Journalism Quarterly Index-Political Communication
Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Political Communication
Apparent Impact of Endorsements by Group and Independent Newspapers (Kenneth Rystrom), 64:449-53.
Beyond Agenda-Setting: The Influence of Partisanship and Television Reporting on the Electorate’s Voting Intentions (Hans-Bernd Brosius and Hans Mathias Kepplinger), 69:893-901.
Chain Newspaper Homogeneity and Presidential Endorsements (Cecilie Gaziano), 66:836-45.
Changes in Presidential Press Conferences (Larry L. Burriss), 66:468-71. Comparing Positive and Negative Political Advertising on Radio (Michael A. Shapiro and Robert H. Rieger), 69:135-45.
Comparing Predictors of the Likelihood of Voting in a Primary and a General Election (J. David Kennamer), 67:777-84.
Content of Television Political Spot Ads for Female Candidates (James G. Benze and Eugene R. Declercq), 62:278-83, 288.
Coverage by the Prestige Press of the 1988 Presidential Campaign (Guido H. Stempel III and John W. Windhauser), 66:894-96.
Coverage of the 1984 Presidential Campaign (James Glen Stovall), 59:443-49.
Debate Viewing and Debate Discussion as Predictors of Campaign Cognition (J. David Kennamer), 64:114-18.
The Distribution of News Coverage in Presidential Primaries (Paul-Henri Gurian), 70:336-44.
Does Poll Coverage Improve as Presidential Vote Nears? (Michael B. Salwen), 62:887-91.
Effect of Endorsements on Presidential Vote (Tim Counts), 62:644-47.
Effects of Debate Exposure on Evaluation of 1984 Vice-Presidential Candidates (William L. Rosenberg and William R. Elliott), 64:55-64.
Effects of News Measures on Selection Of State Government News Sources (Margaret K. Latimer and Patrick R. Cotter), 62:31-36.
Effects of TV “Instant Analysis” and “Querulous Criticism”: Following the First Bush-Dukakis Debate (Dennis T. Lowry, Janet A. Bridges and Paul A. Barefield), 67:814-25.
Exploring Media Credibility: How Media and Nonmedia Workers Judged Media Performance in Iran/Contra (Thomas J. Johnson), 70:87-97.
Filling Out the Racing Form: How the Media Covered the Horse Race in the 1988 Primaries (Thomas J. Johnson), 70:300-310.
The Floating Voter and the Media (Margaret K. Latimer), 64:805-812.
A Government Action Approach to First Amendment Analysis (Ruth Walden), 69:65-88.
The Honeymoon Period: Fact or Fiction (Karen S. Johnson), 62:869-76.
How Ideological Constraints Affected Coverage of the Jesse Jackson Campaign (Jannette Lake Dates and Oscar H. Gandy, Jr.), 62:595-600, 625.
How Lawmakers Use Reporters: Differences in Specialization and Goals (Frederick Fico), 61:793-800.
How Mayor Candidates Seek Endorsements in New Mexico (Ruth Ann Ragland), 64:199-202.
How Media Reliance Affects Political Efficacy in the South (James R. Walker), 65:747-50.
How Media Use During Campaign Affects the Intent to Vote (J. David Kennamer), 64:291-300.
Impact of Radio Ads on New Mexico Mayoral Races (J. Sean McCleneghan), 64:590-93.
Inclusion of “Useful” Detail in Newspaper Coverage of a High-Level Nuclear Waste Siting Controversy (Marshel D. Rossow and Sharon Dunwoody), 68:87-100.
Influences of Party and Incumbency on 1984 Michigan Election Coverage (Frederick Fico, John Clogston and Gary Pizante), 65:709-13.
Legislator’s Advertising Message in Campaign in Seven States in 1986 (Margaret A. Latimer), 66:338-46.
Live TV Interviews at the 1984 GOP Convention (David L. Womack), 65:1006-09.
Measuring Agenda Diversity in an Elastic Medium: Candidate Position Papers (Hugh M. Culbertson), 69:938-47.
Media Roles and Legislators’ News Media Use (Daniel Riffe), 67:323-30.
News Coverage, Endorsements and Personal Campaigning: The Influence of Non-Paid Activities in Congressional Elections (Ruth Ann Weaver-Lariscy and Spencer F. Tinkham), 68:432-44.
The News MediaÕs Failure to Facilitate Citizen Participation in the Congressional Policy-Making Process (Joseph D. Keefer), 70:412-424.
News on the “700 Club” After Pat Robertson’s Political Fall (Robert Abelman), 67:157-62.
Newsmagazine Visuals and the 1988 Presidential Election (Sandra E. Moriarty and Mark N. Popovich), 68:371-80.
Newspaper Advertisements in Canadian Election Campaigns (Eric Mintz), 63:180-84.
Newspaper Endorsement Influence on the 1980 Presidential Election Vote (Robert E. Hurd and Michael W. Singletary), 61:332-38.
Newspaper and Wire-Service Leads in Coverage of the 1980 Campaign (Carolyn Martindale), 61:339-45.
Policy Issues and Personal Images in Political Advertising in State Election (Margaret K. Latimer), 61:776-84.
Political Advertising for Federal and State Elections: Images or Substance? (Margaret K. Latimer), 62:861-68.
Political Communication and Voter Volatility in a Local Election (Kim A. Smith), 62:883-87.
Polls in Network Newscasts in 1984 Presidential Race (Kevin Keenan), 63:616-18.
Post-Debate Analysis and Media Reliance: Influences on Candidate Image and Voting Probabilities (William R. Elliott and Jayanthi Sothirajah), 70:321-35.
Predicting Voting Behavior Via the Agenda-Setting Tradition (Marilyn S. Roberts), 69:878-92.
Presidential Endorsement Patterns By Chain-Owned Papers, 1976-84 (John C. Busterna and Kathleen A. Hansen), 67:286-94.
The Prestige Press Revisited: Coverage of the 1980 Presidential Campaign (Guido H. Stempel III and John W. Windhauser), 61:49-55.
ÔProblematic’ Situations in Press Coverage of the 1988 U.S. and French Elections (Ann Marie Major), 69:600-11.
Reactions to Political Advertising: Clarifying Sponsor Effects (Gina M. Garramone and Sandra J. Smith), 61:771-75.
The Reporting of Public Opinion Polls During Presidential Years, 1968-1984 (Michael B. Salwen), 62:272-77.
Roots of the Space Race: Sputnik and the Language of U.S. News in 1957 (Jack Lule), 68:76-86.
Search for the Statehouse Spokesman: Coverage of the Governor and Lawmakers (Frederick Fico), 62:74-80, 94.
Senators’ Television Visibility and Political Legitimacy (Mohamed Wafai), 66:323-31.
The Seven Dwarfs and Other Tales: How the Networks and Select Newspapers Covered the 1988 Democratic Primaries (Thomas J. Johnson), 70:311-20.
Sources of Political Information in a Presidential Primary Campaign (June O. Yum and Kathleen E. Kendall), 65:148-51.
Sourcing Patterns of National Security Reporters (Daniel C. Hallin, Robert Karl Manoff, and Judy K. Weddle), 70:753-66.
Southern Voters’ Reaction to Negative Political Ads in 1986 (Karen S. Johnson-Cartee and Gary Copeland), 66:888-93.
Spanish-Language Daily Newspapers and the 1984 Elections (Federico A. Subvervi-Velez), 65:678-85.
Thematic Coverage of the 1988 Presidential Primaries: A Comparison of USA Today and the New York Times (Erika G. King), 67:83-87.
The Third-Party Challenge of 1980: News Coverge of the Presidential Candidates (James Glen Stovall), 62:266-71.
Third-Person Effects and the Differential Impact in Negative Political Advertising (Jeremy Cohen and Robert G. Davis), 68:680-88.
The Ultimate Spokesman Revisited: Media Visibility of State Lawmakers (Frederick Fico), 61:383-91.
Voter Learning in the 1988 Presidential Election: Did the Debates and the Media Matter? (Dan Drew and David Weaver), 68:27-37.
Voter Learning in the 1990 Off-Year Election: Did the Media Matter? (David Weaver and Dan Drew), 70:356-68.
Voter Partisan Orientations and Use of Political Television (Kim A. Smith and Douglas A. Ferguson), 67:864-74.
Voter Responses to Negative Political Ads (Gina M. Garramone), 61:250-59.
Was Coverage of the 1988 Presidential Race by Washington’s Two Major Dailies Biased? (Keith Kenney and Chris Simpson), 70:345-55.
Was Nixon Cheated in 1960? Tracing the Vote-Fraud Legend (Edmund F. Kallina, Jr.), 62:138-40.
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