Journalism Quarterly Index-Law
Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Law
Acceptability Clauses and the Writer’s Legal Remedies (George E. Stevens), 61:898-901.
Advertising and Commercial Speech Since the 1986 Posadas Case (Roxanne Hovland and Ronald E. Taylor), 67:1083-1089.
The Application of Libel Law to Fiction (Paul F. Parsons), 63:294-97, 336.
Assessment of the Renewal Expectancy in FCC Comparative Renewal Hearings (Michael A. McGregor), 66:295-301.
The AT&T Consent Order and Electronic Publishing (John H. Boyer), 62:797-806.
Choosing the Standard of Care in Private Individual Defamation Cases (Susan Caudill), 66:396-401.
Communication Law and Justice: BrennanÕs Structural-Functional Theory (Roy V. Leeper), 70:160-71.
Contracts and Confidential Sources: The Implications of Cohen v. Cowles Media (Paula S. Horvath-Neimeyer), 67:1078-1082.
Contractual Offers in Advertising (George E. Stevens), 67:32-34.
Copyright and New Technology: Implications for Audiovisual Works (Janay Collins), 64:94-98.
Courts Restrict Release of Discovery Information (Deckle McLean), 59:503-07.
Criminal Libel After Garrison (George E. Stevens), 68:522-27.
Dangers of Libeling the Clergy (Paul F. Parsons), 62:528-32, 539.
Deregulation and Competition: Explaining the Absence of Local Broadcast News Operations (Michael L. McKean and Vernon A. Stone), 69:713-23.
The Different Functions of Speech in Defamation and Privacy Cases (Gary Kebbel), 61:629-33, 743.
The Dynamics of Expression Under the State Constitutions (Robert F. Copple), 64:106-113.
An Editorial Comment (Donald L. Shaw), 69:1-2.
Editorial Rights, Constitutional Restraints of Editors of State-Supported Newspapers (Ruth Walden), 62:616-25.
Effects of Gertz Decision in One Circuit (Phyllis Ann Avery and John D. Stevens), 61:897-98.
Effects of Herbert v. Lando on Small Newspapers and TV Stations (James Bow and Ben Silver), 61:414-18.
Experimental Test of Some Notions of the Fact/Opinion Distinction in Libel (Jeremy Cohen, Diana Mutz, Clifford Nass, and Laurie Mason), 66:11-18.
Fair Press or Trial Prejudice? Perception’s of Criminal Defendants (Regina Ganelle Sherard), 64:337-340.
The First Amendment at its Bicentennial: Necessary But Not Sufficient? (Dwight L. Teeter, Jr.), 69:18-27.
First Amendment Implications of Banning Alcohol Beverage Ads on Radio and TV (Lemuel B. Schofield), 62:533-39.
First Amendment Theories and Press Responsibility: The Work of Zechariah Chafee, Thomas Emerson, Vincent Blasi and Edwin Baker (Elizabeth Blanks Hindman), 69:48-65.
Flag Desecration as Seditious Libel (W. Wat Hopkins), 68:814-22.
Free Expression and Wartime: Lessons from the Past, Hopes for the Future (Margaret A. Blanchard), 69:5-17.
Free Expression: The First Five Years of the Rehnquist Court (F. Dennis Hale), 69:89-104.
The Freedom of Information Act and Accountability in University Research (David Pritchard and Craig Sanders), 66:402-409.
Free Lancers and ‘Work Made for Hire’ (George E. Stevens), 64:187-89.
Free Lancers and the ‘Work Made for Hire’ (George E. Stevens), 63:848-51.
A Government Action Approach to First Amendment Analysis (Ruth Walden), 69:65-88.
How Editors View Legal Issues and the Rehnquist Court (Douglas A. Anderson, Joe W. Milner and Mary-Lou Galician), 65:294-98.
How Justice Department Viewed the St. Louis Joint Operating Agreement (Carolyn Tozier), 63:503-08.
How Print and Broadcast Journalists Perceive Performance of Reporters in the Courtroom (Val E. Limburg, Nicholas P. Lovrich, Charles H. Sheldon and Erik Wasmann), 65:621-26.
How State Open Meeting Laws Now Compare with Those of 1974 (Sharon Hartin Iorio), 62:741-49.
How Texas Journalists View Status of FOI Act (Lawrence C. Sutherland), 64:202-08.
The Impact of Richmond Newspapers (Deckle McLean), 61:785-92.
The Indeterminate Future of the First Amendment (Todd F. Simon), 69:28-36. Indiana Legal Leaders’ Perceptions of Camera Trial Access Arguments (Greg Stefaniak), 61:399-403.
ISKCON Court Decisions: Setback for Proselytizing Rights (Achal Mehra), 61:109-16.
Judge’s Perceptions of Fair Trial-Free Press Issue (Robert E. Drechsel), 62:388-90.
Judging Public Interest in Libel: The Gertz DecisionÕs Contribution (Steven Helle), 61:117-24.
Judicial Linking of Intentional Emotional Distress to Intrusion (Bruce L. Plopper), 67:40-50.
Killing “Gnats with a Sledgehammer”? Case Study: Fairness Doctrine and a Broadcast License Denial (Timothy W. Gleason), 68:805-813.
Legal Protection for a Magazine Article Idea (George F. Stevens), 61:679-82.
Legally Enforceable Reporter-Source Agreements: Chilling News Gathering at the Source? (Matthew D. Bunker and Sigman L. Splichal), 70:939-46.
Libel and the Opinion Writer: The Fact-Opinion Distinction (Harry W. Stonecipher and Don Sneed), 64:491-98.
The Libel Climate of the Late 19th Century: A Survey of Libel Litigation, 1884-1899 (Timothy Gleason), 70:893-906.
Libel Consequences of Headlines (Deckle McLean), 66:924-29.
Libel Law and the Press in Japan (Kyu Ho Youm), 67:1103-1112. Lifting the Veil: Ethics Bodies, the Citizen-Critic, and the First Amendment (Matthew D. Bunker), 70:98-107.
Local and Topical Pervasive Public Figures After Gertz (George E. Stevens), 66:463-66.
Mass Media and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress (Robert E. Drechsel), 62:523-27, 539.
Mass Media and the “Libel Proof” Doctrine (George E. Stevens), 66:174-77.
Mass Media Liability for Intentionally Inflicted Emotional Distress (Robert E. Drechsel), 62:95-99.
Media Access to Juvenile Courts (Louis A. Day), 61:751-56.
Media Coverage of the Supreme CourtÕs Caseload (Jerome O’Callaghan and James O. Dukes), 69:195-203.
Media Defamation and the Free-Lance Writer (George E. Stevens), 64:601-04.
Media Tort Liability for Physical Harm (Robert E. DrechseI), 64:99-105.
Mediasat and the Tort of Invasion of Privacy (Jeremy Harris Lipschultz), 59:507-11.
More Freedom for the Prison Press: An Emerging First Amendment Issue (Don Sneed and Harry W. Stonecipher), 63:48-54, 68.
Move to Clear and Convincing Proof as Libel Standard Gain for Media (Deckle McLean), 66:640-45.
News Councils and Libel Actions (Ronald Farrar), 63:509-16.
News Council Complainants: Who Are They and What Do They Want? (Louise Williams Hermanson), 70:947-70.
Newsmagazine Coverage of the Supreme Court During the Reagan Administrations (Dorothy A. Bowles and Rebekah V. Bromley), 69:948-59.
Newspaper Attention to (and Support of) First Amendment Cases, 1919-1969 (Dorothy Bowles), 66:579-86.
Newspapers’ Policies on Rejection of Ads for Products and Services (Steve Pasternack and Sandra H. Utt), 65:695-701.
Newsracks and the First Amendment (George E. Stevens), 66:930-33.
Newtonian Communication: Shaking the Libel Tree for Empirical Damages (Jeremy Cohen and Sara Spears), 67:51-59.
Not an Empty Box with Beautiful Words on It: The First Amendment in Progressive Era Scholarship (Linda Cobb-Reiley), 69:37-47.
‘Official Conduct’ and the Actual Malice Rule (George E. Stevens), 64:857-60.
Origins of the Actual Malice Test (Deckle McLean), 62:750-54.
Press Identification of Victims of Sexual Assault: Weighing Privacy and Constitutional Concerns (Morgan David Arant Jr.), 68:238-52.
Press May Find Justice Scalia Frequent Foe but Impressive Adversary (Deckle McLean), 65:152-56.
Presumed Harm: An Item for the Unfinished Agenda of Times v. Sullivan (David A. Anderson), 62:24-30.
Prior Restraint on Photojournalists (Caroline Dow), 64:88-93.
The Pro Athlete’s Right of Publicity in Live Sports Telecasts (Louis A. Day), 59:62-70.
The Problem of Trespass for Photojournalists (Michael D. Sherer), 62:154-56, 222.
ProsecutorsÕ Use of External Agendas in Prosecuting Pornography Cases (David Pritchard, Jon Paul Dilts and Dan Berkowitz), 64:392-98.
Radio Libel Laws: Relics That May Have Answer for Reform Needed Today (Robert L. Hughes), 63:288-93, 359.
Rationalizing Libel Law in Wake of Gertz: The Problem and a Proposal (Robert L. Hughes), 62:540-47, 566.
Recent Developments in Law of Access (Ann L. Plamondon), 63:61-68.
Recent Privacy Cases Deal with Diverse Issues (Deckle McLean), 63:374-78.
Richmond Newspapers, Inc. v. Virginia and the Emerging Right of Access (Roy V. Leeper), 61:615-22.
RICO and Obscenity Prosecutions: Racketeering Laws Threaten Free Expression (Matthew D. Bunker, Paul H. Gates Jr., and Sigman L. Splichal), 70:692-99.
Scaring Off the Muckrakers with the Threat of Libel (Robert Miraldi) 59:609-14.
Seditious Libel Today Versus the Imperative of Absolute Immunity (Robert B. Gilbert), 63:38-42, 47.
The Single-Publication Rule: A Solution That Raises Problems (David A. Haberman), 61:623-28, 744.
State Constitutions and the Press: Historical Context and Resurgence of a Libertarian Tradition? (James R. Parramore), 69:105-23.
Summary Judgment in Defamation Under Gertz (Robert M. Ogles and George E. Stevens), 65:745-47.
A Survey of Photojournalists and Their Encounters with the Law (Michael D. Sherer), 64:499-502.
The Survival of “End-Run” Theories of Tort Liability After Hustler v. Falwell (Robert E. Drechsel), 67:1062-1070.
Suspension of the NAB Code and Its Effect on Regulation of Advertising (Lynda M. Maddox and Eric J. Zanot), 61:125-30, 156.
‘Taken as a Whole’ in Print Obscenity Cases (George E. Stevens), 63:371-74.
Taxing Newspaper Advertising Supplements: A Study of State Trends (Greg Stefaniak), 67:21-24.
Tort Liability of the News Media For Surreptitious Recording (Robert L. Spellman), 62:289-95.
Unauthorized Use of a NewspaperÕs Name (George E. Stevens), 61:426-29.
The University’s Liability for Libel and Privacy Invasion by Student Press (Ruth Walden), 65:702-08.
Unlicensed Broadcasting and the Federal Radio Commission: The 1930 George W. Fellowes Challenge (Steven P. Phipps), 68:823-28.
Unshackled by Unwilling: Public Broadcasting and Editorializing (Howard M. Kleiman), 64:707-713.
Update on Scale Analysis of Supreme Court Cases (Guido H. Stempel III), 64:860-61.
What Iowa Editors Know About Libel Law (Brian J. Steffin), 65:998-1000.
The “Wire Service” Libel Defense (Kyu Ho Youm), 70:682-91.
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