Scholastic Journalism Division
2021 Abstracts
Extended Abstract • The Future of the Field: Journalism Degree Motivations, Roles and Relevancy of the Field • Faculty Papers • “Journalism students represent the future of the industry. Learning how they conceptualize journalism may build understanding of the field’s evolution. This survey research examines the motivations and perceptions of journalism students about the profession. Preliminary results show that students’ top motivations for pursuing journalism were related to creative reporting skills, continual learning, and travel in their job. They were also interested in current affairs and displayed a modest drive for addressing social injustices.” • Brian J. Bowe, American Univ. in Cairo / Western Washington Univ.; Lucinda Davenport, Michigan State University; Robin Blom, Ball State University
Research Paper • Student Activism vs. Student Journalism: Racial Justice, Free Speech, and Journalism Ethics in College Newspapers • Faculty Papers • Using two recent controversies involving campus social justice protests and student news organizations, this study uses an interdisciplinary lens to examine free expression and normative journalism ethics discourse. It explores themes related to First Amendment rights and values, journalism ethics, and racial justice, asking which are evident and absent in opinion journalism focused on the cases. It examines universities’ dual missions of supporting free expression and advancing the goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. • Jason Shepard
Extended Abstract • Extended Abstract: “We’re Playing a Telephone Game”: Understanding How Teenagers Engage with News Through a Simulation • Faculty Papers • With misinformation at an all-time high, this study explores how high school students cope with inaccurate information and perceive journalists through observation of their skills in a breaking news simulation and post-study interviews. Results reveal that young people desire accurate information but lack the tools to correct it and that immersive learning experiences, like the one used in this study, can teach about the role of quality journalism in stopping the spread of false information. • Theresa de los Santos, Pepperdine University; Elizabeth Smith, Pepperdine University; Jillian Johnson, Pepperdine University
Research Paper • The long-term value of networking and diverse professional experience in online communication master’s program cohorts • Faculty Papers • A survey of alumni from a 10-year-old cohort-based online master’s program in digital communication showed that respondents felt high levels of sense of community both during the program and after graduation. Respondents reported regular interteraction with cohort members and valued the ability to network with peers from a wide range of communication subfields. Results suggest a cohort structure has strong networking benefits for online master’s students, although more identity-based diversity among cohort members is needed. Universities that currently utilize a cohort structure should more robustly promote this aspect of their programs in marketing and recruitment efforts. They should also take steps to maximize interactions between and among cohorts after graduation to enhance connections with a professionally accomplished base of alumni. • Shanetta Pendleton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Rhonda Gibson
Research Paper • Pandemic grading strategies: A natural experiment with audio feedback in an introductory mass communications course • Faculty Papers • The COVID-19 pandemic realities of the Fall 2020 semester provided an opportunity to try integrated technology grading strategies. The natural experiment deployed personalized and generalized feedback to two sections of an introductory mass communications class for their first written assignment. A survey captured students’ perspectives about ‘helpfulness’ and ‘purpose’ of the grading implements. The results indicated that personalized feedback is preferred, and the combination of grading efforts, in general, is helpful. • Carolyn Hedges, Syracuse University
Extended Abstract • The Inconsistency of Journalism Education and Trauma-related Instruction • Faculty Papers • Although journalism educators believe trauma topics are important, curricular coverage is inconsistent. This survey examined the extent educators covered specific trauma topics. Participants rated the importance and extent of coverage across four domains in required classes: self-care, trauma-informed interviewing, trauma impact on community, and best community reporting practices. The commonly deemed highly valued topics include ethics of accuracy, sensitivity, respect for survivors, and privacy rights. Self-care was deemed important but often not covered in courses. • Joe Hight, University of Central Oklahoma; Elana Newman, University of Tulsa; Ilissa Madrigal; Bret Arnold
Research Paper • Teaching Data Science through Storytelling: Improving Undergraduate Data Literacy • Faculty Papers • This study notices a significant gap of data literacy between communication students and science students across four U.S. universities. This project develops an experiential teaching and learning platform (OCEL.AI) and proposes a story-centric approach to teach data gathering, analysis, modeling, application, and ethics to students. The results showed that the storytelling approach had significant impacts on students’ knowledge, appreciation, motivation, confidence, and competence in data science, even after controlling the effects of major and gender. • You Li, Eastern Michigan U; Ye Wang; Yugyung Lee; Huan Chen, University of Florida; Alexis Nicolle Petri; Teryn Cha
Research Paper • Student Journalists Exhibit Different Mindsets, Agree on the Need for Truthful Reporting • Faculty Papers • “This study investigates journalism students’ beliefs about the profession they seek to enter. Using Q methodology to explore the participants’ subjective conceptions of journalism, we map their attitudes and beliefs along four dimensions: impartial, neutral, point-of-view, and involved. Participants (n = 54) sorted 28 statements about journalism from “most like” their journalistic mindset to “most unlike.” Factor analysis identified two distinct mindsets among the participants, one expressing a traditional journalistic mindset, the other embracing a more involved, vocal journalism. Yet both factors expressed strong support for many facets of traditional journalism.
Extended Abstract • A Systematic Review of Media Literacy Interventions and the Case for Teaching a Logic-Based Debunking Approach • Faculty Papers • This study uses a systematic review to examine pedagogical approaches used to teach media consumers to debunk falsehoods and evaluate claims. We find that the fact-based “checklist approach” is dominant. This approach, while useful in some contexts, is limited. We make the case for teaching media literacy lessons through a less commonly used logic-based debunking approach in which students ask the question: In what world could this information or claim possibly be true? • Alexander Sussman; Elia Powers, Towson University
Research Paper • A mission-based argument for private K-12 student press • Faculty Papers • While the First Amendment does not guarantee student press within public schools, it does help affirm the value of such opportunities to student communities. Private schools do not enjoy such constitutional support, but may have a more powerful tool closer to home: their own school mission statements. This study analyzes nearly 500 private K-12 school mission statements to determine if the priorities identified by these programs align with the documented benefits of student journalism. • Erica Salkin, Whitworth University Department of Communication Studies
Research Paper • An Exploration of and Intervention to Increase Children’s Critical Analysis of News • Faculty Papers • To take the first steps in increasing children’s critical analysis of fake news, this study (N = 298, 10–12 y/o) looks into children’s fake news knowledge (qualitative) and a theory-based fake news e-learning intervention for children (quantitative). Results show that children do have knowledge on fake news, but that there a large individual differences. The fake news intervention (e-learning) did not increase children’s fake news knowledge and awareness, but it did increase their self-efficacy. • Sanne Tamboer, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University; Anne Vlaanderen; Kirsten Bevelander, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University; Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Radboud University and Medical Centre.; Mariska Kleemans
Extended Abstract • How to Increase News Literacy via Interventions: Insights from Early Adolescents • Faculty Papers • As a first step in the development of news literacy interventions for early adolescents, we discussed with the target group what a successful intervention targeting their own age group’s news literacy should look like. In the focus groups, participants mentioned that it is a challenge to motivate their news literacy, but also discussed intervention elements that they believe can be effective. These are: competition and rewards, tailored content, the accessibility of the intervention, and interactivity. • Sanne Tamboer, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University; Mariska Kleemans; Serena Daalmans, Radboud University, Behavioural Science Institute; Inge Molenaar, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University; Tibor Bosse, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University