Research You Can Use
Research You Can Use highlights research from AEJMC refereed journals that may interest journalists and others for use in continuing education. Articles are contributed by the editors of AEJMC refereed journals.
Journal of Advertising Education
The Journal of Advertising Education is devoted to research and commentary on instruction, curriculum and leadership in advertising education.
Journalism & Mass Communication Monographs
Journalism & Mass Communication Monographs presents in-depth research on specific topics within journalism and mass communication on subjects ranging from journalism history and personalities to international mass communication.
- Monograph Explores Cultural Politics of Colorism in India
- New study shows how journalism ethics developed
Journal of Public Relations Research
Journal of Public Relations Research provides scholarly criticism of public relations practice, and helps to develop the history, ethics, and philosophy of public relations.
Newspaper Research Journal
Newspaper Research Journal comprehensively answers questions about U.S. newspaper performance and related topics of interest, ranging from balance and fairness to the use of computer analysis in newspaper reporting.
- Study Shows the Rise in Use of Online Forums
- Study ranks blogs’ use of traditional media as sources in 2006 election
- The larger a newspaper’s local population, the broader its online market
- Marijuana coverage framed differently in editorials, op-eds
- President had limited framing power in stem cell debate
- Meeting coverage changes with newsroom cutbacks
- Citizen Journalism Sites Complement Newspapers
- Study: Values, Ethics of Sports Reporters Vary by Beat
Journal of Communication Inquiry
The Journal of Communication Inquiry (JCI) focuses on research that examines media and communication from a critical, cultural, and historical perspective.
Journalism & Mass Communication Educator
Journalism & Mass Communication Educator focuses on learning and teaching, curriculum, educational leadership, and related exploration of higher education within a context of journalism and mass communication.
- No Evidence that Accredited Journalism Schools are Better than Unaccredited Ones
- Nontraditional Online News Media Seek Employees with Adaptive Expertise
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly focuses on research in journalism and mass communication, developments in theory and methodology of communication, international communication, journalism history, and social and legal problems.
- News Paywalls – Should They Cost Less in Poorer Countries?
- Should News Organizations Be in the “Reunion” Business?
- The push for paywalls mischaracterizes the nature of online newspaper readership
- Dimensions of News Media Brand Personality
- Users say participation in news sites’ online forums helps them understand their communities better
- Climate Change and the Belief Gap Hypothesis
- Citizens’ Local Political Knowledge Threatened By New Media
- Viewing Media Coverage of Terrorism Related to Posttraumatic Stress Reactions; Youth Particularly Susceptible
- Science and media disconnect? Maybe not, says a new study
Mass Communication and Society
Mass Communication and Society publishes articles from a wide variety of perspectives and approaches that advance mass communication theory, especially at the societal or macrosocial level.
- Hispanics in Politics
- Why conservatives are a political force in America
- New research finds Fox News exhibited a Kerry bias in 2004 election
- Retaliatory aggression and the effects of point of view blood in violent video games