Submission Process

Journalism & Communication Monographs

Following the practice common for book publication, a scholar must first submit a five to ten page proposal to start the review process.

Although work can be based on previously published articles (full disclosure to the editor is ethically required), accepted manuscripts must be previously unpublished.

The submission procedure is completed in five steps:

  1. Peer review of proposal. A proposal must contain the title and abstract, 3-5 keywords, and seven brief sections: Thesis and Central Argument, Significance of Research, Major Arguments and Premises, Illustration Ideas with Sources, Potential Audience, Qualifications of the Scholar (without identification), and Bibliography.
  2. Accepted proposals receive a deadline for completion of the manuscript. Once submitted, the original proposal reviewers will consider the manuscript.
  3. If the original reviewers advise further revisions (almost always), authors will submit two files: One that answers and/or addresses all of the comments from the reviewers plus the revised manuscript.
  4.  A final publication decision is made and your work will be scheduled for publication.
  5. Authors will work with the editor to secure permissions for any illustrations and help arrange social media publicity for the work.

Start the process. Click here.

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