Civic and Citizen Journalism Interest Group
The Civic and Citizen Journalism Interest Group (CCJIG) invites research paper submissions for the 2013 AEJMC Conference, August 8-11, in Washington D.C.
Papers must be submitted in accordance with all requirements of AEJMC and its uniform paper call and electronic submission process. Authors should ensure that their papers do not contain identifying references. For a detailed explanation, please see “submitting a clean paper” under the uniform paper call on the AEJMC website.
Papers submitted will be eligible for separate faculty and student top paper awards of $151. Because of the separate competition for students, graduate students should be careful to identify themselves as such in the submission process. Papers co-authored with faculty members do not qualify for the student competition.
CCJIG is interested in research that examines the emergence, practice, sustenance and/or teaching modes of participatory journalism such as in civic or citizen journalism. Authors are urged to submit papers that generally conform to this group’s interests. Papers should make sure to include discussions of news within the context of participatory/civic/citizen journalism. For example, papers that examine the use of blogs without touching upon news do not automatically meet the group’s interests.
Suggested paper topics include: Participatory/citizen/civic journalism in political campaigns, citizen media (including news consumers as news producers), civic mapping, community conversations, newsroom projects, legal and ethical issues in participatory/civic/citizen journalism, crowdsourcing versus traditional “gatekeeper” journalism, participatory/ civic/citizen journalism in a multicultural environment, participatory/civic/citizen journalism and new technologies, history/philosophy of participatory journalism and its civic or citizen components, the changing newspaper industry economy and its effect on the development of participatory/civic/citizen journalism movements, media convergence and participatory journalism, the missions and meanings of “participatory,” “civic” or “citizen” journalism, teaching journalism in those categories, and use of polls, focus groups and other methods in civic reporting.
Please direct questions to CCJIG Research Chair Liz Viall ().
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