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AEJMC/ASJMC Human Resource Committee

Serving the AEJMC/ASJMC Human Resource Committee
for the 2024 – 2025 term

Mia Moody (Chair) (Term: 2024-2028)
Baylor University

Bey-Ling Sha (Term: 2023-2027)
California State University, Fullerton

Kim Bissell (Term: 2024-2027)
Louisiana State University

Teresa Mastin (Term: 2022-2026)
Michigan State University

Hub Brown (Term: 2023-2026)
University of Florida

Linda Aldoory (Term: 2021-2025)
American University

Emily Metzgar (Term: 2022-2025)
Kent State University

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About the Committee

The AEJMC Board of Directors instituted on Nov. 20, 2020, a permanent human resources committee to fulfill our commitment to sustain a workplace that thrives on talent, leadership, innovation, collaboration, belonging, and professionalism.

Chaired by the AEJMC vice-president, the HR committee will advance AEJMC’s commitment to a fulfilling and engaging employment experience for AEJMC/ASJMC’s Office Staff.

The subcommittee will be charged with the following:

The AEJMC Central Office staff also serves and supports the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication (ASJMC). To that end, the AEJMC HR Subcommittee may seek inputs from the ASJMC president and the ASJMC Executive Committee in accomplishing our shared mission of promoting excellence in journalism and mass communication education.

— Tim Vos, Michigan State University, 2020-21 AEJMC President