AEJMC Interest Group Responsibilities
AEJMC interest groups are approved by the AEJMC Board of Directors for one-year, two-year or three-year terms. These terms are renewable by the Board of Directors Petitions for renewal must be filed in a timely manner.
Interest groups are allowed programming rights during the AEJMC Conference but the number of “chips” allowed is smaller than for a division. Normally interest groups have half as many “chips” as a division. The number allowed is set by the Council of Divisions’ chair. The number for 2015-16 is 3 chips. A chip roughly equates to one conference time slot. However, co-sponsored sessions count only a half chip to each sponsoring group.
All interest group programming is done through the annual Council of Divisions Conference Planning Process. Interest groups may sponsor their own sessions and co-sponsor sessions with other interest groups or divisions. The interest groups follow the Council of Divisions Policies and Procedures, and the Policies for Reimbursement.
Interest groups must be represented at the two Council of Divisions meetings during the annual conference. Interest groups are also required to file an annual report each year and will go through the five-year assessment process. The format for the report will be provided by the AEJMC Central Office.
Current Interest Groups, 2017-2018
Participatory Journalism (2020) — established in 1994
Community Journalism (2019) — established in 2004
Entertainment Studies (2019) — established in 2000
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (2019) — established in 2003
Graduate Education (2019) — established in 1993
Internships and Careers (2019) — established in 1994
Political Communication (2019) — established in 2010
Religion and Media (2020) — established in 1996
Small Programs (2020) — established in 1994
Sports Communication (2019) — established in 2010
UPDATE: 6/18