Law and Policy Division
The Law and Policy Division invites submission of original research papers on communications law and policy for the 2013 AEJMC Conference in Washington, D.C. Papers may focus on any topic related to communications law and/or policy, including defamation, privacy, FCC issues, intellectual property, obscenity, freedom of information, and a myriad of other media law and policy topics. Papers outside the scope of communications law and policy will be rejected.
The Division welcomes a variety of theoretical orientations and any method appropriate to the research question. A panel of judges will blind-referee all submissions, and selection will be based strictly on merit. Authors need not be AEJMC or Law and Policy Division members, but they must attend the conference to present accepted papers.
Paper authors should submit via the online submission process as described in the Uniform Paper Call.
Law and Policy Division papers must be no longer than 50–double-spaced pages with one-inch margins and 12-point font, including cover page, appendices, tables, footnotes and/or endnotes, and end-of-paper reference list, if applicable. (Footnotes and/or endnotes and reference list may be single-spaced.) Papers that exceed 50 total pages or are not double-spaced will be automatically rejected without review. Although Bluebook citation format is preferred, authors may employ any recognized and uniform format for referencing authorities, including APA, Chicago, or MLA styles.
Papers that include author-identifying information within the text, in headers, or within the embedded electronic file properties will be automatically rejected (review the instructions on the AEJMC Web site for stripping identifying information from the electronic file properties). Authors are solely responsible for checking the final uploaded version of their paper for any and all author identifying information.
There is no limit on the number of submissions authors may make to the Division. Any paper previously published or presented at a conference except the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium or the AEJMC Midwinter Conference are not eligible for the competition.
In 2013, the Division is introducing a Top Debut Faculty Paper Award. The top paper accepted by a faculty member who has never had a paper accepted by the Division will be awarded a prize of $150 and will receive free conference registration. For papers with multiple authors, multiple faculty and/or faculty and student, to be eligible none of the authors of the paper may have previously had a paper accepted by the Division at the national conference. In addition, only the faculty author presenting the paper will be eligible for free conference registration.
Student authors of single-authored papers should clearly indicate their student status on the cover page. Student submissions will be considered for the $100 Whitney and Shirley Mundt Award, given to the top student paper. The Law and Policy Division will also cover conference registration fees for the top three student paper presenters.
If you have questions, please contact: Chip Stewart, Law and Policy Division Research Chair, Schieffer School of Journalism, TCU Box 298060, Fort Worth, TX 76129. Phone: (817) 257-5291; email: .
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