Past Presidents
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 1983-Present
2024 Linda Aldoory, American University
2023 Deb Aikat, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2022 Susan Keith, Rutgers University
2021 Tim P. Vos, Michigan State University
2020 David D. Perlmutter, Texas Tech University
2019 Marie Hardin, Penn State University
2018 Jennifer D. Greer, University of Alabama
2017 Paul Voakes, University of Colorado, Boulder
2016 Lori Bergen, University of Colorado, Boulder
2015 Elizabeth Toth, University of Maryland
2014 Paula M. Poindexter, Texas at Austin
2013 Kyu Ho Youm, Oregon
2012 Linda Steiner, Maryland
2011 Jan Slater, Illinois at Urbana
2010 Carol J. Pardun, South Carolina
2009 Barbara B. Hines, Howard
2008 Charles C. Self, Oklahoma
2007 Wayne Wanta, Missouri-Columbia
2006 Sharon Dunwoody, Wisconsin-Madison
2005 Mary Alice Shaver, Central Florida
2004 Jannette L. Dates, Howard
2003 Theodore L. Glasser, Stanford
2002 Joe S. Foote, Arizona State
2001 Will Norton, Jr., Nebraska-Lincoln
2000 Marilyn Kern-Foxworth, Texas A&M
1999 Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver, Florida International
1998 Stephen R. Lacy, Michigan State
1997 Alexis Tan, Washington State
1996 Pamela J. Shoemaker, Syracuse
1995 Judy VanSlyke Turk, South Carolina
1994 Maurine Beasley, Maryland
1993 Tony Atwater, Rutgers
1992 Terry Hynes, California State, Fullerton
1991 Ralph Lowenstein, Florida
1990 MaryAnn Yodelis Smith, Wisconsin Centers
1989 Thomas A. Bowers, North Carolina
1988 David H. Weaver, Indiana
1987 Sharon M. Murphy, Marquette
1986 Dwight L. Teeter, Jr., Texas at Austin
1985 Douglas Ann Newsom, Texas Christian
1984 Everette Dennis, Oregon
1983 Richard Cole, North Carolina
Association for Education in Journalism 1951-1982
1982 Kenneth Starck, Iowa
1981 Del Brinkman, Kansas
1980 Richard G. Gray, Indiana
1979 Mary A. Gardner, Michigan State
1978 James Carey, Iowa
1977 Kenneth Devol, California State, Northridge
1976 Edward Bassett, Southern Cal
1975 Edwin Emery, Minnesota
1974 Bruce H. Westley, Kentucky
1973 R. Neale Copple, Nebraska
1972 Hillier Krieghbaum, New York U.
1971 Wayne Danielson, Texas
1970 William E. Ames, Washington
1969 James W. Schwartz, Iowa State
1968 Robert L. Jones, Minnesota
1967 Harold L. Nelson, Wisconsin
1966 DeWitt C. Reddick, Texas
1965 Edward W. Barrett, Columbia
1964 William E. Porter, Michigan
1963 Theodore E. Peterson, Illinois
1962 Kenneth N. Stewart, California-Berkeley
1961 Charles T. Duncan, Oregon
1960 Fred S. Siebert, Illinois
1959 Mitchell V. Charnley, Minnesota
1958 Warren K. Agee, Texas Christian
1957 Norval N. Luxon, North Carolina
1956 Kenneth R. Marvin, Iowa State
1955 Roscoe Ellard, Columbia
1954 George E. Simmons, Tulane
1953 Earl English, Missouri
1952 J. Edward Gerald, Minnesota
1951 Ralph O. Nafziger, Wisconsin
American Association of Teachers of Journalism 1912-1950
1950 Henry Ladd Smith, Wisconsin
1949 A. Gayle Waldrop, Colorado
1948 Roland E. Wolseley, Syracuse
1947 Marcus M. Wilkerson, Louisiana State
1946 Curtis D. MacDougall, Northwestern
1945 Frederic E. Merwin, Rutgers
1944 Frederic E. Merwin, Rutgers
1943 Douglass W. Miller, Syracuse
1942 Douglass W. Miller, Syracuse
1941 Ralph O. Nafziger, Minnesota
1940 Charles L. Allen, Northwestern
1939 Charles L. Allen, Northwestern
1938 Edward N. Doan, Ohio State
1937 Blair Converse, Iowa State
1936 C. Gayle Walker, Nebraska
1935 Kenneth E. Olson, Northwestern
1934 William L. Mapel, Washington & Lee
1933 Ralph L. Crosman, Colorado
1932 Ralph L. Crosman, Colorado
1931 Lawrence R. Murphy, Illinois
1930 John E. Drewry, Georgia
1929 E. Marion Johnson, Minnesota
1928 Grant M. Hyde, Wisconsin
1927 F.J. Lazell, Iowa
1926 M.G. Osborn, Louisiana State
1925 N.A. Crawford, Kansas State
1924 J.W. Piercy, Indiana
1923 F.W. Beckman, Iowa State
1922 E.W. Smith, Stanford
1921 Willard G. Bleyer, Wisconsin
1920 H.F. Harrington, Northwestern
1919 Wartime, no convention
1918 Wartime, no convention
1917 Fred N. Scott, Michigan
1916 James M. Lee, New York U.
1915 Merle Thorpe, Kansas
1914 Merle Thorpe, Kansas
1913 Talcott Williams, Columbia
1912 Willard G. Bleyer, Wisconsin