Constitution/Bylaws for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
AEJMC Constitution (adopted August 11, 1990)
Slightly revised Aug. 12, 1992; Aug. 13, 1994; Aug. 12, 1996; Aug. 7, 1998; Aug. 6, 1999; Aug. 1, 2003; Aug. 12, 2005; Aug. 4, 2006; Aug. 11, 2007; Aug. 12, 2011; Aug. 10, 2013; Aug. 5, 2022; Nov. 19,2022 and Feb. 21, 2023.
Section 1
The name of the corporation shall be the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the corporation or AEJMC.
Section 2
The corporation has been organized and established as a non-profit South Carolina corporation under Section 33-31-10, et. seq. SC Code of Laws, 1976, as amended. The purpose of the corporation shall be the improvement of education in journalism and mass communication to the end of achieving better professional practice, a better informed public, and wider human understanding. The corporation seeks to achieve this purpose through the functions of (a) encouraging high academic and professional standards for education in mass communication; (b) fostering scholarly research and inquiry in mass communication and facilitating the publication and distribution to the public of reports based on such activity; and (c) supporting freedom of communication consonant with the ideal expressed in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Section 3
The functions of teaching, research, and public service recognized in Section 2 shall be undertaken by each division of this corporation as well as by the full membership of the corporation.
Section 4
This corporation shall not afford pecuniary gain, incidentally or otherwise, to its members, and no part of the net income or net earnings of this corporation shall inure to the benefit of any members, private shareholders, or individuals, and no substantial part of its activities shall consist of carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. This corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Section 5
This corporation is committed to the achievement of inclusiveness in the professions of journalism and mass communication, in its own membership, and in participation in its programming. The corporation will not discriminate on the basis of gender identity, race, color, religion, age, ethnicity/ national origin, disability/ differently abled, sexuality or sexual orientation, marital status, family/parental status. In efforts to achieve this goal of diversity and inclusion of membership and participation, the corporation has charged the Commissions with monitoring and upholding the highest standards of diversity, inclusion and justice in the profession and the corporation on a regular basis, report its findings to the membership, and take affirmative steps to rectify problems.
Section 1
Membership shall be by individuals and by educational or professional journalism and mass communication organizations. Eligible individuals and organizations are those concerned principally with teaching, research, or public service in journalism or mass communication and those concerned principally with practicing in the various fields of journalism and mass communication.
Section 2
Co-founding affiliate status is hereby recognized for the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication (ASJMC). Other organizations may gain affiliate status in accordance with the Bylaws.
Section 1
Officers of the corporation shall include a president, a president-elect, and a vice president, chosen in the manner provided in the Bylaws. Duties for each office include those specified in the Bylaws.
Section 2
The affairs of the corporation shall be administered by the Board of Directors, which shall include the officers specified in Article III, Section 1, and other members as provided in Article III of the Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall in all respects be the agent of and shall be responsible to the membership of the corporation, as prescribed in the Bylaws.
Section 1
The corporation shall meet at least once a year, as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 2
The corporation shall elect all officers listed in Article III, according to procedures specified in the Bylaws.
Section 1
A group of AEJMC members who share a specific interest compatible with those of the corporation may become a division of AEJMC according to provisions in the Bylaws. Functions and responsibilities of divisions are specified in this Constitution and in the Bylaws.
Section 2
Members of the corporation who share a common interest compatible with the purposes of AEJMC may form an Interest Group of AEJMC in accordance with procedures and requirements specified in the Bylaws.
Section 1
There shall be a Council of Divisions and a Council of Affiliates of the corporation.
Section 2
The Council of Divisions shall consist of one representative of each division and of representatives of other bodies specified in the Bylaws. Representatives shall be selected in accordance with the Bylaws.
Section 3
The functions of the Council of Divisions shall be to plan the annual meeting’s programs and to represent the membership’s diverse interests to the Board of Directors.
Section 4
The Council of Affiliates consists of a representative from each professional or educational organization granted affiliate status in AEJMC. The function of the Council of Affiliates is to afford member organizations a voice in the direction and programs of AEJMC.
Section 1
The following standing committees shall be elected to carry out the functions of the corporation stated in Article 1, Section 2:
A. Committee on Teaching
B. Committee on Research
C. Committee on Professional Freedom and Responsibility
D. Committee on Publications
Section 2
The following standing committees shall be appointed to carry out policies of the corporation:
A. Committee on Membership
B. Committee on Finance
C. Committee on Nominations and Elections
D. Committee on Career Development
Section 3
The membership and duties of each standing committee shall be as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 4
Other committees, including joint committees with other associations, may be appointed by the president or the Board of Directors. Their terms and duties shall be specified in the Bylaws or approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 5
The following commissions shall be established to address issues outlined in Article I, Section 5. The commissions will be formed according to provisions in the Bylaws. Functions and responsibilities of the commissions are specified in the Bylaws.
A. Commission on the Status of Women
B. Commission on the Status of Minorities
C. Commission on Graduate Education
Section 1
All gifts for endowment purposes shall constitute endowment funds. The Committee on Finance shall manage such funds, as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 2
The corporation may seek and receive grants or other financial support pursuant to its purposes, as specified in the Bylaws.
Section 1
The corporation shall produce such publications as are deemed appropriate to its purposes. These shall be administered according to the Bylaws.
Section 1 This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voting membership by an online ballot distributed to each member in good standing, provided that sufficient notice of the proposed amendment be submitted in writing to all members as specified in the Bylaws.
Section 1
All the powers of the corporation and those granted to divisions and committees shall be exercised only so that its operations shall be exclusively within the contemplation of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code 1954, as now enacted or as hereafter amended.
Section 1
This Constitution and Bylaws shall become effective upon approval by the membership.
Section 1
Upon dissolution of this corporation any surplus property remaining after the payment of its debts shall be disposed of by transfer to an organization or organizations described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as now enacted or as hereafter amended, in such proportions as the Board of Directors of this corporation shall determine.
Section 1
If necessary, this constitution is to be considered part of the Bylaws.
AEJMC Bylaws
Section 1
There shall be a consolidated central office headed by an executive director, and housing support personnel, and membership and other records of the corporation, except for those records submitted to the AEJMC archives. The location of the central office shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 2
The fiscal year of the corporation shall be from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.
Section 1
Classifications of membership, with their respective qualifications, are: Regular members, who shall be university or college faculty members engaged in education for journalism and mass communication; Associate members, who shall be other persons engaged in journalism and mass communication education or shall be persons with professional interests; Student members, who shall be students in journalism and mass communication and who are not eligible for Regular membership; Affiliate members, which are educational or professional journalism and mass communication organizations.
Section 2
Dues shall be fixed by the Board of Directors, subject to approval by the membership. Persons or institutions paying more than the required dues for their classification shall be designated Contributing Members.
Section 3
Membership is on a continuing basis from year to year. A member in good standing is one whose dues of any year are paid in advance. The membership year for each new member of the corporation shall extend for 12 months from the date payment of dues is received by the central office. Dues notices shall be sent annually from the central office at least 30 days before membership expires. If, after being sent an appropriate second notice, members fail to pay dues by the expiration date, the members are no longer in good standing and lose all membership privileges, including voting, publications, and the right to hold office. All paid-up members shall receive Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, Journalism and Communication Monographs, and AEJMC News. Memberships are subject to approval by the Committee on Membership as provided in Article VII, Section 9 of the Bylaws.
Section 4
All members in good standing are eligible to vote. Regular, Associate, and Affiliate members in good standing are eligible to hold office in divisional and non-divisional positions. The executive director shall have available before any vote a list of members in good standing, and only those members shall be eligible to vote. Eligibility for student members to hold office in divisions, interest groups, and commissions shall be determined by individual group bylaws.
Section 5
Affiliate members shall be entitled to use central office facilities and to deposit their funds with the AEJMC central office, subject to charge for extra services rendered and cost of extra materials.
Section 6
Affiliate status is granted or revoked by action of the Board of Directors.
Section 1
The Board of Directors shall consist of the president, the president-elect, the vice president, the immediate past president, the heads of the elected standing committees, two officers designated by the Co-founding Affiliate, two officers designated by the Council of Divisions, and an officer designated by the Council of Affiliates, and one officer each designated by the Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission on Graduate Education, and the Commission on the Status of Minorities. The executive director shall be a non-voting member. The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill all vacancies in elected offices pro tempore.
Section 2
The president shall appoint all officers and committee members not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws. In case of the death, inability to act, or resignation of the president of AEJMC, the president-elect shall become president to serve until the end of their elected term as president, and the vice president shall become president-elect.
Section 3
Terms of office of all officials elected by the AEJMC membership, and of the committee members appointed by the president, shall be for one calendar year following their election or appointment — from October 1 to September 30 — unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws or appointment/election criteria.
Section 4
The executive director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for a term specified by the Board of Directors at the time of appointment.
Section 5
The president shall be the principal officer of the corporation and shall establish its policies, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors. The president shall chair the Board of Directors, and shall be responsible for preparing and presenting an annual report at the annual meeting on all matters of policy. They shall have a discretionary fund in an amount set by the Board of Directors.
Section 6
The president-elect shall succeed the president and shall serve as chair of the Committee on Finance. In consultation with the executive director, the president-elect shall prepare a budget and submit it to the Board of Directors at its annual meeting and shall report at the annual meeting on the fiscal condition of the corporation.
Section 7
The vice president shall succeed the president-elect, shall serve on the Board of Directors and the Committee on Finance, and shall perform other duties assigned by the president.
Section 8
The executive director shall be the administrative officer of the corporation, shall serve as its secretary, shall be general manager of the central office and shall be business manager of AEJMC publications. The executive director shall report to the president, and shall perform duties assigned by the president and the Board of Directors, shall initiate programs consistent with the goals and policies of AEJMC, shall submit reports of corporation business, shall maintain membership and convention records, and shall have responsibility for collection and disbursement of funds. The executive director may serve as administrative officer of the Co-founding Affiliate and may appoint deputies and office staff consistent with the approved AEJMC budget. The executive director shall give a surety bond to the corporation in an amount set by the Board of Directors. The executive director, under supervision of the Committee on Finance, shall arrange for annual audits by a certified public accountant of AEJMC accounts and those of AEJMC publications.
Section 9
The Board of Directors shall approve all matters of financial policy for the corporation including acting on the proposed budget before the beginning of each fiscal year. Its annual meeting shall be held at the time and place of the AEJMC annual meeting. Other meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the president at any time, and also upon request of a majority of the Board members. In the interim between meetings, matters may be submitted to the members of the Board of Directors in writing or via email and votes cast in writing of via emails. These votes shall have the effect of votes at any official meeting.
Section 10
The Board of Directors shall encourage inclusiveness in gender, race and culture in the membership and programming of the corporation. It shall monitor the status of women and minorities in the corporation and in journalism education on a biennial basis and report its findings to the membership. The Board of Directors may ask the Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission on the Status of Minorities, and the Commission on Graduate Education to conduct these studies under the sponsorship of the Board of Directors.
Section 1
The annual meeting of the association, of its divisions and of the co-founding affiliate shall be held coincidentally. Special meetings of AEJMC or of the co-founding affiliate may be called by their respective Board of Directors.
Section 2
The place of the annual meeting shall be selected by the Board of Directors. The Board will seek feedback from the Council of Divisions and elected standing committees prior to making its decision.
Section 3
Decisions of the corporation and of its Board of Directors shall be effected by a majority of members voting, except that Bylaws may be suspended only by a three-fourths majority of those present and voting.
Section 4
Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, shall be the manual for parliamentary procedure in the meetings of this corporation and its Board of Directors.
Section 5
This shall be the uniform nomination and election procedure for the vice president, members of the elected standing committees and the association’s representatives to the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC). Not less than six months before each annual meeting, the executive director of the corporation shall provide nomination forms to all members. Such forms shall be returnable to the chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee by the date specified by the committee. The date specified shall not be less than 21 days from the date forms are distributed. The date may vary from year to year but shall be selected to encourage maximum response from the members and to enable the committee to complete its work in a timely manner and meet other deadlines indicated in the Bylaws. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall give serious consideration to the results, but the poll shall be advisory only.
Section 6
The Nominations and Elections Committee shall provide to the executive director a ballot containing the names of at least two members for every elective office and committee at least four months before the annual meeting. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall also provide to the executive director a summary of the professional record of candidates for all offices.
Section 7
The executive director shall prepare an online ballot that conforms to the Nominations and Elections Committee’s reports and that provides space for write-in candidates for each elective office. One copy of the online ballot shall be distributed to each member in good standing at least three months before the annual meeting. The executive director shall also distribute to each member in good standing a summary of the professional record of all candidates for office.
Section 8
The voting period shall close 30 days following distribution of ballots. Completed ballots shall be returnable to the office of the executive director, who shall notify all members in good standing of the results at least one month before the annual meeting. If a tie occurs between candidates for an office, a runoff shall be conducted by the Nominations and Elections Committee by ballot of the membership prior to the annual meeting.
Section 1
Interest Groups of 75 or more voting members shall be formed and recognized by action of the Board of Directors. Petition requesting creation should include a description of the program planned by the Interest Group in each of the three AEJMC functions: teaching, research, and public service, with at least 100 voting member signers. At least 75 voting members must pay dues to become members of the Interest Group by Oct. 1st in order for the interest group to be formed. Dues collection and funds for a recognized Interest Group shall be handled by the central office. Formal status as an Interest Group is normally for a finite term of one to three years, but is renewable by Board of Directors action. Each Interest Group shall report annually to the Board of Directors. An Interest Group in good standing may petition to become a Division after it has undergone at least one positive five-year assessment, following the procedure outlined in Article V, Section 2. The 75- member requirement does not apply to Interest Groups existing as of Oct. 1, 2012.
Section 2
A new division shall be created from an interest group in good standing by a majority vote of the annual meeting. Before that vote, the Board of Directors must approve of a petition signed by 10 percent of the voting members of this corporation. The Interest Group must have at least 125 voting members in order to petition for divisional status. The petition shall include a description of the program planned by the division in each of the three AEJMC functions: teaching, research, and public service; and a detailed explanation of the need for the change in status.
Section 3
Divisions and interest groups shall report annually, not later than June 15, on their current year of activities. These reports shall be used during each group’s assessment process. Each division and interest group will be assessed every five years by an Assessment Committee composed of one member of each elected standing committee and the chair and vice chair from the Council of Divisions. The officers of each group being assessed in any given year will meet with the Assessment Committee during the annual convention and discuss the group’s activities and projects over the five-year period. The Assessment Committee will report to the Board of Directors on these meetings and recommend any actions that might be needed as a result of the assessments.
Divisions and interest groups may be dissolved in two ways: 1) any group may voluntarily seek to be dissolved through a majority vote of its members. Such recommendation would go directly to the Board of Directors, which may grant the request, or 2) through action of the corporation’s members during the annual business meeting, on the recommendation of the Board of Directors. The Assessment Committee can offer such a recommendation to the Board of Directors following the five- year assessment of the division or interest group. If such a recommendation is made, the division or interest group may request and thus receive a hearing by the Board of Directors. The hearing should be held no later than the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. If the Board of Directors determines that dissolution of the division or interest group is necessary, it must notify AEJMC membership of the motion to dissolve at least 30 days prior to a vote during the annual business meeting.
Section 4
Eligibility for membership in divisions and interest groups shall be determined by the divisions and interest groups themselves. However, no person eligible for membership in AEJMC may become a member of any division or interest group without first becoming a member of AEJMC by paying the appropriate dues. AEJMC officers who fail to pay dues on time or who become ineligible to hold office will be replaced by action of the AEJMC Board of Directors at its next meeting or by mailed ballot.
Section 5
Divisions and interest groups shall be empowered to assess dues on their members other than those required for corporation membership.
Section 6
The chief officer of each division and interest group shall be designated as “head.”
Section 7
Divisions and interest groups shall be entitled to use central office facilities at cost for their programs. All division and interest group funds must be deposited with the AEJMC central office.
Section 8
Divisions and interest groups shall plan programs for the annual meetings in cooperation with the Council of Divisions.
Section 1
The Council of Divisions shall consist of the chief officer or other representative designated by each of the divisions and interest groups, of the Council of Affiliates, of the Commission on the Status of Women, of the Commission on the Status of Minorities, and of the Commission on Graduate Education. It shall annually choose a chair, a vice-chair, and such other officers as may be required. The Council establishes its own operating procedures, subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
Section 2
Each professional or educational organization granted affiliate status in AEJMC shall name a representative to serve on the Council of Affiliates. The elected head of the Council shall be a member of the Board of Directors and the elected vice head shall be a member of the Council of Divisions.
Section 1
The elected standing committees on Teaching, Research and Professional Freedom and Responsibility shall each have twelve members and the standing committee on Publications shall have nine members. No more than one Regular, Associate, or Affiliate member from any school shall serve on the same committee, nor shall one Regular, Associate, or Affiliate member serve on more than one elected standing committee at one time. Student members are not eligible to be elected to or serve on the standing committees. All terms shall be for three years. No person shall serve more than two consecutive elected terms on a standing committee. An individual who serves two consecutive elected terms may return to the committee after an interim of two years. The committee shall choose annually a chair.
Section 2
The elected standing committees on Teaching, Research, and Professional Freedom and Responsibility shall serve AEJMC on matters relevant to their respective functional areas. They shall initiate programs in these areas consistent with AEJMC policy. They shall participate in the division and interest group assessment process, and one representative from each standing committee shall serve on the Assessment Committee. The members of the elected standing committees shall serve as liaisons to divisions and interest groups in their programs and help them meet their responsibilities in these functional areas.
Section 3
If a member of an elected standing committee does not fulfill the duties of office during their three-year term, and specifically does not: participate in the activities of the committee, or send required materials for which they were responsible, or attend the main committee meeting at the conference, then the Board of Directors, through established procedures, may deem that person’s seat on the committee vacant. The established procedures will allow the inactive committee member to respond and participate in the discussions regarding the status of the seat. The Board of Directors may then fill the remaining years of the position through its authority from the Bylaws Article III, Section 1, or through the next regular election.
Section 4
The elected standing Committee on Teaching shall be primarily concerned with teaching excellence:
• Principles of Curriculum.
• Principles of Leadership.
• Principles of Course Content and Teaching Methods.
• Principles of Assessment
• Additional matters related to teaching as identified by the committee or the AEJMC membership.
This committee shall bring before the annual meeting such resolutions on such matters as it considers appropriate.
Section 5
The elected standing Committee on Professional Freedom and Responsibility is particularly concerned with freedom of expression legally and intellectually, ethical issues among media educators and practitioners, media criticism and accountability, minority affairs, and liaisons between educators and professionals. This committee shall bring before the annual meeting such resolutions on these matters as it considers appropriate.
Section 6
The elected standing Committee on Research is responsible for:
• Policies that will enhance the scholarly activities of AEJMC
• Conferral of academic honors on behalf of AEJMC for meritorious scholarly achievements
• Liaison with other associations and organizations concerned with communication processes.
This committee shall bring before the annual meeting such resolutions on such matters as it considers appropriate.
Section 7
The elected standing Committee on Publications shall administer the publications of the corporation, and shall have the responsibility of recommending to the Board of Directors a qualified AEJMC member for the editorship of Journalism and Communication Monographs, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, and Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. The editor of each AEJMC publication is appointed by the Board of Directors upon recommendation by the Committee on Publications. The Board of Directors shall be the final authority for policy concerning AEJMC publications.
Section 8
The size of each appointed standing committee shall be appropriate to the work of the committee. No more than one member from any school shall serve on the same committee, nor shall one member serve on more than one appointed committee at one time. Each committee shall have a chair who shall be appointed by the president, except that the president-elect shall chair the Committee on Finance. A representative of the Council of Affiliates may be named to any committee under the same conditions as applied to any other member. Terms shall be for three years with one-third of the members appointed each year by the president.
Section 9
The appointed standing committees and commissions shall initiate programs in their respective functional areas consistent with AEJMC policy. They shall advise and recommend actions to the Board of Directors.
Section 10
The appointed standing Committee on Membership shall administer the membership policies of the corporation, and shall have the responsibility of reviewing qualifications for membership in AEJMC.
Section 11
The appointed standing Committee on Finance— under the guidance of its chair, the president-elect and in consultation with the president — shall supervise the fiscal records of the corporation, including the annual audits arranged by the executive director. The committee shall review the fiscal condition of AEJMC, shall recommend to the Board of Directors any changes deemed desirable and, under the supervision of the Board of Directors, shall have overall responsibility for the coordination of fundraising activities. The Committee on Finance, in consultation with the president and executive director, shall recommend to the Board of Directors policies regarding investment of the corporation’s reserves. Withdrawals from the corporation’s long-term reserves shall be recommended in advance by the executive director and approved by the president and president-elect.
Section 12
The appointed standing Committee on Nominations and Elections shall be responsible for soliciting and making nominations for all AEJMC elected offices, and for the conduct of elections, in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 13
The appointed standing Committee on Career Development works to:
• Implement plans for institutionalizing career service sessions at AEJMC conferences,
• Foster coordination among AEJMC groups that conduct career development sessions,
• Hold its own unique recurring career development events related to careers, and
• Support AEJMC initiatives to aid underrepresented groups in journalism and mass communication education.
Section 14
The incoming president may, in consultation with the Board of Directors, appoint such other committees as may be deemed necessary. Their duties shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 15
There shall be three Commissions: The Commission on the Status of Women, The Commission on the Status of Minorities, and the Commission on Graduate Education. All Commissions shall serve both advocacy and programming roles on behalf of their respective bodies.
Section 16
Any interested member of the corporation may be a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission on the Status of Minorities, and the Commission on Graduate Education.
Section 17
Commissions shall be empowered to assess dues on their members other than those required for corporation membership.
Section 18
The chief officer of each commission shall be designated as “head.”
Section 19
Commissions shall be entitled to use central office facilities at cost for their programs. All commission funds must be deposited with the AEJMC central office.
Section 20
The Commissions shall plan programs in a manner similar to divisions for the annual meetings in cooperation with the Council of Divisions.
Section 21
A representative of each commission shall serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors.
Section 22
A representative of each commission shall serve as a voting member of the Council of Divisions.
Section 23
The elected standing committees and commissions shall report annually at the meeting. The appointed standing committees shall report annually to the Board of Directors.
Section 1
Unless otherwise dedicated by the donor, all earnings of the endowment funds shall be placed in the general fund of the corporation.
Section 2
The endowment funds of the corporation shall be handled outside the regular budget of AEJMC.
Section 3
The corporation may receive grants or financial support for special purposes that are consistent with the corporation’s objectives. Any grants or financial support for AEJMC publications and activities shall be received with the understanding that such financial support does not grant or imply any control whatsoever over such publications and activities by the granting agency, nor any endorsement by AEJMC of the granting agency’s policies or activities. All grant proposals must be submitted to the AEJMC president for consultation with the chair of the AEJMC Finance Committee and chair of the External Funding Committee. Grant proposals for AEJMC or division publications must also be considered by the Committee on Publications, which must also approve such a proposal before it may be submitted to the president.
Section 1
The official publications of the organization are Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, Journalism and Communication Monographs, and AEJMC News.
Section 2
AEJMC News shall contain annually the minutes of the AEJMC business meeting and membership votes. The financial reports of the corporation shall be posted annually on the AEJMC website.
Section 3
The editors of Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, and Journalism and Communication Monographs shall be appointed for three-year terms. The editors of AEJMC publications shall appoint subordinate and advisory editors. The editor of each AEJMC publication shall exercise final authority on editorial content. As specified in Bylaws, Article V, Section 6, the AEJMC Executive Director shall serve as business manager of AEJMC publications, and, subject to Publications Committee review, shall direct all business and fiscal matters.
Section 1
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority of the voting membership by an online ballot distributed to each member in good standing.
Section 2
Amendments to the Constitution and to these Bylaws must be submitted in writing to all members of the corporation at least 20 days in advance with an online discussion forum before the online vote. Certification by the executive director that notice has been given shall be conclusive.
Section 3
Changes in AEJMC dues must be made under rules for change in the Bylaws.