Communication Theory and Methodology Division

The CT&M Division accepts original research papers that advance the literature in mass communication theory, research methods, or both. CT&M welcomes both conceptual and data-based papers and is open to all methodological approaches. Please refer to the Summer 2012 CTM Concepts Division newsletter for a complete list of topics and papers presented last year to get a better idea of the potential “fit” of your paper ( Recent CT&M papers include research in political communication, health communication, environmental communication, computer-mediated communication, international communication, and broader media effects.

Papers submitted to CT&M can be submitted to the open-call competition or the student paper competition. Winners of all awards will be recognized in the convention program and/or at the CT&M members’ meeting in Chicago.

In addition to the open-call and student competitions, CT&M recognizes the top theoretical submission to the division each year. A theory paper may extend what is known about the current workings of a theory by including a data analysis section, or strictly extend the current theory literature without including data. The abstract of the award-winning piece by our inaugural winner, Nori Comello, can be viewed at To be considered for the top theory paper, you must type “Theory Paper Competition” in the upper right-hand corner of first page of text. Papers submitted in the top theory paper competition will also be considered for awards in the open-call and student competitions, as applicable .

We strongly encourage submissions by students. Winners of the Chaffee-McLeod Award for Top Student Paper will be awarded $250; two additional top student papers will also receive cash prizes. To be considered for the student paper competition, all authors must be students, and the author(s) must type “Student Paper Competition” in the upper right-hand corner of first page of text.

Please limit papers to no more than 25-pages (double-spaced) in length, excluding tables and references. Papers should follow APA style, have 1-inch margins, and use 12 point Times New Roman font. Please limit papers to a total of 35 pages total (including text, tables, and references). Please refer to the AEJMC general paper call for this year’s online submission guidelines. Please make sure there is no identifying information in the body of the paper or in the document properties. Co-authors cannot be added after a paper has been reviewed. At least one author of an accepted faculty paper must attend the conference to present the paper. If student authors cannot be present, they must make arrangements for the paper to be presented by someone else. Failure to be present or provide a presenter for any paper will result in a one-year ban on the review of papers for all of the authors involved. Authors of accepted papers are required to forward papers to discussants and moderators prior to the conference.

If you have any questions, you can direct them to the research co-chairs Mike Schmierbach () and Myiah Hutchens (myiahhutchens@

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