Magazine Division

The AEJMC Magazine Division invites submissions of original research papers on any topic related to print and online magazines to the AEJMC 2013 conference.

Three prizes of $200 will be awarded at the conference in Washington, D.C. They will be for best faculty paper, best student paper, and best paper related to online or digital magazines. You do not need to specify if you would like to be considered for one of these top paper awards. You will be automatically entered based on your status and the nature of your paper.

All papers must be no more than 7,500 words (about 25-double-spaced pages) plus notes. Papers longer than 7,500 words will not be sent out for review. Only one paper per author will be accepted for presentation in the Magazine Division research sessions. Multiple submissions of the same paper to other divisions are not allowed. All research methodologies and theoretical frameworks are welcome, as is any research related to print or online magazines. Papers presented in this division at earlier conferences included but were not limited to content analyses of topics or advertisements using magazines as the source of data; qualitative investigations of business and editing practices at an online magazine; historical analyses of specific magazines, genres, or topics; experimental work on page layout and magazine design; new business models for the industry; and rhetorical analyses of literary journalism.

Papers will be evaluated on originality and importance of topic; quality of literature review; clarity of research purpose; focus; use of original and primary sources and how they support the paper’s purpose and conclusions; quality of writing and organization; and extent of contribution to the field of magazine research.

Follow submission requirements in the AEJMC Uniform Paper Call. Pay particular attention to the details of removing any identifying information, which means not only excluding your name and institution throughout the document but also deleting identifying information in file properties.

Specific questions should be directed to the division’s research chair, Elizabeth Hendrickson, University of Tennessee, or by phone at 573-489-1689.

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