Joint Session Proposals
Joint session proposals are emailed to Felicia Brown.
These proposals can be for any type of session (teaching, PF&R or invited research) that will cut across divisional and interest group lines and appeal to a broad audience. The advantages of joint sessions are three-fold: a larger potential audience, it makes your “chips” go farther since each co-sponsoring group only uses half a chip, and it opens the door for possible outside funding for speakers (co-sponsorship is required for seeking speaker funds from the AEJMC president).
Each session proposal should be on a separate page, so insert a page break between each proposal. Each proposal will be given a number before it is sent back out to all the members of the Council of Divisions. There is no special form for these proposals, but each should contain:
• AEJMC group proposing the session, and the group contact (this should be at the top of each proposal);
• Suggested co-sponsors;
• A summary of what the session topic will be;
• Possible speakers;
• Estimate of the cost, (if any);
• Name of the contact person for the session.
Joint Session Proposal Example (PDF)
The Central Office will number each proposal and then distribute these copies to all heads, vice heads and program chairs who are part of the Council of Divisions. Send proposals by e-mail to Felicia Brown.
For your emailed proposals, you must write in the body of the message that you are sending joint session proposals, and tell us the number of proposals you have included. Attachments sent with nothing in the body of the message will NOT be opened. We have been flooded with attachments containing viruses lately. We will acknowledge that proposals have been received.
If you have a proposal for a pre-conference workshop or a mini-plenary, send it too and clearly label it as a pre-conference workshop or a mini-plenary. These will be numbered separately and sent out along with the other proposals.
Please send the best ideas you have for these sessions, not every idea you have. In past years, some groups have sent as many as 20 joint session proposals. That is too many. If your sessions do not get picked up for joint sessions, your group can still schedule them on your own.
If you have questions, contact Felicia Brown at 803-772-3508.