYI KIM, and BRENDA WRIGLEY, Individual and Routine Forces in Gatekeeping, 78:2, 233-246.

SIGELMAN, CAROL (See Burkhart).


SILCOCK, B. WILLIAM, Global News, National Stories: Producers as Mythmakers at Germany’s Deutsche Welle Television, 79:2, 339-352.

SIMON, TODD F. (See Lacy).

SINGER, JANE B., The Metro Wide Web: Changes in Newspapers’ Gatekeeping Role Online, 78:1, 65-80.

SINGER, JANE B., Campaign Contributions: Online Newspaper Coverage of Election 2000, 80:1, 39-56.

SKEWES, ELIZABETH A. (See Plaisance).

SLATER, MICHAEL D. and DONNA ROUNER, How Message Evaluation and Source Attributes May Influence Credibility Assessment and Belief Change, 73:4, 974-991.

SLATER, MICHAEL D., DONNA ROUNER, MELANIE DOMENECH-RODRIGUEZ, FREDERICK BEAUVAIS, KEVIN MURPHY, and JAMES K. VAN LEUVEN, Adolescent Responses to TV Beer Ads and Sports Content/Context: Gender and Ethnic Differences, 74:1, 108-122.

SLATER, MICHAEL D., DONNA ROUNER, DAVID KARAN, KEVIN MURPHY, and FREDERICK BEAUVAIS, Placing Alcohol Warnings before, during, and after TV Beer Ads: Effects on Knowledge and Responses to the Ads and the Warnings, 76:3, 468-484.

SMITH, F. LESLIE, Quelling Radio’s Quacks: The FCC’s First Public-Interest Programming Campaign, 71:3, 594-608.

SMITH, KIM A. (See Farnall).

SMITH, STEVEN S. (See Domke).

SOFFIN, STAN (See Fico).



SPLICHAL, SIGMAN L. and BILL F. CHAMBERLIN, The Fight for Access to Government Records Round Two: Enter the Computer, 71:3, 550-560.

SPRATT, MEG (See Moy).


SPRINGSTON, JEFFREY K. and GREG LEICHTY, Boundary Spanning Activities in Public Relations, 71:3, 697-708.

STAMM, KEITH, DOUG UNDERWOOD, and ANTHONY GIFFARD, How Pagination Affects Job Satisfaction of Editors, 72:4, 851-862.

STAMM, KEITH R., ARTHUR G. EMIG, and MICHAEL B. HESSE, The Contribution of Local Media to Community Involvement, 74:1, 97-107.

STAMM, KEITH, MICHELLE JOHNSON, and BRENNON MARTIN, Differences among Newspapers, Television, and Radio in Their Contribution to Knowledge of the Contract with America, 74:4, 687-702.


STAMM, KEITH (See Underwood).

STAVITSKY, ALAN G. and TIMOTHY W. GLEASON, Alternative Things Considered: A Comparison of National Public Radio and Pacifica Radio News Coverage, 71:4, 775-786.

STAVITSKY, ALAN G., ROBERT K. AVERY, and HELENA VANHALA, From Class D to LPFM: The High-Powered Politics of Low-Power Radio, 78:2, 340-354.


STEELE, JANET E., Experts and the Operational Bias of Television News: The Case of the Persian Gulf War, 72:4, 799-812.



STEMPEL, GUIDO H., III and THOMAS HARGROVE, Mass Media Audiences in a Changing Media Environment, 73:3, 549-558.

STEMPEL, GUIDO, Establishment of the Quarterly, 75:4, 691-694.

STEMPEL, GUIDO H., III, THOMAS HARGROVE, and JOSEPH P. BERNT, Relation of Growth of Use of the Internet to Changes in Media Use from 1995 to 1999, 77:1, 71-79.

STEMPEL, GUIDO H., III and ROBERT K. STEWART, The Internet Provides Both Opportunities and Challenges for Mass Communication Researchers, 77:3, 541-548.

STEMPEL, GUIDO H., III (See Husselbee).


STEPHENS, MITCHELL, “Which Communications Revolution Is It Anyway?” 75:1, 9-13.


STEWART, ROBERT K. (See Stempel).


STONE, VERNON A. (See Becker).

STOVALL, JAMES G. (See Cotter).

STRAUGHAN, DULCIE, GLEN L. BLESKE, and XINSHU ZHAO, Modeling Format and Source Effects of an Advocacy Message, 73:1, 135-146.

STRECKFUSS, RICHARD, News before Newspapers, 75:1, 84-97.

STREITMATTER, RODGER, Creating a Venue for the “Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name”: Origins of the Gay and Lesbian Press, 72:2, 436-447.

STREITMATTER, RODGER, The Nativist Press: Demonizing the American Immigrant, 76:4, 673-683.

SUBRAMANIAN, GANGA (See Bramlett-Solomon).


SUMPTER, RANDALL S. and MELISSA A. BRADDOCK, Source Use in a “News Disaster” Account: A Content Analysis of Voter News Service Stories, 79:3, 539-558.

SUNDAR, S. SHYAM, Effect of Source Attribution on Perception of Online News Stories, 75:1, 55-68.

SUNDAR, S. SHYAM, SUNETRA NARAYAN, RAFAEL OBREGON, and CHARU UPPAL, Does Web Advertising Work? Memory for Print vs. Online Media, 75:4, 822-835.

SUNDAR, S. SHYAM, Exploring Receivers’ Criteria for Perception of Print and Online News, 76:2, 373-386.

SUNDAR, S. SHYAM, Multimedia Effects on Processing and Perception of Online News: A Study of Picture, Audio, and Video Downloads, 77:3, 480-499.

SUNDAR, S. SHYAM (See Zillmann).

SUSSMAN, GLEN, Predictors of State Legislators’ Attitudes toward Public Affairs Television in the State Capital, 73:1, 77-89.


SWAIN, KRISTEN ALLEY, Proximity and Power Factors in Western Coverage of the Sub-Saharan AIDS Crisis, 80:1, 145-165.

SWEENEY, MICHAEL S., “Delays and Vexation”: Jack London and the Russo-Japanese War, 75:3, 548-559.

SYLVIE, GEORGE, Departmental Influences on Interdepartmental Cooperation in Daily Newspapers, 73:1, 230-241.

SZABO, ERIN A. (See Pfau).

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Author Index Q-R, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003


No entries


RAMAN, USHA (See Roushanzamir).

RAMPAL, KULDIP R., Press and Political Liberalization in Taiwan, 71:3, 637-651.

RAMSEY, KARYN A. (See Lacy).

RAMSEY, SHIRLEY, A Benchmark Study of Elaboration and Sourcing in Science Stories for Eight American Newspapers, 76:1, 87-98.


RANEY, ARTHUR A. (See Arpan).

RAYMOND, ASHLEA (See Tewksbury).

REAVES, SHIELA, The Vulnerable Image: Categories of Photos as Predictor of Digital Manipulation, 72:3, 706-715.

REBER, BRYAN H. and GLEN T. CAMERON, Measuring Contingencies: Using Scales to Measure Public Relations Practitioner Limits to Accommodation, 80:2, 431-446.

REESE, STEPHEN D. and JANE BALLINGER, The Roots of a Sociology of News: Remembering Mr. Gates and Social Control in the Newsroom, 78:4, 641-658.

REICHERT, TOM, JACQUELINE LAMBIASE, SUSAN MORGAN, META CARSTARPHEN, and SUSAN ZAVOINA, Cheesecake and Beefcake: No Matter How You Slice It, Sexual Explicitness in Advertising Continues to Increase, 76:1, 7-20.

REICHERT, TOM, JAMES E. MUELLER, and MICHAEL NITZ, Disengaged and Uninformed: 2000 Presidential Election Coverage in Consumer Magazines Popular with Young Adults, 80:3, 513-527.

REID, LEONARD N., KAREN WHITEHILL KING, and PEGGY J. KRESHEL, Black and White Models and Their Activities in Modern Cigarette and Alcohol Ads, 71:4, 873-886.

REID, LEONARD N. and KAREN WHITEHILL KING, A Demand-Side View of Media Substitutability in National Advertising: A Study of Advertiser Opinions about Traditional Media Options, 77:2, 292-307.

REID, LEONARD N. and KAREN WHITEHILL KING, Advertising Managers’ Perceptions of Sales Effects and Creative Properties of National Newspaper Advertising: The Medium Revisited, 80:2, 410-430.

REY, FEDERICO (See McCombs).

REYNOLDS, AMY and BROOKE BARNETT, This Just In … How National TV News Handled the Breaking “Live” Coverage of September 11, 80:3, 689-703.


RHODES, LEARA and PAGET HENRY, State and Media in the English-Speaking Caribbean: The Case of Antigua, 72:3, 654-665.


RIFFE, DANIEL, STEPHEN LACY, JASON NAGOVAN, and LARRY BURKUM, The Effectiveness of Simple and Stratified Random Sampling in Broadcast News Content Analysis, 73:1, 159-168.

RIFFE, DANIEL, STEPHEN LACY, and MICHAEL W. DRAGER, Sample Size in Content Analysis of Weekly News Magazines, 73:3, 635-644.

RIFFE, DANIEL and ALAN FREITAG, A Content Analysis of Content Analyses: Twenty-Five Years of Journalism Quarterly, 74:4, 873-882.

RIFFE, DANIEL (See Biswas).

RIFFE, DANIEL (See Coulson).


RIFON, NORA J. (See Vanden Bergh).

RIOS, DIANA I. and STANLEY O. GAINES JR., Latino Media Use for Cultural Maintenance, 75:4, 746-761.


RIVERA-SANCHEZ, MILAGROS and MICHELLE BALLARD, A Decade of Indecency Enforcement: A Study of How the Federal Communications Commission Assesses Indecency Fines (1987-1997), 75:1, 143-153.


RODRIGUEZ, LULU (See Gunther).

ROGERS, EVERETT M., Reflections on News Event Diffusion Research, 77:3, 561-576.


ROSS, FELICIA G. JONES, Preserving the Community: Cleveland Black Papers’ Response to the Great Migration, 71:3, 531-539.

ROSS, SUSAN DENTE, “Their Rising Voices”: A Study of Civil Rights, Social Movements, and Advertising in the New York Times, 75:3, 518-534.

ROSS, SUSAN DENTE, Silenced Students: The Uncertain but Extensive Power of School Officials to Control Student Expression, 79:1, 172-187.

ROTHENBUHLER, ERIC W., LAWRENCE J. MULLEN, RICHARD DELAURELL, and CHOON RYUL RYU, Communication, Community Attachment, and Involvement, 73:2, 445-466.

ROUNER, DONNA (See Slater).

RUSH, RAMONA R. (See Gutierrez-Villalobos).

RUSSIAL, JOHN and WAYNE WANTA, Digital Imaging Skills and the Hiring and Training of Photojournalists, 75:3, 593-605.

RUTENBECK, JEFFREY B., Newspaper Trends in the 1870s: Proliferation, Popularization, and Political Independence, 72:2, 361-375.

RYAN, MICHAEL and DAVID L. MARTINSON, Public Relations Practitioners, Journalists View Lying Similarly, 71:1, 199-211.

RYU, CHOON RYUL (See Rothenbuhler).

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Author Index N-O-P, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003



NAJJAR, ORAYB AREF, The Ebb and Flow of the Liberalization of the Jordanian Press: 1985-1997, 75:1, 127-142.

NAPOLI, PHILIP, The Media Trade Press as Technology Forecaster: A Case Study of the VCR’s Impact on Broadcasting, 74:2, 417-430.


NELSON, MICHELLE R. and JACQUELINE C. HITCHON, Theory of Synesthesia Applied to Persuasion in Print Advertising Headlines, 72:2, 346-360.

NELSON, MICHELLE R. and JACQUELINE C. HITCHON, Loud Tastes, Colored Fragrances, and Scented Sounds: How and When to Mix the Senses in Persuasive Communications, 76:2, 354-372.

NEUMANN, DENNIS (See Hindman).

NEUZIL, MARK, Hearst, Roosevelt, and the Muckrake Speech of 1906: A New Perspective, 73:1, 29-39.

NEUZIL, MARK (See Hansen).

NEVILLE, JOHN (See Lewis).

NEWHAGEN, JOHN E., The Relationship between Censorship and the Emotional and Critical Tone of Television News Coverage of the Persian Gulf War, 71:1, 32-42.

NIEBAUER, WALTER E. JR. (See Fradgley).

NITZ, MICHAEL (See Reichert).

NIVEN, DAVID, Objective Evidence on Media Bias: Newspaper Coverage of Congressional Party Switchers, 80:2, 311-326.



O’KEEFE, DANIEL J. (See Jackson).

O’KEEFE, GARRETT J. and BARBARA K. SULANOWSKI, More Than Just Talk: Uses, Gratifications, and the Telephone, 72:4, 922-933.

OLIVER, MARY BETH and G. BLAKE ARMSTRONG, Predictors of Viewing and Enjoyment of Reality-Based and Fictional Crime Shows, 72:3, 559-570.

OLSON, BETH, Sex and the Soaps: A Comparative Content Analysis of Health Issues, 71:4, 840-850.

OLSON, BETH (See Ashley).

O’NEILL, PATRICK, Editorial Rights of Telephone Carriers, 71:1, 99-109.

O’REILLY, KEVIN (See McAlister).


O’SULLIVAN, PATRICK B. and SETH GEIGER, Does the Watchdog Bite? Newspaper Ad Watch Articles and Political Attack Ads, 72:4, 771-785.


PACKER, CATHY and KARLA K. GOWER, The Persistent Problem of Media Taxation: First Amendment Protection in the 1990s, 74:3, 579-590.


PAN, ZHONGDANG, RONALD E. OSTMAN, PATRICIA MOY, and PAULA REYNOLDS, News Media Exposure and Its Learning Effects during the Persian Gulf War, 71:1, 7-19.

PAPACHARISSI, ZIZI, The Presentation of Self in Virtual Life: Characteristics of Personal Home Pages, 79:3, 643-660.

PARISI, PETER, Toward a “Philosophy of Framing”: News Narratives for Public Journalism, 74:4, 673-686.

PARK, JUNG SUK (See Chan-Olmsted).

PAUL, MARY JAE, Interactive Disaster Communication on the Internet: A Content Analysis of Sixty-Four Disaster Relief Home Pages, 78:4, 739-753.

PAULY, JOHN J. and MELISSA ECKERT, The Myth of “The Local” in American Journalism, 79:2, 310-326.

PEER, LIMOR (See Ettema).

PEISER, WOLFRAM, Setting the Journalist Agenda: Influences from Journalists’ Individual Characteristics and from Media Factors, 77:2, 243-257.

PÉREZ, FRANK G. (See McDevitt).

PERKINS, JOSEPH W., JR. (See Zillmann).

PERKINS, MICHAEL, Violence against the Press in Latin America: Protections and Remedies in International Law, 78:2, 275-290.

PERRY, DAVID K. (See Cotter).


PERRY, STEPHEN D., STEFAN A. JENZOWSKY, JOE BOB HESTER, CYNTHIA M. KING, and HUIUK YI, The Influence of Commercial Humor on Program Enjoyment and Evaluation, 74:2, 388-399.


PESKE, MATTHEW W. (See Tewksbury).

PETER, JOCHEN and EDMUND LAUF, Reliability in Cross-National Content Analysis, 79:4, 815-832.

PFAU, MICHAEL, PATRICIA MOY, R. LANCE HOLBERT, ERIN A. SZABO, WEI-KUO LIN, and WEIWU ZHANG, The Influence of Political Talk Radio on Confidence in Democratic Institutions, 75:4, 730-745.


PHILLIPS, BARBARA J. and BARBARA GYOERICK, The Cow, the Cook, and the Quaker: Fifty Years of Spokes-Character Advertising, 76:4, 713-728.


PLAISANCE, PATRICK LEE and ELIZABETH A. SKEWES, Personal and Professional Dimensions of News Work: Exploring the Link between Journalists’ Values and Roles, 80:4, 833-848.

POINDEXTER, PAULA M. and MAXWELL E. MCCOMBS, Revisiting the Civic Duty to Keep Informed in the New Media Environment, 78:1, 113-126.

POLLARD, GEORGE, Job Satisfaction among Newsworkers: The Influence of Professionalism, Perceptions of Organizational Structure, and Social Attributes, 72:3, 682-697.

PONDER, STEPHEN, Popular Propaganda: The Food Administration in World War I, 72:3, 539-550.

PORTER, LANCE V. and LYNNE M. SALLOT, The Internet and Public Relations: Investigating Practitioners’ Roles and World Wide Web Use, 80:3, 603-622.

PORTER, LANCE VARDAMAN, LYNNE M. SALLOT, GLEN T. CAMERON, and SCOTT SHAMP, New Technologies and Public Relations: Exploring Practitioners’ Use of Online Resources to Earn a Seat at the Management Table, 78:1, 172-190.

POWERS, ANGELA and JULIE L. ANDSAGER, How Newspapers Framed Breast Implants in the 1990s, 76:3, 551-564.

POWERS, ANGELA (See Andsager).

POWERS, ANGELA A. (See Serini).

PRESTON, ANN (See Hindman).

PRICE, VINCENT, LI-NING HUANG, and DAVID TEWKSBURY, Third-Person Effects of News Coverage: Orientations toward Media, 74:3, 525-540.

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