Scholastic Journalism Division
The Scholastic Journalism Division of AEJMC is accepting submissions of research papers for the 2013 conference in Washington, D.C.
Submission deadline is April 1, 2013. Those papers selected by peer review will be presented during the annual AEJMC conference in August. Faculty and student papers should involve an area of mass communication research applied to student journalism and expression, both scholastic and collegiate, as well as journalism education in order to be considered for presentation in this Division.
Both faculty and student papers accepted will be eligible for top paper awards to be presented at the AEJMC Conference in August. Faculty papers with a student co-author or student papers with a faculty co-author will be judged in the faculty competition. Some possible paper topics include:
• legal issues of the student press
• ethical issues of the student press
• administrative relationships: journalism education school and community support for high school journalism education
• journalism and mass communication in language arts
• preparation, certification and credentialing of publication advisers and journalism educators in secondary school
• multicultural and diversity issues in secondary school journalism
• content or production of high school publications
• the role of college journalism education in secondary education
• historical perspectives of secondary school/high school journalism education
• the role of high school press associations and other media organizations
• recruiting and retaining journalism students
• educational issues applicable to scholastic journalism
• certification and/or accreditation issues related to the high school or collegiate press
• news and/or media literacy at the secondary or collegiate level
Special Hazelwood call: It’s been 25 years since the landmark Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier Supreme Court decision. Given that an entire generation of students has grown up during this time of relatively low student expression rights, the Scholastic Journalism Division invites papers specifically addressing issues relating to this decision and its effects on students, schools, advisers, etc… Like the general Scholastic Journalism Division call, papers can use any method. If you choose to enter your paper via this special call, please indicate so on your paper’s title page by clearly including the words “Special Hazelwood Call.”
Expectations for all papers: Papers should be in Microsoft Word, 12-point type, Times New Roman, double-spaced. Papers should not exceed 25-pages in length, not counting references, tables, and appendices.
Style should follow either the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or the Chicago Manual of Style. Include an abstract of no more than 75 words. At least one author will be expected to attend the meeting to present the paper.
All research papers must be submitted online via a link on the AEJMC Web site. Do not put the author’s name on the title page of the document you upload to the submission site. Reviews are blind. The site will also ask for author’s name, affiliation, and e-mail address separ- ately. You will be asked for your abstract, too.
The principal author should e-mail the SJD research chair (see below) with the title of your paper and contact information (as well as whether he/she is entering the paper via the special call) once he/she has uploaded his/her paper to the AEJMC site.
For more information for submissions to the Scholastic Journalism Division, contact Adam M. Maksl of the Department of Journalism at Indiana University Southeast at (812) 941-2892 or .
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