Small Programs Interest Group
The Small Programs Interest Group invites submission of original, non-published research papers that focus on the relationship between teaching and research, particularly at smaller, teaching-oriented programs to be considered for presentation at the AEJMC Conference, August 8 to 11, 2013, in Washington, D.C.
We invite members of all divisions and interest groups to contribute research papers – using any methodology, whether quantitative or qualitative—that focus on all aspects of how the global economy is affecting small programs in journalism and mass communication, including effects on their students and faculty.
GUIDELINES: See the AEJMC General Paper Call for instructions to upload to All-Academic Site. The competition is open to faculty and to graduate students; no separate student competition is held. Format must be WORD or PDF. Researchers also must upload an ABSTRACT of no more than 75 words. Authors must completely fill out the online submission form, including author’s name, affiliation, mailing address, phone numbers (academic, home and cell), and preferred email address. The title must be on the first page of the manuscript and on the running heads on every page. However DO NOT INCLUDE author’s name or affiliation within the running heads or any pop-up options that may be contained in PDF submissions. Papers are accepted for peer review with the understanding that they are NOT under review (or being submitted during the AEJMC review period) to a second division or interest group OR to a journal or other publication. Papers submitted to the 2013 conference should NOT have been presented to another conference and neither should they have been published or be in the publication process BEFORE the date of the 2013 Conference in August.
SPIG requests a paper length of NO MORE than 25-pages (excluding references) and the document must be double-spaced and typed in 11-point Arial font or Times Roman font – and follow APA style guidelines. Authors also must heed the AEJMC general paper call regulations and deadlines. For example, papers submitted to the wrong division or that do not meet ALL the above guidelines will not be reviewed (for example, submission of an abstract by the deadline but a paper AFTER the deadline, will result in the paper NOT being accepted). However, SPIG research co-chairs will make every effort to contact authors who do not meet guidelines so that they will be aware as early as possible that their paper has not been accepted and the reasons why.
For more information, contact the SPIG Research Co-Chairs: Michael Longinow, Biola University at: /Phone: 951-329-7377 or Patrick Sutherland of Bethany College at: /Phone: 304 829-7716.
Submit the paper via the AEJMC website link no later than 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on Monday April 1, 2013.
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