Resolution Three 2010
Resolution Three: To Recognize and Honor Kappa Tau Alpha, the national college honor society for journalism and mass communication majors, which celebrated its 100th anniversary March 10, 2010
Kappa Tau Alpha, the national college honor society for journalism and mass communication majors, was chartered March 10, 1910. Founded at the University of Missouri, Kappa Tau Alpha is the seventh oldest national honor society.
Whereas, the Society is dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in scholarship, and
Whereas, journalism/mass communication students who are inducted must rank in the top 10 percent of their junior, senior or graduate classes, and
Whereas, more than 66,000 students have been inducted into KTA, and
Whereas, KTA has chapters at 93 colleges and universities.
Whereas, since 1944, KTA has conducted an annual competition for the best research-based book in the field, and,
Whereas, it also co-sponsors the AEJMC/Kappa Tau Alpha Awards Luncheon and presents awards ($1 for every year of KTA’s existence) to AEJMC division student research paper competition winners, among other activities.
Therefore, be it resolved that: the members of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) congratulate and express sincere appreciation to Kappa Tau Alpha as it commemorates its 100th anniversary during 2010.