AEJMC Council of Affiliates 2012 Annual Industry Research Forum
The AEJMC Council of Affiliates has launched a new competition that began with AEJMC’s Centennial conference in August 2012 in Chicago, our first annual Industry Research Forum. The interdependence between the academy and the professional and industry organizations it serves provides an opportunity for collaboration on research that can benefit everyone.
The Council of Affiliates of AEJMC, which consists of member organizations related to the fields of journalism and mass communication, is therefore sponsoring this Industry Research Forum designed to strengthen that academy/industry link.
Three winners of $1000 each presented their research at the AEJMC Conference. Mike Philipps and the Scripps Howard Foundation provided an additional $1000 so a third award could be made. The three winners are as follows and can be found here:
Print friendly“Media Entrepreneurship: Curriculum Development and Faculty Perceptions of What Students Should Know,” Michelle Ferrier, Elon University
“Best Practices in Managing News Website Comments,” Mitch McKenney, Kent State University
“The Ten Percent Dilemma: The Opportunities and Challenges of Managing Newspapers in the Digital Age,” Paul Steinle, professor emeritus, Southern Oregon University; Sara Brown, Valid Sources, Seattle