Book Reviews Index C, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
CALLAHAN, CHRISTOPHER, A Journalist’s Guide to the Internet: The Net as a Reporting Tool (Mead Loop) 76:2, 398.
CAMPBELL, CHRISTOPHER P., Race, Myth and the News (Lyndia Giles Washington) 73:1, 264.
CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS S., Free Press v. Fair Trial: Supreme Court Decisions Since 1807 (Robert E. Drechsel) 72:2, 467.
CAMPBELL, W. JOSEPH, Yellow Journalism: Puncturing the Myths, Defining the Legacies (Richard B. Kielbowicz) 79:2, 523.
CARLEBACH, MICHAEL L., American Photojournalism Comes of Age (Douglas C. Covert) 75:2, 429.
CARTER-RUCK, PETER F., RICHARD WALKER, and HARVEY N. A. STARTE, Carter-Ruck on Libel and Slander, 4th ed. (Kyu Ho Youm) 71:1, 229.
CASMIR, FRED L., ed., Communication in Eastern Europe: The Role of History, Culture, and Media in Contemporary Conflicts (Anelia K. Dimitrova) 73:3, 757.
CHAN, JOSEPH M. and BRYCE T. MCINTYRE, eds., In Search of Boundaries: Communication, Nation-States, and Cultural Identities (Christine Ogan) 79:3, 773.
CHANCELLOR, JOHN and WALTER R. MEARS, The NEW News Business (Thomas J. Brislin) 72:3, 740.
CHANG, TSAN-KUO, The Press and China Policy: The Illusion of Sino-American Relations, 1950-1984 (Robert L. Stevenson) 72:1, 249.
CHARITY, ARTHUR, Doing Public Journalism (David S. Allen) 73:2, 482.
CHESTERMAN, MICHAEL, Freedom of Speech in Australian Law: A Delicate Plant (Michael Perkins) 79:1, 225.
CHIASSON, LLOYD, JR., ed., The Press in Times of Crisis (David L. Grey) 73:2, 498.
CHIASSON, LLOYD, JR., ed., The Press on Trial: Crimes and Trials as Media Events (Kathy R. Fitzpatrick) 75:1, 219.
CHRIST, WILLIAM G., ed., Assessing Communication Education: A Handbook for Media, Speech & Theater Educators (Thomas E. Engleman) 72:4, 964.
CHRISTIANS, CLIFFORD G., JOHN P. FERRÉ, and P. MARK FACKLER, Good News: Social Ethics and the Press (Stephen G-M. Shenton) 71:1, 216.
CLANCY, KEVIN J. and DAVID W. LLOYD, Uncover the Hidden Power of Television Programming…and Get the Most from Your Advertising Budget (Thomas A. Bowers) 76:4, 788.
CLARK, CHARLES E., The Public Prints: The Newspaper in Anglo-American Culture, 1665-1740 (Wm. David Sloan) 71:4, 1012.
CLARK, ROY PETER and COLE C. CAMPBELL, eds., The Values and Craft of American Journalism (Nancy Beth Jackson) 79:3, 792.
CLAUSSEN, DANE S., Sex, Religion, Media (Anthony Hatcher) 80:1, 226.
CLAUSSEN, DANE S., ed., Sex, Religion, Media (Eric Gormly) 79:2, 509.
CLAYMAN, STEVEN and JOHN HERITAGE, The News Interview: Journalists and Public Figures on the Air (Mark Feldstein) 80:2, 470.
CLOUD, STANLEY and LYNNE OLSON, The Murrow Boys: Pioneers on the Front Lines of Broadcast Journalism (Raymond L. Carroll) 74:2, 443.
COHEN, AKIBA A. and GADI WOLFSFELD, eds., Framing the Intifada: People and Media (Eric A. Abbott) 71:3, 740.
COLE, RICHARD R., ed., Communication in Latin America: Journalism, Mass Media, and Society (Gonzalo Soruco) 73:4, 995.
COLIVER, SANDRA, The Article 19 Freedom of Expression Handbook: International and Comparative Law, Standards and Procedures (Kyu Ho Youm) 71:3, 730.
COLLDEWEIH, JACK and KALMAN GOLDSTEIN, eds., Graphic Opinions: Editorial Cartoonists and Their Art (Ted Stanton) 76:2, 395.
COLLINS, MATTHEW, The Law of Defamation and the Internet (Kyu Ho Youm) 80:2, 463.
COMBS, JAMES E., and DAN NIMMO, The New Propaganda: The Dictatorship of Palaver in Contemporary Politics (William R. Elliott) 71:4, 1011.
COMPAINE, BENJAMIN M. and DOUGLAS GOMERY, Who Owns the Media? Competition and Concentration in the Mass Media Industry, 3d ed. (Mary Alice Shaver) 78:4, 883.
COMSTOCK, GEORGE and ERICA SHARRER, Television: What’s On, Who’s Watching, and What It Means (Joseph R. Dominick) 76:3, 613.
CONDUIT, CELESTE MICHELLE and JOHN LOUIS LUCAITES, Crafting Equality: America’s Anglo-African Word (David Abrahamson) 71:3, 736.
COOK, TIMOTHY E., Governing With the News, The News Media as a Political Institution (Benjamin J. Burns) 75:2, 421.
COOPER, MARC, Roll Over Che Guevara: Travels of a Radical Reporter (Nishan Havardjian) 72:3, 750.
COOPER-CHEN, ANNE, Mass Communication in Japan (Kevin Kawamoto) 74:4, 899.
CORRADO, FRANK M., Getting the Word Out: How Managers Create Value with Communications (Steve Blewett and Jeffrey L. Stafford) 71:3, 741.
CORRIGAN, DON H., The Public Journalism Movement in America: Evangelists in the Newsroom (John H. McManus) 77:2, 436.
CORTESE, ANTHONY J., Provocateur: Images of Women and Minorities in Advertising (Annette J. Samuels) 77:3, 692.
CORTNER, RICHARD C., The Kingfish and the Constitution: Huey Long, the First Amendment, and the Emergence of Modern Press Freedom in America (Gregory C. Lisby) 74:3, 650.
COWARD, JOHN M., The Newspaper Indian: Native American Identity in the Press, 1820-1890 (Mary Ann Weston) 76:2, 402.
CRANBERG, GILBERT, RANDALL BEZANSON, and JOHN SOLOSKI, Taking Stock: Journalism and the Publicly Traded Newspaper Company (Joseph Bernt) 78:4, 874.
CRANO, WILLIAM D. and MICHAEL BURGOON, eds., Mass Media and Drug Prevention: Classic and Contemporary Theories and Research (Erica Weintraub Austin) 79:3, 777.
CRAY, ED, JONATHAN KOTLER, and MILES BELLER, eds., American Datelines: Major News Stories from Colonial Times to the Present (David A. Copeland) 80:3, 737.
CRESPI, IRVING, The Public Opinion Process: How the People Speak (Robert Kendall) 74:4, 903.
CRITCHLOW, JAMES, Radio Hole-in-the-Head/Radio Liberty: An Insider’s Story of Cold War Broadcasting (Chris Allen) 73:4, 1014.
CRONKITE, WALTER, A Reporter’s Life (Paula M. Poindexter) 74:3, 655.
CROSS, MARY, ed., Advertising and Culture: Theoretical Perspectives (Ann Maxwell) 74:2, 433.
CROSSEN, CYNTHIA, Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact in America (Richard Wexler) 71:4, 1019.
CROTEAU, DAVID and WILLIAM HOYNES, The Business of Media: Corporate Media and the Public Interest (Dennis F. Herrick) 79:2, 474.
CROTEAU, DAVID and WILLIAM HOYNES, The Business of Media: Corporate Media and the Public Interest (Peter J. Gade) 79:3, 753.
CROWLEY, DAVID and DAVID MITCHELL, eds., Communication Theory Today (Geoffrey Rubinstein) 72:2, 462.
CRYSTAL, DAVID, Language and the Internet (Kathleen K. Olson) 79:2, 494.
CULBERTSON, HUGH M., DENNIS W. JEFFERS, DONNA BESSER STONE, and MARTIN TERRELL, Social, Political, and Economic Contexts in Public Relations: Theory and Cases (Robert Kendall) 71:3, 753.
CUNNINGHAM, LIZ, Talking Politics (Carmen L. Manning-Miller) 73:1, 272.
CUNNINGHAM, STANLEY B., The Idea of Propaganda: A Reconstruction (Stacey Cone) 80:3, 747.
CURTIN, MICHAEL, Redeeming the Wasteland: Television Documentary and Cold War Politics (James C. Foust) 73:1, 267.
CURTIS, L. PERRY, JR., Jack the Ripper and the London Press (Kim E. Karloff) 79:3, 776.
CURTIS, MICHAEL KENT, Free Speech, “The People’s Darling Privilege,” Struggles for Freedom of Expression in American History (Dwight L. Teeter Jr.) 78:4, 856.
CUTLIP, SCOTT M., The Unseen Power: Public Relations. A History (R. Brooks Garner) 71:4, 1021.
CUTLIP, SCOTT M., Public Relations History: From the 17th to the 20th Century. The Antecedents (Laurie J. Wilson) 73:1, 262.
CUTLIP, SCOTT M., Public Relations: The Unseen Power (R. Ferrell Ervin) 73:1, 263.
Book Reviews Index B, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
BAKER, C. EDWIN, Advertising and a Democratic Press (Jef I. Richards) 71:3, 729.
BAKER, LEE W., The Credibility Factor: Putting Ethics to Work in Public Relations (Kirk Hallahan) 71:2, 465.
BALDASTY, GERALD J., The Commercialization of News in the Nineteenth Century (Donald L. Shaw) 71:2, 462.
BALDASTY, GERALD J., E.W. Scripps and the Business of Newspapers (Michael S. Sweeney) 77:3, 686.
BALDWIN, THOMAS F., D. STEVENS MCVOY, and CHARLES STEINFIELD, Convergence: Integrating Media, Information & Communication (George Albert Gladney) 74:1, 201.
BANKS, STEPHEN P., Multicultural Public Relations: A Social-Interpretive Approach (Marilyn Kern-Foxworth) 73:2, 496.
BARBER, JOHN T. and ALICE A. TAIT, eds., The Information Society and the Black Community (Minabere Ibelema) 78:2, 392.
BARKER, DAVID C., Rushed to Judgment: Talk Radio, Persuasion, and American Political Behavior (Edward Alwood) 80:2, 477.
BARKIN, STEVE, American Television News: The Media Marketplace and the Public Interest (James Phillip Jeter) 80:4, 972.
BARNHURST, KEVIN G. and JOHN NERONE, The Form of News: A History (David R. Spencer) 78:3, 608.
BARNOUW, ERIK, Media Marathon: A Twentieth Century Memoir (Diane L. Borden) 73:2, 493.
BARNOUW, ERIK et al., introduction by Todd Gitlin, Conglomerates and the Media (Robert G. Picard) 75:3, 661.
BARRY, ANN MARIE SEWARD, Visual Intelligence: Perception, Image, and Manipulation in Visual Communication (Carolyn Kitch) 74:4, 908.
BATTEN, FRANK with JEFFREY L. CRUIKSHANK, The Weather Channel: The Improbable Rise of a Media Phenomenon (Charles Pavitt) 80:4, 1003.
BAUMGARTNER, FRANK R. and BRYAN D. JONES, Agendas and Instability in American Politics (Donald L. Shaw) 72:1, 233.
BEADLE, MARY E. and MICHAEL D. MURRAY, eds., Indelible Images: Women of Local Television (Christopher H. Sterling) 79:1, 233.
BEASLEY, MAURINE H. and SHEILA J. GIBBONS, Taking Their Place: A Documentary History of Women and Journalism (Carol Reese Dykers) 71:2, 474.
BEASLEY, MAURINE H. and SHEILA J. GIBBONS, eds., Taking Their Place: A Documentary History of Women and Journalism (Elizabeth V. Burt) 80:1, 229.
BECKER, JONATHAN A., Soviet and Russian Press Coverage of the United States: Press, Politics and Identity in Transition (Robyn S. Goodman) 76:4, 787.
BELLOWS, JIM, The Last Editor: How I Saved the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times from Dullness and Complacency (Jean Chance) 80:2, 461.
BENJAMIN, LOUISE M., Freedom of the Air and the Public Interest: First Amendment Rights in Broadcasting to 1935 (Marvin R. Bensman) 78:4, 855.
BENNETT, W. LANCE and DAVID L. PALETZ, eds., Taken by Storm: The Media, Public Opinion, and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Gulf War (Matthew C. Ehrlich) 72:1, 251.
BENNETT, W. LANCE and ROBERT M. ENTMAN, eds., Mediated Politics: Communication in the Future of Democracy (Lori Bergen) 79:3, 781.
BENSMAN, MARVIN R., The Beginning of Broadcast Regulation in the Twentieth Century (Julia R. Fox) 79:1, 210.
BERG, JEROME S., On the Short Waves, 1923-1945 (Douglas A. Boyd) 76:4, 784.
BERGER, ARTHUR ASA, Essentials of Mass Communication Theory (Keith Kenney) 73:1, 251.
BERGER, ARTHUR ASA, Ads, Fads, and Consumer Culture: Advertising’s Impact on American Character and Society (Joseph P. Bernt) 78:1, 193.
BERRY, VENISE T. and CARMEN L. MANNING-MILLER, eds., Mediated Messages and African-American Culture: Contemporary Issues (George Sylvie) 73:4, 1013.
BERTRAND, CLAUDE-JEAN, ed., An Arsenal for Democracy (Elizabeth Blanks Hindman) 80:4, 974.
BEST, JOEL, Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians, and Activists (Michael B. Salwen) 78:3, 605.
BEST, STEVEN and DOUGLAS KELLNER, The Postmodern Adventure: Science, Technology, and Cultural Studies at the Third Millennium (Jack Lule) 78:4, 865.
BIAGI, SHIRLEY and MARILYN KERN-FOXWORTH, Facing Difference: Race, Gender, and Mass Media (George Sylvie) 74:2, 435.
BIANCULLI, DAVID, Teleliteracy: Taking Television Seriously (Paul T. M. Hemenway) 77:4, 930.
BIOCCA, FRANK and MARK R. LEVY, eds., Communication in the Age of Virtual Reality (Sylvia E. White) 73:1, 246.
BLANCHARD, MARGARET A., Revolutionary Sparks: Freedom of Expression in Modern America (Theodore L. Glasser) 71:1, 218.
BLANCHARD, MARGARET A., ed., History of the Mass Media in the United States: An Encyclopedia (Jack A. Nelson) 76:1, 174.
BLOCK, MERVIN, Broadcast Newswriting: The RTNDA Reference Guide – The Authoritative Manual for Professionals (John Paul Freeman) 72:2, 461.
BLUM, DEBORAH and MARY KNUDSON, eds., A Field Guide for Science Writers (T. Michael Maher) 75:1, 209.
BOGART, LEO, Commercial Culture: The Media System and the Public Interest (Phyllis Zagano) 73:1, 245.
BOGLE, DONALD, Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, & Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films (S. Craig Watkins) 75:1, 226.
BOLLINGER, LEE C. and GEOFFREY R. STONE, eds., Eternally Vigilant: Free Speech in the Modern Era (W. Wat Hopkins) 80:3, 739.
BONNER, ALICE, JUDY HINES, and others, Death by Cheeseburger (Louis E. Inglehart) 71:4, 1024.
BORDEN, DIANE L. and KERRIC HARVEY, eds., The Electronic Grapevine: Rumor, Reputation and Reporting in the New Online Environment (Paul S. Voakes) 75:3, 664.
BORJESSON, KRISTINA, ed., Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press (W. Joseph Campbell) 79:3, 774.
BOSTDORFF, DENISE M., The Presidency and the Rhetoric of Foreign Crisis (Nicholas Daniloff) 72:1, 248.
BOURGAULT, LOUISE M., Mass Media in Sub-Saharan Africa (Minabere Ibelema) 73:1, 255.
BOWEN, SHERYL PERLMUTTER and NANCY WYATT, eds., Transforming Visions: Feminist Critiques in Communications (Susan Kaufman) 71:2, 478.
BRADEN, MARIA, Women Politicians and the Media (Lianne Fridriksson) 74:1, 224.
BRADLEE, BEN, A Good Life: Newspapering and Other Adventures (Frank Brady) 73:1, 253.
BRADY, FRANK, The Publisher. Paul Block: A Life of Friendship, Power and Politics (Edward E. Adams) 79:3, 787.
BRENNEN, BONNIE and HANNO HARDT, eds., Picturing the Past, Media, History & Photography (Paul E. Kostyu) 77:2, 434.
BRENNEN, BONNIE, For the Record: An Oral History of Rochester, New York, Newsworkers (Frank E. Fee Jr.) 79:2, 484.
BRIAN, DENIS, Pulitzer: A Life (W. Joseph Campbell) 79:1, 251.
BRINSON, SUSAN L., Personal and Public Interests: Frieda Hennock and the Federal Communications Commission (Louise Benjamin) 79:2, 505.
BROMLEY, D. B., Reputation, Image and Impression Management (Sharon M. Murphy) 71:1, 250.
BRONNER, SIMON J., ed., Lafcadio Hearn’s America: Ethnographic Sketches and Editorial (Douglas Cumming) 80:1, 214.
BROOK, ALEXANDER B., The Hard Way; The Odyssey of a Weekly Newspaper Editor (Sherri Ward Massey) 72:1, 240.
BROWN, JANE D., JEANNE R. STEELE, and KIM WALSH-CHILDERS, eds., Sexual Teens, Sexual Media: Investigating Media’s Influence on Adolescent Sexuality (Anne P. Hubbell) 79:3, 789.
BROWN, JOSHUA, Beyond the Lines: Pictorial Reporting, Everyday Life, and the Crisis of Gilded Age America (Carolyn Kitch) 80:1, 202.
BRYANT, JENNINGS and DOLF ZILLMANN, eds., Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research (Steven H. Chaffee) 71:3, 744.
BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN II, Power for Sanity, Selected Editorials of William Cullen Bryant, 1829-1861 (Howard M. Ziff) 72:2, 478.
BUD, MIKE, STEVE CRAIG, and CLAY STEINMAN, Consuming Environments: Television and Consumer Culture (Sally J. McMillan) 76:3, 607.
BUDDENBAUM, JUDITH M., Reporting News about Religion: An Introduction for Journalists (Barry A. Hollander) 75:3, 673.
BUGEJA, MICHAEL J., Living Ethics: Developing Values in Mass Communication (Ralph Frasca) 73:1, 254.
BULLERT, B.J., Public Television: Politics & the Battle Over Documentary Film (John E. Craft) 75:2, 424.
BUNKER, MATTHEW D., Justice and the Media: Reconciling Fair Trials and a Free Press (Robert E. Dreschsel) 75:1, 214.
BUNKER, MATTHEW D., Critiquing Free Speech (W. Wat Hopkins) 78:4, 850.
BURGOYNE, ROBERT, Film Nation: Hollywood Looks at U.S. History (Dennis Russell) 75:1, 210.
BURLINGAME, MICHAEL, ed., Dispatches From Lincoln’s White House: The Anonymous Civil War Journalism of Presidential Secretary William O. Stoddard (Elliot King) 80:2, 456.
BURTON, MICHAEL C., John Henry Faulk: A Biography: The Making of a Liberated Mind (Robert C. Cottrell) 71:2, 466.
BUSBY, ROBERT, Defending the American Presidency: Clinton and the Lewinsky Scandal (Harlen Makemson) 79:4, 1013.
BUTSCH, RICHARD, The Making of American Audiences: From Stage to Television 1750-1990 (Lillie M. Fears) 77:4, 927.
Book Reviews Index A, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
ABRAHAMSON, DAVID, ed., The American Magazine: Research Perspectives and Prospects (Judy Polumbaum) 73:2, 481.
ABRAMSON, ALBERT, Zworykin: Pioneer of Television (Tim England) 72:4, 980.
AKWULE, RAYMOND, Global Telecommunications: The Technology, Administration, and Policies (Eugenia Zerbinos) 71:1, 236.
ALBARRAN, ALAN B., Media Economics: Understanding Markets, Industries and Concepts (Kenneth Harwood) 74:2, 440.
ALBARRAN, ALAN B., Media Economics: Understanding Markets, Industries and Concepts (Randal A. Beam) 80:3, 751.
ALBARRAN, ALAN B. and SYLVIA M. CHAN-OLMSTED, eds., Global Media Economics: Commercialization, Concentration, and Integration of World Media Market (Benjamin J. Bates) 75:4, 845.
ALBARRAN, ALAN B. and DAVID H. GOFF, eds., Understanding the Web: Social, Political, and Economic Dimensions of the Internet (Bill Israel) 77:4, 931.
ALBARRAN, ALAN and ANGEL ARRESE, eds., Time and Media Markets (Kevin L. Keenan) 80:4, 1000.
ALDRICH, LEIGH STEPHENS, Covering the Community: A Diversity Handbook for Media (Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez) 76:3, 608.
ALEXANDER, JANET E. and MARSHA ANN TATE, Web Wisdom: How to Evaluate and Create Information Quality on the Web (Daniel N. Morris) 77:1, 211.
ALEXANDER, S. L., Covering the Courts: A Handbook for Journalists (Donald J. Jung) 76:4, 778.
ALGER, DEAN, Megamedia: How Giant Corporations Dominate Mass Media, Distort Competition, and Endanger Democracy (Frances L. Collins) 76:3, 611.
ALLEN, CRAIG M., News Is People: The Rise of Local TV News and the Fall of News From New York (Edward Alwood) 78:4, 860.
ALLEN, DAVID S. and ROBERT JENSEN, eds., Freeing the First Amendment: Critical Perspectives on Freedom of Expression (Laurence B. Alexander) 73:2, 485.
ALLEN, PATRICK, ed., Margaret Mitchell: Reporter (Jan Whitt) 78:2, 394.
ALLEN, STEVE, Vulgarians at the Gate: Trash TV and Raunch Radio — Raising the Standards of Popular Culture (Robert Pondillo) 78:4, 880.
ALLEYNE, MARK D., News Revolution: Political and Economic Decisions about Global Information (Roy Alden Atwood) 74:3, 653.
ALTERMAN, ERIC, What Liberal Media? The Truth About Bias and the News (Michael Ryan) 80:2, 482.
ALTHEIDE, DAVID A., Qualitative Media Analysis (Alan Fried) 74:1, 220.
ALTHEIDE, DAVID L., An Ecology of Communication: Cultural Formats of Control (Julia B. Corbett) 73:3, 752.
ALWOOD, EDWARD, Straight News: Gays, Lesbians and the News Media (Fred Fejes) 73:3, 768.
ANDERSON, ROB, ROBERT DARDENNE, and GEORGE KILLENBERG, The Conversation of Journalism: Communication, Community and News (Keith Stamm) 72:2, 463.
ANDREWS, DAVID L. and STEVEN J. JACKSON, eds., Sport Stars: The Cultural Politics of Sporting Celebrity (John Slater) 79:2, 511.
ANDREWS, MAGGIE and MARY M. TALBOT, eds., All the World and Her Husband: Women in Twentieth-Century Consumer Culture (Marilyn Greenwald) 79:1, 209.
ANHOLT, SIMON, Another One Bites the Grass: Making Sense of International Advertising (Kevin L. Keenan) 78:2, 388.
APOSTOLIDIS, PAUL, Stations of the Cross: Adorno and Christian Right Radio (Hillary Warren) 77:3, 696.
APPLEGATE, EDD, The Ad Men and Women: A Biographical Dictionary of Advertising (Patricia A. Alvey) 72:1, 231.
APPLEGATE, EDD, Literary Journalism: A Biographical Dictionary of Writers and Editors (Arthur J. Kaul) 74:1, 212.
APPLEGATE, EDD, Journalistic Advocates and Muckrakers/Three Centuries of Crusading Writers (Robert Miraldi) 75:3, 667.
APPLEGATE, EDD, Personalities and Products: A Historical Perspective on Advertising in America (Dan S. Bagley III) 75:4, 852.
ARBUCKLE, ELISABETH SANDERS, ed., Harriet Martineau in the London Daily News: Selected Contributions, 1852-1866 (Agnes Hooper Gottlieb) 71:3, 742.
ARNETT, PETER, Live from the Battlefield: From Vietnam to Baghdad – 35 Years in the World’s War Zones (Thomas Fensch) 71:3, 743.
ARONSON, AMY BETH, Taking Liberties: Early American Women’s Magazines and Their Readers (Karen K. List) 80:1, 228.
ASANTE, CLEMENT E., The Press in Ghana, Problems and Prospects (F. Mitchell Land) 73:4, 1012.
ASANTE, CLEMENT E., ed., Press Freedom and Development: a Research Guide and Selected Bibliography (Albert Lee Hester) 75:1, 219.
ATKINS, JOSEPH B., ed., The Mission, Journalism, Ethics, and the World (Edmund B. Lambeth) 79:2, 499.
AUBIN, STEPHEN P., Distorting Defense: Network News and National Security (Catherine Cassara) 76:3, 609.
AUFDERHEIDE, PATRICIA, Communications Policy and the Public Interest: The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (C. Ann Hollifield) 76:2, 389.
AUMENTE, JEROME, PETER GROSS, RAY HIEBERT, OWEN V. JOHNSON, and DEAN MILLS, Eastern European Journalism: Before, During and After Communism (Robyn S. Goodman) 77:2, 428.
AVERY, ROBERT K., ed., Public Service Broadcasting in a Multichannel Environment (Alan G. Stavitsky) 71:1, 222.
J&MC Quarterly Book Reviews Index-Volumes 71 to 80
The following is an index of book review articles that appeared in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly from 1994 to 2003. (In 1995 Journalism Quarterly changed its name to Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.)
Indexed by author’s last name with the reviewer’s name in parentheses.
A | B | C | D | E, F | G, H | I, J, K | L
M, N | O, P | Q, R | S, T | U, V | W | X, Y, Z
J&MC Quarterly Index – Visual Communication
Volumes 71 to 80
1994 to 2003
Subject Index: Visual Communication
African-American Photo Coverage in Four U.S. Newspapers, 1937-1990 (Paul Martin Lester) 71:2, 380-394.
The Effectiveness of Locator Maps in Increasing Reader Understanding of the Geography of Foreign News (Jeffrey L. Griffin) 71:4, 937-946.
Front Pages of Taiwan Daily Newspapers 1952-1996: How Ending Martial Law Influenced Publication Design (Ven-Hwei Lo, Anna Paddon, and Hsiaomei Wu) 77:4, 880-897.
News Agencies, National Images, and Global Media Events (C. Anthony Giffard and Nancy K. Rivenburgh) 77:1, 8-21.
Reading between the Photographs: The Influence of Incidental Pictorial Information on Issue Perception (Rhonda Gibson and Dolf Zillmann) 77:2, 355-366.
J&MC Quarterly Index – Theory
Volumes 71 to 80
1994 to 2003
Subject Index: Theory
Attitude toward Homosexuality and Attention to News about AIDS (J. David Kennamer and Julie A. Honnold) 72:2, 322-335.
Browsing and the Hypermedia Interaction Cycle: A Model of Self-Efficacy and Goal Dynamics (Eric S. Fredin and Prabu David) 75:1, 35-54.
Causal Communication: Movie Portrayals and Audience Attributions for Vietnam Veterans’ Problems (Robert J. Griffin and Shaikat Sen) 72:3, 511-524.
Changes in Media Credibility When a Predicted Disaster Doesn’t Happen (Ann M. Major and L. Erwin Atwood) 74:4, 797-813.
Communication and Age in Childhood Political Socialization: An Interactive Model of Political Development (William P. Eveland Jr., Jack M. McLeod, and Edward M. Horowitz) 75:4, 699-718.
Community Ties and Dependence on Media for Public Affairs (Arthur G. Emig) 72:2, 402-411.
Considering Interacting Factors in the Third-Person Effect: Argument Strength and Social Distance (H. Allen White) 74:3, 557-564.
A Content Analysis of Three Mass Communication Research Traditions: Social Science, Interpretive Studies, and Critical Analysis (Edward J. Fink and Walter Gantz) 73:1, 114-134.
Correlates of Accuracy and Inaccuracy in the Perception of the Climate of Opinion for Four Environmental Issues (Ann Marie Major) 77:2, 223-242.
Did the “Magic” Work? Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the Knowledge Gap Hypothesis (Wayne Wanta and William R. Elliott) 72:2, 312-321.
Direct and Indirect Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Public Affairs Knowledge (Douglas M. McLeod and Elizabeth M. Perse) 71:2, 433-442.
Effects of Citation in Exemplifying Testimony on Issue Perception (Rhonda Gibson and Dolf Zillmann) 75:1, 167-176.
The Effects of Credibility, Reliance, and Exposure on Media Agenda-Setting: A Path Analysis Model (Wayne Wanta and Yu-Wei Hu) 71:1, 90-98.
Effects of Exemplification in News Reports on the Perception of Social Issues (Dolf Zillmann, Rhonda Gibson, S. Shyam Sundar, and Joseph W. Perkins Jr.) 73:2, 427-444.
The Effects of Message Framing on Response to Environmental Communications (Joel J. Davis) 72:2, 285-299.
Forecast 2000: Widening Knowledge Gaps (Cecilie Gaziano) 74:2, 237-264.
How Message Evaluation and Source Attributes May Influence Credibility Assessment and Belief Change (Michael D. Slater and Donna Rouner) 73:4, 974-991.
Illusions of Media Power: The Third-Person Effect (L. Erwin Atwood) 71:2, 269-281.
The Impact of Need for Cognition on Thinking about Free Speech Issues (Margaret E. Thompson) 72:4, 934-947.
Impacts of Information Subsidies and Community Structure on Local Press Coverage of Environmental Contamination (Robert J. Griffin and Sharon Dunwoody) 72:2, 271-284.
Influence Dealers: A Path Analysis Model of Agenda Building during Richard Nixon’s War on Drugs (Thomas J. Johnson and Wayne Wanta, with Timothy Boudreau, Janet Blank-Libra, Killian Schaffer, and Sally Turner) 73:1, 181-194.
Interactions and Nonlinearity in Mass Communication: Connecting Theory and Methodology (William P. Eveland Jr.) 74:2, 400-416.
Interpersonal Communication in News Diffusion: A Study of “Magic” Johnson’s Announcement (Michael D. Basil and William J. Brown) 71:2, 305-320.
Knowledge about Others’ Reaction to a Public Service Announcement: The Impact of Self Persuasion and Third-Person Perception (H. Allen White and John F. Dillon) 77:4, 788-803.
Knowledge Gaps, Social Locators, and Media Schemata: Gaps, Reverse Gaps, and Gaps of Disaffection (Eric S. Fredin, Teresa Haugen Monnett, and Gerald M. Kosicki) 71:1, 176-190.
A Longitudinal Study of Agenda Setting for the Issue of Environmental Pollution (Christine R. Ader) 72:2, 300-311.
Making Local News: A Holistic Analysis of Sources, Selection Criteria, and Topics (Camilla Gant and John Dimmick) 77:3, 628-638.
Measures of Attitude Strength as Predictors of Willingness to Speak to the Media (Mark Baldassare and Cheryl Katz) 73:1, 147-158.
Media Effects on Political and Social Trust (Patricia Moy and Dietram A. Scheufele) 77:4, 744-759.
The Messages Replication Factor: Methods Tailored to Messages as Objects of Study (Sally Jackson, Daniel J. O’Keefe, and Dale E. Brashers) 71:4, 984-996.
Mood Influence on the Appeal of Bad News (Rahul Biswas, Daniel Riffe, and Dolf Zillman) 71:3, 689-696.
Mood Management during the Menstrual Cycle through Selective Exposure to Television (James B. Weaver III and Elizabeth A. Laird) 72:1, 139-146.
More Than Just Talk on the Move: Uses and Gratifications of the Cellular Phone (Louis Leung and Ran Wei) 77:2 308-320.
More Than Just Talk: Uses, Gratifications, and the Telephone (Garrett J. O’Keefe and Barbara K. Sulanowski) 72:4, 922-933.
Multimedia Effects on Processing and Perception of Online News: A Study of Picture, Audio, and Video Downloads (S. Shyam Sundar) 77:3, 480-499.
News of Hurricane Andrew: The Agenda of Sources and the Sources’ Agendas (Michael B. Salwen) 72:4, 826-840.
Newspaper as Repeater: An Experiment on Defamation and Third-Person Effect (Laurie Mason) 72:3, 610-620.
Perceptions of Internet Information Credibility (Andrew J. Flanagin and Miriam J. Metzger) 77:3, 515-540.
Prime-Time Stereotyping on the New Television Networks (Carol B. Eaton) 74:4, 859-872.
Public Affairs Decision Making in the U.S. Air Force: An Application of Multiattribute Utility Theory (Prabu David and Michael M. Pierson) 75:3, 606-626.
Reflections on News Event Diffusion Research (Everett M. Rogers) 77:3, 561-576.
The Relationship of Information Needs to Issue Relevance and Media Use (Fiona Chew) 71:3, 676-688.
Remembering the News: Effects of Medium and Message Discrepancy on News Recall over Time (Robert H. Wicks) 72:3, 666-681.
The Roots of a Sociology of News: Remembering Mr. Gates and Social Control in the Newsroom (Stephen D. Reese and Jane Ballinger) 78:4, 641-658.
Scheduling Practices Based on Audience Flow: What Are The Effects on New Program Success? (William J. Adams) 74:4, 839-858.
Setting the Community Agenda (Marcus Brewer and Maxwell McCombs) 73:1, 7-16.
Setting the Journalist Agenda: Influences from Journalists’ Individual Characteristics and from Media Factors (Wolfram Peiser) 77:2, 243-257.
Source v. Content Effects on Judgments of News Believability (Erica Weintraub Austin and Qingwen Dong) 71:4, 973-983.
Speaking Up and Silencing Out in Face of a Changing Climate of Opinion (Jacob Shamir) 74:3, 602-614.
Talk or Conversation? Dimensions of Interpersonal Discussion and Their Implications for Participatory Democracy (Dietram A. Scheufele) 77:4, 727-743.
Third-Person Effects of News Coverage: Orientations toward Media (Vincent Price, Li-Ning Huang, and David Tewksbury) 74:3, 525-540.
Toward a “Philosophy of Framing—News Narratives for Public Journalism (Peter Parisi) 74:4, 673-686.
Using Is Believing: The Influence of Reliance on the Credibility of Online Political Information among Politically Interested Internet Users (Thomas J. Johnson and Barbara K. Kaye) 77:4, 865-879.
Utilizing Public Relations Theory to Conceptualize and Test Models of Fund Raising (Kathleen S. Kelly) 72:1, 106-127.
When Advertising and Public Relations Converge: An Application of Schema Theory to the Persuasive Impact of Alignment Ads (Toni L. Schmidt and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 76:3, 433-455.
When No News Is Good News: Inferring Closure for News Issues (Miriam J. Metzger) 77:4, 760-787.
Word-Picture Juxtaposition, Schemata, and Defamation in Television News (Tom Grimes and Robert Drechsel) 73:1, 169-180.
J&MC Quarterly Index – Television News and Entertainment
Volumes 71 to 80
1994 to 2003
Subject Index: Television News and Entertainment
Acculturation, Cultivation, and Daytime TV Talk Shows (Hyung-Jin Woo and Joseph R. Dominick) 80:1, 109-127.
Can a Single Incident Create an Issue? Exemplars in German Television Magazine Shows (Gregor Daschmann and Hans-Bernd Brosius) 76:1, 35-51.
A Case Study of Deliberative Democracy on Television: Civic Dialogue on C-SPAN Call-in Shows (David D. Kurpius and Andrew Mendelson) 79:3, 587-601.
The Color of Crime and the Court: A Content Analysis of Minority Representation on Television (Ron Tamborini, Dana E. Mastro, Rebecca M. Chory-Assad, and Ren He Huang) 77:3, 639-653.
From On-Air to Online World: Examining the Content and Structures of Broadcast TV Stations’ Web Sites (Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted and Jung Suk Park) 77:2, 321-339.
Media Credibility Reconsidered: Synergy Effects between On-Air and Online News (Erik P. Bucy) 80:2, 247-264.
Myth in Charles Kuralt’s “On the Road” (Matthew C. Ehrlich) 79:2, 327-338.
Partisan and Structural Balance in Local Television Election Coverage (Sue Carter, Frederick Fico, and Jocelyn A. McCabe) 79:1, 41-53.
Public Journalism and Commercial Local Television News: In Search of a Model (David D. Kurpius) 77:2, 340-354.
Sourcing and Reporting in News Magazine Programs: 60 Minutes versus Hard Copy (Maria Elizabeth Grabe, Shuhua Zhou, and Brooke Barnett) 76:2, 293-311.
State Control of Television News in 1990s Lebanon (Marwan M. Kraidy) 76:3, 485-498.
Symbolic Politics: Congressional Interest in Television Violence from 1950 to 1996 (Keisha L. Hoerrner) 76:4, 684-698.
This Just In … How National TV News Handled the Breaking “Live” Coverage of September 11 (Amy Reynolds and Brooke Barnett) 80:3, 689-703.
Times of Turmoil: Short- and Long-Term Effects of Organizational Change on Newsroom Employees (George L. Daniels and C. Ann Hollifield) 79:3, 661-680.
J&MC Quarterly Index – Social and Cultural Influences
Volumes 71 to 80
1994 to 2003
Subject Index: Social and Cultural Influences
ABC’s “Person of the Week”: American Values in Television News (Stephanie Greco Larson and Martha Bailey) 75:3, 487-499.
The American Woman Series: Gender and Class in The Ladies’ Home Journal, 1897 (Carolyn Kitch) 75:2, 243-262.
The Birth of a Notion: Media Coverage of Contraception, 1915-1917 (Dolores Flamiano) 75:3, 560-571.
Community Newspapers, Community Structural Pluralism, and Local Conflict with Nonlocal Groups (Douglas Blanks Hindman) 73:3, 708-721.
Compassion Fatigue: Communication and Burnout toward Social Problems (Katherine N. Kinnick, Dean M. Krugman, and Glen T. Cameron) 73:3, 687-707.
Constructing Reality: Print Media’s Framing of the Women’s Movement, 1966 to 1986 (Laura Ashley and Beth Olson) 75:2, 263-277.
Controversy and the Newspaper’s Public: The Case of Tongues Untied (Patricia Aufderheide) 71:3, 499-508.
A Cook, A Cardinal, His Priests, and the Press: Deviance as a Trigger for Intermedia Agenda Setting (Michael J. Breen) 74:2, 348-356.
“A Death in the Family” – A Case Study of Newspaper Influence on Health Policy Development (Kim Walsh-Childers) 71:4, 820-829.
Divining the Social Order: Class, Gender, and Magazine Astrology Columns (William Evans) 73:2, 389-400.
From Barriers to Challenges: Career Perceptions of Women TV News Anchors (Erika Engstrom and Anthony J. Ferri) 75:4, 789-802.
The Influence of Commercial Humor on Program Enjoyment and Evaluation (Stephen D. Perry, Stefan A. Jenzowsky, Joe Bob Hester, Cynthia M. King, and Huiuk Yi) 74:2, 388-399.
Of Horse Race and Policy Issues: A Study of Gender in Coverage of a Gubernatorial Election by Two Major Metropolitan Newspapers (Shirley A. Serini, Angela A. Powers, and Susan Johnson) 75:1, 194-204.
Old-Growth Forests on Network News: News Sources and the Framing of an Environmental Controversy (Carol M. Liebler and Jacob Bendix) 73:1, 53-65.
Print Media and Public Reaction to the Controversy over NEA Funding for Robert Mapplethorpe’s “The Perfect Moment” Exhibit (Douglas M. McLeod and Jill A. Mackenzie) 75:2, 278-291.
A Response to “Old-Growth Forests on Network News: News Sources and the Framing of an Environmental Controversy” (Sarah Ann Gilbert) 74:4, 883-886.
Skin Tones and Physical Features of Blacks in Magazine Advertisements (Kevin L. Keenan) 73:4, 905-912.
Tabloid and Traditional Television News Magazine Crime Stories: Crime Lessons and Reaffirmation of Social Class Distinctions (Maria Elizabeth Grabe) 73:4, 926-946.
Talk Radio: Predictors of Use and Effects on Attitudes about Government (Barry A. Hollander) 73:1, 102-113.
Television Self-Regulation: Organizational Processes and the Network Censors (John Weispfenning) 71:3, 609-617.
“Their Rising Voices”: A Study of Civil Rights, Social Movements, and Advertising in the New York Times (Susan Dente Ross) 75:3, 518-534.
Toward a “Philosophy of Framing”: News Narratives for Public Journalism (Peter Parisi) 74:4, 673-686.
Women Making News: Gender as a Variable in Source Selection and Use (Lynn M. Zoch and Judy Vanslyke Turk) 75:4, 762-775.
J&MC Quarterly Index – Scholastic Journalism
Volumes 71 to 80
1994 to 2003
Subject Index: Scholastic Journalism
Assessing News Quality: A Comparison between Community and Student Daily Newspapers (John V. Bodle) 73:3, 672-686.
High School Newspapers Still Censored Thirty Years after Tinker (Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver and J. William Click) 78:2, 321-339.
The Making and Unmaking of Civic Journalists: Influences of Professionnal Socialization (Michael McDevitt, Bob M. Gassaway, and Frank G. Pérez) 79:1, 87-100.
Silenced Students: The Uncertain but Extensive Power of School Officials to Control Student Expression (Susan Dente Ross) 79:1, 172-187.
J&MC Quarterly Index – Public Relations
Volumes 71 to 80
1994 to 2003
Subject Index: Public Relations
Boundary Spanning Activities in Public Relations (Jeffrey K. Springston and Greg Leichty) 71:3, 697-708.
Corporate World Wide Web Pages: Serving the News Media and Other Publics (Stuart L. Esrock and Greg B. Leichty) 76:3, 456-467.
Elaborating Public Relations Roles (Greg Leichty and Jeff Springston) 73:2, 467-477.
The Internet and Public Relations: Investigating Practitioners’ Roles and World Wide Web Use (Lance V. Porter and Lynne M. Sallot) 80:3, 603-622.
Journalists’ and Public Relations Practitioners’ News Values: Perceptions and Cross-Perceptions (Lynne M. Sallot, Thomas M. Steinfatt, and Michael B. Salwen) 75:2, 366-377.
Measuring the Bottom-Line Impact of Corporate Public Relations (Yungwook Kim) 77:2, 273-291.
Measuring Contingencies: Using Scales to Measure Public Relations Practitioner Limits to Accommodation (Bryan H. Reber and Glen T. Cameron) 80:2, 431-446.
Modeling Format and Source Effects of an Advocacy Message (Dulcie Straughan, Glen L. Bleske, and Xinshu Zhao) 73:1, 135-146.
Nation, Capitalism, Myth: Covering News of Economic Globalization (Elfriede Fürsich) 79:2, 353-373.
New Technologies and Public Relations: Exploring Practitioners’ Use of Online Resources to Earn a Seat at the Management Table (Lance Vardaman Porter, Lynne M. Sallot, Glen T. Cameron, and Scott Shamp) 78:1, 172-190.
The Potential of Online Media: A Coorientational Analysis of Conflict between PR Professionals and Journalists in South Korea (Jae-Hwa Shin and Glen T. Cameron) 80:3, 583-602.
Producing Public Voice: Resource Mobilization and Media Access in the National Organization for Women (Bernadette Barker-Plummer) 79:1, 188-205.
Public Relations Practitioner Role Enactment in Issues Management (Martha M. Lauzen) 71:2, 356-369.
Public Relations Practitioners, Journalists View Lying Similarly (Michael Ryan and David L. Martinson) 71:1, 199-211.
Searching for the Organization-Public Relationship: A Valid and Reliable Instrument (Yungwook Kim) 78:4, 799-815.
The Specialized Business Press and Industry-Related Political Communication: A Comparative Study (C. Ann Hollifield) 74:4, 757-772.
What the Public Thinks about Public Relations: An Impression Management Experiment (Lynne M. Sallot) 79:1, 150-171.
When Advertising and Public Relations Converge: An Application of Schema Theory to the Persuasive Impact of Alignment Ads (Toni L. Schmidt and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 76:3, 433-455.