Author Index N-O-P, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
NAJJAR, ORAYB AREF, The Ebb and Flow of the Liberalization of the Jordanian Press: 1985-1997, 75:1, 127-142.
NAPOLI, PHILIP, The Media Trade Press as Technology Forecaster: A Case Study of the VCR’s Impact on Broadcasting, 74:2, 417-430.
NELSON, MICHELLE R. and JACQUELINE C. HITCHON, Theory of Synesthesia Applied to Persuasion in Print Advertising Headlines, 72:2, 346-360.
NELSON, MICHELLE R. and JACQUELINE C. HITCHON, Loud Tastes, Colored Fragrances, and Scented Sounds: How and When to Mix the Senses in Persuasive Communications, 76:2, 354-372.
NEUMANN, DENNIS (See Hindman).
NEUZIL, MARK, Hearst, Roosevelt, and the Muckrake Speech of 1906: A New Perspective, 73:1, 29-39.
NEUZIL, MARK (See Hansen).
NEVILLE, JOHN (See Lewis).
NEWHAGEN, JOHN E., The Relationship between Censorship and the Emotional and Critical Tone of Television News Coverage of the Persian Gulf War, 71:1, 32-42.
NIEBAUER, WALTER E. JR. (See Fradgley).
NITZ, MICHAEL (See Reichert).
NIVEN, DAVID, Objective Evidence on Media Bias: Newspaper Coverage of Congressional Party Switchers, 80:2, 311-326.
O’KEEFE, DANIEL J. (See Jackson).
O’KEEFE, GARRETT J. and BARBARA K. SULANOWSKI, More Than Just Talk: Uses, Gratifications, and the Telephone, 72:4, 922-933.
OLIVER, MARY BETH and G. BLAKE ARMSTRONG, Predictors of Viewing and Enjoyment of Reality-Based and Fictional Crime Shows, 72:3, 559-570.
OLSON, BETH, Sex and the Soaps: A Comparative Content Analysis of Health Issues, 71:4, 840-850.
OLSON, BETH (See Ashley).
O’NEILL, PATRICK, Editorial Rights of Telephone Carriers, 71:1, 99-109.
O’REILLY, KEVIN (See McAlister).
O’SULLIVAN, PATRICK B. and SETH GEIGER, Does the Watchdog Bite? Newspaper Ad Watch Articles and Political Attack Ads, 72:4, 771-785.
PACKER, CATHY and KARLA K. GOWER, The Persistent Problem of Media Taxation: First Amendment Protection in the 1990s, 74:3, 579-590.
PAN, ZHONGDANG, RONALD E. OSTMAN, PATRICIA MOY, and PAULA REYNOLDS, News Media Exposure and Its Learning Effects during the Persian Gulf War, 71:1, 7-19.
PAPACHARISSI, ZIZI, The Presentation of Self in Virtual Life: Characteristics of Personal Home Pages, 79:3, 643-660.
PARISI, PETER, Toward a “Philosophy of Framing”: News Narratives for Public Journalism, 74:4, 673-686.
PARK, JUNG SUK (See Chan-Olmsted).
PAUL, MARY JAE, Interactive Disaster Communication on the Internet: A Content Analysis of Sixty-Four Disaster Relief Home Pages, 78:4, 739-753.
PAULY, JOHN J. and MELISSA ECKERT, The Myth of “The Local” in American Journalism, 79:2, 310-326.
PEER, LIMOR (See Ettema).
PEISER, WOLFRAM, Setting the Journalist Agenda: Influences from Journalists’ Individual Characteristics and from Media Factors, 77:2, 243-257.
PÉREZ, FRANK G. (See McDevitt).
PERKINS, JOSEPH W., JR. (See Zillmann).
PERKINS, MICHAEL, Violence against the Press in Latin America: Protections and Remedies in International Law, 78:2, 275-290.
PERRY, DAVID K. (See Cotter).
PERRY, STEPHEN D., STEFAN A. JENZOWSKY, JOE BOB HESTER, CYNTHIA M. KING, and HUIUK YI, The Influence of Commercial Humor on Program Enjoyment and Evaluation, 74:2, 388-399.
PESKE, MATTHEW W. (See Tewksbury).
PETER, JOCHEN and EDMUND LAUF, Reliability in Cross-National Content Analysis, 79:4, 815-832.
PFAU, MICHAEL, PATRICIA MOY, R. LANCE HOLBERT, ERIN A. SZABO, WEI-KUO LIN, and WEIWU ZHANG, The Influence of Political Talk Radio on Confidence in Democratic Institutions, 75:4, 730-745.
PHILLIPS, BARBARA J. and BARBARA GYOERICK, The Cow, the Cook, and the Quaker: Fifty Years of Spokes-Character Advertising, 76:4, 713-728.
PLAISANCE, PATRICK LEE and ELIZABETH A. SKEWES, Personal and Professional Dimensions of News Work: Exploring the Link between Journalists’ Values and Roles, 80:4, 833-848.
POINDEXTER, PAULA M. and MAXWELL E. MCCOMBS, Revisiting the Civic Duty to Keep Informed in the New Media Environment, 78:1, 113-126.
POLLARD, GEORGE, Job Satisfaction among Newsworkers: The Influence of Professionalism, Perceptions of Organizational Structure, and Social Attributes, 72:3, 682-697.
PONDER, STEPHEN, Popular Propaganda: The Food Administration in World War I, 72:3, 539-550.
PORTER, LANCE V. and LYNNE M. SALLOT, The Internet and Public Relations: Investigating Practitioners’ Roles and World Wide Web Use, 80:3, 603-622.
PORTER, LANCE VARDAMAN, LYNNE M. SALLOT, GLEN T. CAMERON, and SCOTT SHAMP, New Technologies and Public Relations: Exploring Practitioners’ Use of Online Resources to Earn a Seat at the Management Table, 78:1, 172-190.
POWERS, ANGELA and JULIE L. ANDSAGER, How Newspapers Framed Breast Implants in the 1990s, 76:3, 551-564.
POWERS, ANGELA (See Andsager).
POWERS, ANGELA A. (See Serini).
PRESTON, ANN (See Hindman).
PRICE, VINCENT, LI-NING HUANG, and DAVID TEWKSBURY, Third-Person Effects of News Coverage: Orientations toward Media, 74:3, 525-540.
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