AEJMC COVID Coping and Narratives Project
This project will be a featured in the Exhibit Hall at the AEJMC 2022 Detroit Conference in August.
The AEJMC COVID-19 Narratives Project is an oral history StoryCorps-like project around our experiences with COVID-19 as media and communication teachers, scholars, and professionals.
This will involve an interactive exhibit online and in the AEJMC Conference Hall during the Detroit Conference- (look for the launch of social accounts and the #aejmccovidnarratives).
We invite all AEJMC members and potential members to participate by sharing their experiences, collaborations, challenges, and joys during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We will be recording short audio and video stories and have a space for participation with photos, words, and phrases or other representations you feel comfortable sharing with the group. These can be attributed or deidentified to the degree you wish to share your experiences. This can be done in pairs or on your own, over email or in person at the conference.
There will be an oral history agreement and informed consent agreement which participants can opt in or out of.
In addition, we are looking for graduate students to participate in the research and curation of this project during the event. If you are interested, we provide free conference registration for graduate students who provide support. We are grateful for the support of AEJMC in this endeavor and to provide this support space during the conference.
For more information, contact CSW vice head Mimi Perreault ()