Friday, Feb. 25 12:30-1:30 p.m. EST
The Community Journalism Interest Group will host a discussion on news-academic partnerships –addressing regional news gaps, integrating practical work into the classroom
The present crisis in journalism is much talked about, tens of thousands of layoffs, papers shuttered around the country or turned into “ghosts” by predatory owners, and more than 1300 counties with no local news.
Perceptions of News-Academic Partnerships as a Sustainable Business Model” ( Salahi is at Endicott College and Smith is at Georgia College & State University. Smith is also the current chairperson of the Community Journalism Interest Group (COMJIG). Barbara Allen is the director of college programming for Poynter. Prior to that, she served as managing editor of She spent two decades in local media in her hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and in education at her alma mater, Oklahoma State University. Patrick Ferrucci is an Associate Professor and the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies in the Department of Journalism at The University of Colorado (Boulder). His research is in media sociology and primarily concerns itself with how shifting notions of “organization” in journalism lead to influence on journalism practice. The panel will be moderated by Richard Watts, the founder of an Academic-News partnership at the University of Vermont (the Community News Service), and is coordinated by COMJIG Teaching Chair, Dr. Mimi Perreault from East Tennessee State University ().
What is the role of universities to address this crisis? In this brown bag, we talk about news partnerships with scholars and practitioners – the latest research and some examples from around the country where Universities and our students have stepped in to fill the void, innovating new approaches, providing badly needed local content while giving students substantive learning experiences. Joining us on the panel are two leading scholars of Partnerships with the university, Christina Smith, Lara Salahi, Barabra Allen, and Patrick Ferrucci. Professors Smith and Salahi are the authors of “