Graduate Student Interest Group

(updated 1.28.13)

The Graduate Student Interest Group (GSIG) invites graduate students to submit research papers for the 2012 AEJMC convention in Washington D.C.

Because the interest group’s focus is on its student constituency and not a topic area, the group accepts research by graduate students addressing any topic in journalism, media, or mass communication. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for graduate students to present research in the conference setting. We also accept research conducted using numerous and varied methodological approaches, both qualitative and quantitative. We strive to offer the highest level of feedback on submitted and accepted work.

The top-ranked student submission will receive the annual Guido Stempel Award and will receive a $100 award check, a commemorative plaque, and conference registration reimbursement. Authors of the top four papers will have the opportunity to present at a special GSIG-sponsored research panel highlighting graduate student research. Authors are not required to be a member of GSIG to submit a paper, but those whose papers are accepted are obligated to join the interest group (annual membership fee: $7) before presenting their research at the conference in August.

GSIG is also pleased to announce the second-annual Carson B Wagner Scholar-to-Scholar Award for the best poster presentation submitted to GSIG at the conference. Recipients of the award will receive a $100 check.

Papers with any faculty co-author(s) are not eligible and will be rejected.

All entries should follow the guidelines of the AEJMC uniform paper competition. Papers should be no more than 30 pages, not counting references, tables or appendices. All submissions will undergo a blind review process by a panel of independent readers. Papers are accepted on the understanding that they have not been previously published or presented elsewhere (with the exception of the AEJMC Midwinter Conference or AEJMC Southeast Colloquium) and are not under consideration by any scholarly journal of trade organization.

Questions regarding submission should be directed to J.J. De Simone, Research Chair, at .

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