Cultural and Critical Studies Division
The Cultural and Critical Studies Division welcomes faculty and student submission of original research that is interdisciplinary in focus and are theoretically grounded in the study of journalism and media communication.
The division invites research from a variety of research topics and approaches that include, but are not limited to, historical studies, feminist scholarship, news analysis, political economy, literary analysis with a media foundation, philosophy of communication, ethics, and media criticism. CCS also encourages work that challenges conventional approaches to media, examines paradigmatic assumptions, and explores innovative ways of theorizing.
The division presents awards to the authors of the top-ranking faculty and student submissions. Only one paper per author will be accepted for review and submissions must not be under consideration elsewhere for presentation or publication. See the AEJMC Uniform Call for Papers for submission requirements. Preferred paper length is 7,500 words (approx. 25-pages, excluding tables, figures and references). Abstracts must be no more than 75 words. Papers that do not meet the AEJMC Uniform Call for Papers requirements will not be accepted.
Faculty and student submissions will undergo separate blind review processes by faculty-only judges. Student authors – undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2012-2013 school year – should include a cover sheet that clearly states that the paper is a student submission. Papers with faculty co-authors will be reviewed in the faculty competition and should not be designated as student-authored papers.
Please be sure that submissions contain no identifying information, such as name, university affiliation, job title, etc. Any identifying information found on the submission results in an immediate disqualification of the paper.
Questions concerning submissions should be directed to research co-chairs Katie Foss () or Madeleine Esch ().
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