Religion and Media Interest Group
The Religion and Media Interest Group (RMIG) invites submission of research papers on topics that incorporate themes related to religion and media. RMIG will consider papers using quantitative, qualitative or historical research methods and accepts any recognized citation style (although APA is preferred). Please note that essays, commentaries, or simple literature reviews will not be considered. Possible areas of research focus include (but are not limited to): studies of religious group members and uses of religious or secular media; exploration of media coverage of religious issues and groups; analysis of audiences for religious news; media strategies of religious organizations; religious advertising; religious and spiritual content in popular culture; etc. Papers focusing on historically underrepresented religions, denominations and/or groups as well as religious contexts outside the U.S. are strongly encouraged. For more about RMIG and its mission, please see Papers will be considered for presentation as traditional research panels and poster sessions.
The maximum length of research papers is 25-pages, excluding endnotes and tables. The Religion and Media Interest Group also sponsors a Top Paper competition for both student and faculty papers. (Note: student papers may not have a faculty co-author.) The top student and faculty papers will be awarded $100 each, with the second-place student and faculty papers receiving $50 each. The awards will not be given if the selected papers are not presented at the conference. In order to be considered for the Top Paper competition, please specify either a student submission or a faculty submission on the cover page of the paper. Student papers that are not clearly identified as student submissions will not be considered for the student Top Paper Competition. All paper submissions must follow the 2013 AEJMC Uniform Paper Call.
Questionsshould be submitted to the RMIG Research Co-Chairs Myna German, or John G. Wirtz, . Type “RMIG Research Paper” in the subject line when communicating via e-mail.
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