Newspaper/Online: Award-winning Teaching Tips
Many thanks to Susan Keith, who not only ran the TNT21 (Teaching News Terrifically in the 21st Century) competition but put the award-winning entries together in a booklet (link is below the post as I don’t think it will work in this cut-and-paste from Last night, she wrote this:
Starting to think about your courses for next term? You can find inspiration in TNT21 2013: Top Submissions to Teaching News Terrifically in the 21st Century, a PDF booklet of the submissions honored in the division’s teaching ideas competition. The booklet contains the three ideas that won $100 first prizes:
- Short and Tweet by Sue Burzynski Bullard, University
of Nebraska-Lincoln, winner in the full-time faculty division - Today’s Journalist Challenge: Write Better, Adapt Faster, Promote Smarter by Ioana Coman, University of Tennessee, winner in the graduate-student division
- Impact Journalism: Learning from Real-World Public Service Reporting Cases by Roy Harris, who has taught at Emerson College, winner in the adjunct division
The book also includes seven teaching ideas from entrants who received second- and third-place honors and honorable mentions:
- ProWatch: Critically Thinking about Reporters’ Work by Carla J. Kimbrough, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Many Eyewitnesses … but Did They See the Same Thing? by Robin Blom, who submitted the idea as a Ph.D. student at Michigan State but took a faculty position in fall 2013 at Ball State University
- The Red Line Project: Teaching in the 21st Century by Mike Reilley, DePaul University
- The Amazing Twitter List Race by Michelle Carr Hassler,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Storify and Twitter for Reporting and Curating a Meeting Story by Michael Fuhlhage, Auburn University
- Editors as Curators: Using New Tools to Deliver News by Sue Burzynski Bullard, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Talking all at Once: Managing Simultaneous Face-to-Face and Online Discussions by Jennifer Brannock Cox, Salisbury University
Here’s the direct link to the booklet:
So, okay, everyone. Use these and start thinking up entries for 2014!