Journalism Quarterly Index-Media Management and Ownership
Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Media Management and Ownership
Balancing Business with Journalism: Newsroom Policies at 12 West Coast Newspapers (Doug Underwood and Keith R. Stamm), 69:301-17.
Career-Related Characteristics of Male and Female News Directors (Kimberly K. Burks and Vernon A. Stone), 70:542-49.
Chain Ownership and Editorial Independence: A Case Study of Gannett Newspapers (Roya Akhavan-Majid, Anita Rife and Sheila Gopinath), 68:59-66.
Competition Among Metropolitan Daily, Small Daily and Weekly Newspapers (Stephen Lacy), 6l:640-44, 742.
Competition, Ownership, Newsroom and Library Resources in Large Newspapers (John C. Busterna, Kathleen A. Hansen and Jean Ward), 68:729-39.
Corporate Structure and Emphasis on Profits and Product Quality at U.S. Daily Newspapers (David Pearce Demers), 68:15-26.
Daily Newspaper Managing Editors’ Perceptions of News Media Functions (Janet A. Bridges), 68:719-28.
Daily Publishers’ Preferences on Reporter Decision-Making (Ted Joseph), 62:899-901.
Does Advertising Lower the Prices of Newspapers to Consumers (Lawrence C. Soley), 66:801-06.
Editors’ Attitudes and Behavior Toward Journalism Awards (David C. Coulson), 66:143-47.
Effect of Corporate Structure on Autonomy of Top Editors at U.S. Dailies (David Pearce Demers), 70:499-508.
The Effect of Growth of Radio on Newspaper Competition, 1929-1948 (Stephen Lacy), 64:775-81.
Effect of Intermedia Competition on Daily Newspaper Content (Stephen Lacy), 65:95-99.
The Effect of Intracity Competition on Daily Newspaper Content (Stephen Lacy), 64:281-90.
Effect of Monopoly in Cleveland on Diversity of Newspaper Content (Maxwell McCombs), 64:740-44.
Effect of Newsroom Management Styles on Journalists: A Case Study (Cecilie Gaziano and David C. Coulson), 65:869-80.
The Effects of Public Ownership on the Financial Performance of Newspaper Corporations (William B. Blankenburg and Gary W. Ozanich), 70:68-75.
First Amendment vs. Business Orientations of Broadcast General Managers and News Directors (Jeremy H. Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt), 70:518-27.
Goals and Achievement Orientations of Women Newspaper Managers (Ardyth B. Sohn), 6l:600-05.
Group and Cross-Media Ownership of TV Stations: A 1989 Update (Herbert H. Howard), 66:785-91.
How Managerial Ownership Affects Profit Maximization in Newspaper Firms (John C. Busterna), 66:302-307.
How Newspapers in Alaska Cope with Staff Turnover (Donald L. Guimary), 63:627-30.
The Impact of Group Ownership Variables on Organizational Professionalism at Daily Newspapers (Randal A. Beam), 70:907-18.
The Impact of Newspaper Ombudsmen on JournalistsÕ Attitudes (David Pritchard), 70:77-86.
Importance of Diversity in Controversy over Financial Interest and Syndication (Michael A. McGregor). 61:831-34.
Local Broadcast News Editors and Managers: A Multiple Station, Single Market Study (John Hewitt and Rick Houlberg), 63:834-39.
Minorities in the Newsroom and Community: A Comparison (Dick Haws), 68:764-71.
A Model of Demand for News: Impact of Competition on Newspaper Content (Stephen Lacy), 66:40-48.
Monopoly Metropolitan Dailies and Inter-City Competition (Stephen Lacy), 62:640-44.
The Motivational Perspectives of Newspaper Managers (Ardyth B. Sohn and Leonard H. Chusmir), 62:296-303.
The News Conference: How Daily Newspaper Editors Construct the Front-Page (Ann E. Reisner), 60:971-86.
Newspaper Promotions and Coverage of Literacy (Carmen L. Manning-Miller and James Crook), 70:118-25.
Ownership and Employment in Specialized Business Press (Kathleen L. Endres), 65:996-98.
Pennsylvania Editors’ Perceptions of Communication in the Newsroom (Gilbert L. Fowler and John Martin Shipman), 61:822-26.
Predictors of Job Satisfaction Among Black Journalists (Sharon Bramlett-Solomon), 69:703-12.
The Press as an Elite Power Group in Japan (Roya Akhavan-Majid), 67:1006-1015.
Price Discrimination as Evidence of Newspaper Chain Market Power (John C. Busterna), 68:5-14.
The Relationship of Job Satisfaction to Newsroom Policy Changes (Keith Stamm and Doug Underwood), 70:528-41.
Trends in Daily Newspaper Ownership (John C. Busterna), 65:831-38.
TV News Directors’ Perceptions of Station Management Style (R.C. Adams and Marjorie J. Fish), 64:154-62.
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