Institute for Diverse Leadership in Journalism and Communication
Call for Applications
The purpose of the Institute for Diverse Leadership in Journalism and Communication is to increase racial, gender and ethnic diversity in administrative and other senior-level positions in journalism and communication education. The Institute’s objective is to identify, recruit, mentor and train future leaders and administrators. The Institute is co-sponsored by AEJMC and the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Applicants MUST BE current AEJMC members. Applicants must be associate or full professors interested in administration and/or journalism and communication practitioners who have moved into the academy and have a minimum of three full-time years in an academic setting. The program is for people of color and women.
Fellows will participate in Institute activities while continuing to work at their home campuses. The Institute program involves five group sessions during the fellowship year, two of which will happen during AEJMC conferences. Fellows and their home institutions are expected to cover costs associated with travel to those two AEJMC annual conferences, which most members normally attend. Travel for the other three trips will be funded by the Institute.
There are three key components of the Institute:
- Workshop Sessions — Mandatory workshops for fellows will be held at the AEJMC 2020 San Francisco Conference, the 2021 ASJMC winter workshop, the 2021 ACEJMC Spring meeting and the AEJMC 2021 New Orleans Conference. Workshops will cover a variety of administrative issues, including fundraising, leadership styles and dealing with difficult people.
- Mentor Program — The Institute will match each fellow with a current administrative mentor. The mentoring relationship consists of monthly contact via telephone or email, and a week-long visit to the mentor’s campus for a first-hand look at administrative duties at a journalism/communication program.
- Networking — Institute fellows are introduced to current administrators during social and programming sessions at their workshops. Mentors introduce fellows to other administrators to help the fellows begin to establish networks of resources.
Application Process: AEJMC expects the selection process to be competitive. Applications for the 2020-21 year of the Institute should include ONE PDF file that includes the following parts:
Part I. An “Institute Application” that answers the following questions:
- Why would this program be valuable to you now — at this stage of your career?
- What skills and past leadership experience do you have?
- Why would you like to become an administrator or have a leadership position in higher education?
- What would you like to learn from the program if you were selected?
- What do you see as the most pressing issue for JC administrators today, and what two ideas do you have that would help?
Part II. A vita, maximum of 5 pages. Vita should include: • current position, rank and number of years of teaching; • summary of professional experience; • leadership positions and significant service contributions to department, university, AEJMC and other academic associations; • maximum listing of 10 publications, presentations and awards (total of 10 for all three).
Part III. Two letters of recommendation. One letter should be from your immediate chair or dean, and one should come from another person familiar with your work. The letter of nomination from the immediate chair or dean must indicate the institution will provide funding for the candidate to attend the two required AEJMC annual conferences if the person is selected for the program.
The complete packet should be converted to a PDF and emailed to: . The file should be called: AEJMC_Institute_(your last name). All application materials should be received by 5 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, March 16. Only complete applications will be considered. The selection process is very competitive. Up to eight fellows will be selected for the 2020-21 class. Notifications will go out by late April. Direct questions to Jennifer McGill at . Type “Institute Inquiry” in subject line.