Journalism Quarterly Index-Communication Theory
Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Communication Theory
Active Television Viewing and the Cultivation Hypothesis (Donna Rouner), 61:168-74.
Adolescents’ Perceptions of the Primary Values of Television Programming (W. James Potter), 67:843-51.
Agenda-Setting, Agenda Reinforcing, or Agenda-Deflating? A Study of the 1990 German National Election (Klaus Schoenbach and Holli A. Semetko), 69:837-46.
Agenda Setting and Consequentiality (Richard F. Carter, Keith R. Stamm and Katherine Heintz-Knowles), 69:868-77.
Agenda-Setting with Bi-Weekly Data on Content of Three National Media (Howard Eaton, Jr.), 66:942-48.
Applying Situational Communication Theory to an International Political Problem: Two Studies (L. Erwin Atwood and Ann Marie Major), 68:200-210.
Assessing the Active Component of Information-Seeking, (Walter Gantz Michael Fitzmaurice and Ed Fink), 68:630-37.
Assessing Sources: Interviewing, Self-Monitoring and Attribution Theory (Eric S. Fredin), 61:866-73.
Attentional Penchants and Recall of Information from Background Radio (Margaret Andreasen), 63:24-30, 37.
Attributional Bias in Predictions of Retail Advertising Content Preferences (Ann Marie Major), 67:826-37.
Audience Recall of News Stories Presented by Newspaper, Computer, Television and Radio (Melvin L. DeFleur, Lucinda Davenport, Mary Cronin and Margaret DeFleur), 69:1010-22.
Beyond Agenda-Setting: The Influence of Partisanship and Television Reporting on the Electorate’s Voting Intentions (Hans-Bernd Brosius and Hans Mathias Kepplinger), 69:893-901.
The Bridging Function of Interpersonal Communication in Agenda-Setting (David H. Weaver, Jian-Hua Zhu and Lars Willnat), 69:856-67.
Channel Effectiveness Over Time and Knowledge and Behavior Gaps (Leslie B. Snyder), 67:875-86.
Communication and Community Integration: An Analysis of the Communication Behavior of Newcomers (Keith R. Stamm and Avery M. Guest), 68:644-56.
The Communication of Public Opinion (Carroll J. Glynn), 64:688-97.
Community Orientations and Newspaper Use Among Korean Newcomers (Jae Chul Shim and Charles T. Salmon), 67:852-63.
Community Ties in a Rural Midwest Community and Use of Newspapers and Cable TV (Kasisomayajula Viswanath, John R. Finnegan Jr., Brenda Rooney and John Potter), 67:899-911.
A Comparison of Trial Lawyer and News Reporter Attitudes about Courthouse Communication (Jeremy Harris Lipschultz), 68:750-63.
Conflict Resolution and the Prestige Press: El Universal and the Mexican Oil Crisis, 1938 (Michael Leslie), 68:224-29.
The Conformity Hypothesis: Empirical Considerations for the Spiral of Silence’s First Link (William J. Gonzenbach), 69:633-45.
Diffusion of Information about Cyanide-Laced Tylenol (Noreen M. Carrocci), 62:630-33.
Diffusion of News of Shuttle Disaster: What Role for Emotional Response (Daniel Riffe and James Glen Stovall), 66:551-56.
Diffusion of a Proximate News Event (Walter Gantz, Kathy Krendl and Susan R. Robertson), 63:282-87.
Discrepancy Between Perceived First-Person and Perceived Third-Person Mass Media Effects (James T. Tiedge, Arthur Silverblatt, Michael J. Havice and Richard Rosenfeld), 68:141-54.
An Editorial Comment (Donald L. Shaw), 67:639.
An Editorial Comment (Donald L. Shaw), 69:808-09.
Effect of Accumulation of Coverage on Issue Salience in Agenda Setting (Michael Salwen), 65:100-06.
Effect of Support and Personal Distance on the Definition of Key Publics for the Issue of AIDS (Glen T. Cameron and Jian Yang), 68:620-29.
Effects of an AIDS Communication Campaign (Richard M. Perloff), 68:638-43.
Effects of Color and Complexity in Still Photographs on Mental Effort and Memory (Kathy Gilbert and Joan Schleuder), 67:749-56.
The Effects of Dominant Photographs: An Agenda-Setting Experiment (Wayne Wanta), 65:107-11.
The Effects of Editorials on Audience Reaction to Television Newscasters (Elizabeth Krueger and James D. Fox), 68:402-411.
Effects of Information and Evaluation in Film Criticism (Robert O. Wyatt and David P. Badger), 67:359-68.
Effects of Personal, Interpersonal, and Media Experiences on Issue Salience (Dominic L. Lasorsa and Wayne Wanta), 67:804-813.
Encoding TV News Messages Into Memory (Tom Grimes), 67:757-66.
Energy in the Eighties: Education, Communication, and the Knowledge Gap (Robert J. Griffin), 67:550-62.
Explorers and Surveyors: Expanding Strategies for Agenda-Setting Research (Maxwell E. McCombs), 69:813-24.
Exposure to What? Integrating Media Content and Effects Studies (Pamela J. Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese), 67:649-52.
Format Effects on Comprehension of Television News (Hans-Bernd Brosius), 68:396-401.
Framing Risk: Audience and Reader Factors (Susanna Hornig), 69:679-89.
The Function of Mass Media Agenda Setting (Donald L. Shaw and Shannon E. Martin), 69:902-20.
Gender Differences in Attitude Strength, Role of News Media and Cognitions (J. David Kennamer), 63:782-88, 833.
Gratifications of Grazing: An Exploratory Study of Remote Control Use (James R. Walker and Robert V. Bellamy, Jr.), 68:422-31.
Home Excitation from Prior Programming Affects Television News Recall (Randall K. Scott and David H. Goff), 65:615-20.
How Do Adolescents’ Perceptions of Television Reality Change Over Time? (W. James Potter), 69:392-405.
How President’s State of Union Talk Influenced News Media Agendas (Wayne Wanta, Mary Ann Stephenson, Judy Van Slyke Turk, and Maxwell E. McCombs), 66:537-41.
How Town Administrator’s View Relates to Agenda Building in Community Press (Ellen Williamson Kanervo and David W. Kanervo), 66:308-15.
Information Subsidy and Agenda-Building in Local Television News (Dan Berkowitz and Douglas B. Adams), 67:723-31.
Intellectual History, Social History, Cultural History, and Our History (David Paul Nord), 67:645-48.
Internal Work Motivation: Predictor of Using Ethical Heuristics and Motivations (H. Allen White and Michael W. Singletary), 70:381-92.
Interpersonal Communication and the Agenda-Setting Process (Wayne Wanta and Yi-Chen Wu), 69:847-55.
Is the Medium the Message?: An Experimental Test with Morbid News (Ellen M. Bennett, Jill Dianne Swenson and Jeff S. Wilkinson), 69:921-28.
Issue Competition and Attention Distraction: A Zero-Sum Theory of Agenda-Setting (Jian-Hua Zhu), 69:825-36.
Learning from News: Effects of Message Consistency and Medium on Recall and Inference Making (Robert H. Wicks and Dan G. Drew), 68:155-64.
Linking TV Program Orientations and Gratifications: An Experimental Approach (Serena Stanford and Betsy Riccomini), 61:76-82.
Mass Communication Research in Latin America: Views From Here and There (Steven H. Chaffee, Carlos Gomez-Palacio and Everett M. Rogers), 67:1015-1024.
Measuring Agenda Diversity in an Elastic Medium: Candidate Position Papers (Hugh M. Culbertson), 69:938-47.
Media Agenda-Setting with Environmental Issues (Tony Atwater, Michael B. Salwen and Ronald B. Anderson), 62:393-97.
Media Attention, Media Exposure, and Media Effects (Dan Drew and David Weaver), 67:740-48.
Media Gratifications and Choosing A Morning News Program (J. D. Rayburn II, Philip Palmgreen and Tawney Acker), 61:149-56.
Media Reliance and Complexity of Perspective on International Relations (Laura Hendrickson), 66:876-80.
Media Reliance and Public Images of Environmental Politics in Ontario and Michigan (John C. Pierce, Lynette Lee-Sammons, Mary Ann E. Steger and Nicholas P. Lovrich), 67:838-42.
Media Schemata, Information-Processing Strategies, and Audience Assessment of the Informational Value of Quotes and Background in Local News (Eric S. Fredin and Tracy Tabaczynski), 70:801-814.
Meta Analysis of Research on Children and the Media: Atypical Development? (Jeanne M. Meadowcroft and Daniel G. McDonald), 63:474-80.
Motivation and Selective Attention To Political Information Formats (Gina M. Garramone), 62:37-44.
Motivational Models: Replication across Media for Political Campaign Content (Gina M. Garramone), 61:537-41, 691.
Motivations for Viewing “The 700 Club” Robert Abelman), 65:112-18.
Negativism as News Selection Predictor (Robert H. Bohle), 63:789-96.
Newspaper Agenda Setting and Community Expectations (Ardyth Broadrick Sohn), 62:892-97.
Newspaper Credibility and Relationships of Newspaper Journalists to Communities (Cecilie Gaziano and Kristin McGrath), 64:317-28.
Our Future Research Agenda: Confronting Challenges…Or Our Dying Gasp? (Richard F. Carter), 67:282-85.
Perceptions of Opinion “Climates” and Willingness to Discuss the Issue of Abortion (Charles T. Salmon and Kurt Neuwirth), 67:567-77.
Political Discussion and Cognition: A 1988 Look (J. David Kennamer), 67:348-52.
Political Group Viability as Predictor of Media Attitudes (Pamela J. Shoemaker), 61:889-92.
Political Outspokenness: Factors Working Against the Spiral of Silence (Dominic L. Lasorsa), 68:131-40.
Power Prose: The Syntax of Presidential News (Katherine C. McAdams), 67:313-22.
Predicting Voting Behavior Via the Agenda-Setting Tradition (Marilyn S. Roberts), 69:878-92.
Presidential Approval Ratings as a Variable in the Agenda-Building Process (Wayne Wanta), 68:672-79.
Proximity: Localization vs. Distance in PR News Releases (Linda P. Morton and John Warren), 69:1023-28.
Public Opinion About Public Opinion (Carroll J. Glynn and Ronald E. Ostman), 65:299-306.
Public Salience of Foreign Nations (Michael B. Salwen and Frances R. Matera), 69:623-32.
Relation Between Attribution Specificity and Accessibility to News Sources (Mark A. Algraawi and Hugh M. Culbertson), 64:799-804.
Rural and Urban Newspaper Coverage of Wildlife: Conflict, Community and Bureaucracy (Julia B. Corbett), 69:929-37.
Science Stories: Risk, Power, and Perceived Emphasis (Susanna Hornig), 67:767-76.
Social Correlates of Public Attitudes Toward New Communication Technologies (Stephen D. Reese, Pamela J. Shoemaker and Wayne A. Danielson), 63:675-82, 692.
Spanish-Language Print Media Use as an Indicator of Acculturation (Pamela J. Shoemaker, Stephen D. Reese and Wayne A. Danielson), 62:734-40, 762.
The Stability of Media Gratifications (Daniel G. McDonald and Carroll J. Glynn), 61:542-49, 741.
Structures of North-South Informational Flows: An Empirical Test of Galtung’s Theory (William H. Meyer), 68:230-37.
Television ‘Addiction’? An Evaluation of Four Competing Media-Use Models (Seth Finn), 69:422-35.
Three Strategies for Elaborating the Cultivation Hypothesis (W. James Potter), 65:930-39.
TV’s “Instant Analysis” and “Querulous Criticism”: Effects of the 1988 First Bush-Dukakis Debate (Dennis T. Lowry, Janet A. Bridges and Paul A. Barefield), 67:814-25.
Uses and Gratifications Motives as Indicators of Magazine Readership (Gregg A. Payne, Jessica J.H. Severn and David M. Dozier), 65:909-13.
Using Grunig’s Indices to Differentiate Organizational Public Relations Functions (Joey Reagan, Janine Sumner and Scott Hill), 69:181-87.
A View from the Inside: Brainwaves and Television Viewing (William Miller), 62:508-14.
A Within Message Analysis of Communication Behavior (Fiona Chew), 65:634-41.