Community Journalism Interest Group

The Community Journalism Interest Group (COMJIG) is seeking original, non-published research papers to be considered for presentation at the 2013 AEJMC national conference in Washington, D.C. The deadline for paper submissions is April 1, 2013.

COMJIG’S goal is to identify and present original, meaningful research that advances the understanding of the role of journalists and news organizations as members of communities, geographic or digital. We emphasize that community need not just be defined as within traditional geographical or social boundaries, but that given technological advances it may also be applied to journalism and its relationship to communities of interest online. Papers could address issues such as how “community’” is defined or how its meaning changes in an increasingly digital media environment. In addition, while the interest group will seek to offer a diverse program, we hope to receive some proposals that make a thematic connection to AEJMC’s continued centennial celebration in 2013.

The interest group’s top student and faculty papers from the conference will have the opportunity to be published in the peer-reviewed journal Community Journalism, COMJIG’S official publication.

Paper submissions should include a 100- to 150-word abstract and not exceed 8,000 words, including references, tables and notes. All papers should conform to APA style, Sixth Edition. Graduate students are encouraged to submit papers.

All research papers must be uploaded to the group via a link on the AEJMC website. Please see AEJMC’s Paper Competition Uniform Call for more information. Additional questions should be directed to COMJIG Research Committee Chair Dianne Garyantes ().

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