Small Programs Interest Group
State of DataViz and Data Storytelling Education in Journalism and Communication Programs: An Exploratory Study • Masudul Biswas; Carrie Sipes • Utilizing multiple methods – survey, document analysis and email interviews – this exploratory study has assessed the state of data visualization and data storytelling education in 27 U.S. communication and journalism programs. The findings of this study reflect how these courses are offered by various types of programs, i.e. accredited vs. non-accredited programs, large vs. small programs, what topics and tools are taught in these courses, how students’ learning outcomes are assessed, what challenges the course instructors encounter, and what teaching strategies they find effective.
Mindfully Preparing Generation Z Undergraduates for Communication Workplace Realities • Doug Swanson, California State University, Fullerton • The communication professions offer today’s college students a future with many potentially rewarding career opportunities. At the same time, employers continue to express concern about college graduates’ preparation for the realities of entry-work. This is particularly true for Generation Z, a demographic group noted for vastly different values and soft skill deficiencies as compared to college students of the recent past. This paper takes the position that much of what appears as poor conceptual preparation may actually be a lack of mindful awareness by students. Seven best practices recommendations are presented that faculty could use to integrate secular mindfulness concepts within higher education instruction. The recommendations, especially relevant for small enrollment programs, could help educators enhance communication students’ career preparation so students can enter the professional world not only knowing what to do but how to think about the doing.